2� 1 ��4797
<br /> L�AN#: '18'Ifi2�5fiZZ
<br /> �D} "TrusteQ" is Khech�k Langchung!Assistant�antro�ier, 3�� N�r�h Elizabeth Street, 5uite
<br /> 3E,Chicago, !L SOfi�7.
<br /> tE� "MERS" is Mortgage Ele�trvnic Registrat�on Sys�ems, In�. 111IER5 is a separate carpo�ation that�s
<br /> act�ng s�lely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's succ�ssvrs and assigns. �IiERS is fhe b�neficiary
<br /> under�his 5ecurity�nstrument. MERS is arganiz�d and�xisting under the laws o�De�awa�e, and has
<br /> an address and teCephone number of P.�. Box���5, Flint, M� 485�1-2��6, tel. �888}5?9-MERS.
<br /> �F� "Not�" means the promissory note s�gned by Ba��ower and dated July�1, �U'l6.
<br /> The Nvte states that Borrower owes Lender C3NE HUNDREa NINETY TH�lJSAND NINE HUNDRED
<br /> FIFTYAND ND11�U**** �* * ****�***� ***�* ***�**� �* * �* **� * * *** *� * �*� * **� �* �*
<br /> ****�*** � �**** *** �* *******� ***** �* ******� �� � ***� * � �**� * � * *** * **Do�lars
<br /> �U.S. �19Q,95D.�� } plus interest. B�rrower has p�omised tn pay this debt in regu�ar Periodic
<br /> Payments and to pay the debt in �ull n�t iat�r than August'I, 2U45.
<br /> �G} "Property" means the pr�perty �hat is d�sCribed bel�w unde�the heading "Transf�r of Rights in
<br /> the Property."
<br /> �H� "Laan" m�ans th� debt �vid�nced �y the Note, plus interest, any prepaym�nt charges and late
<br /> charges due under the Na�e, and a�! sums due under this Secur�ty instrument, pius inter�st.
<br /> �!� "Riders" m�ans all Riders ta th�s Security lnstrument that are executed by Bor�owe�.The fo��owing
<br /> Riders are to be executed by S�rrower[Check box as applica�le]:
<br /> ❑ Ad�ustab�� Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 5econdHameRider
<br /> ❑ ga�fo�n Rider ❑ P�anned Un�t Development Rider ❑ Dther�s} [specify]
<br /> ❑ 1-4 Family Rider ❑ Biweekly Paymen�Rider
<br /> �❑ V.A. R�der
<br /> 4J� "Applica�le Law" means all controlling applicable federal, stat� �nd laca! �tatu��s, reguiations,
<br /> ardinan��s and adminisfrative rul�s and arders �that have the eff�ct of law} as well as ail appiica�le
<br /> f�nal, non-appealable judic�al opinions.
<br /> ��} "�ommunity Assnciat�on Dues,Fees,and Assessments"means al!dues,fees,assessments and
<br /> other charges#hat are�mposed on Borrawer orthe P�op��ty by a condomin�um assoc�ation,homeawn�rs
<br /> association or simi�ar or�anizati�n.
<br /> tL� "Electrvnic �unds Transfer" means any transfer af funds, o�her than a transact�on orrg�nate� by
<br /> check, draft, or simiEar pape� instrument, whi�h is Eni�iated through an �I�ctronic terminal, t�lephonic
<br /> instrument,computer,ormagnetictape so asta order, instru�t,orau�horize afinan�ia(institution to debit
<br /> vr cr�dit an accaunt. Such term Encfudes, but is not limit�d to, point-of-sal� transfers, autama#ed tel�er
<br /> machin� transactions, trans�ers Eni�iated by tefe�hone, wire transfers, and aut�mated cl�aringhou�e
<br /> transfers.
<br /> �M� "Escrflw�tems" means those items that are des�ribed in 5ecti�n 3.
<br /> tN� "Misce�lan�ous Proceeds"m�ansany campensati�n,set�lem�nt,awar�afdamages,orproceeds
<br /> paid by any third party �oth�r�han insurance proGe�ds pa�d under th� coverages �es�ribed in S�c�ivn
<br /> 5}for: �i} damag�to, �r d�struction vf, th� Proper�y; �ii} condemnati�n or other taking o�ai� ar any pa�t
<br /> of�he Praperty; �iii}�on��yance �n �ieu of condemnatian; or�i�} misrepresenta#ions of, or omissions as
<br /> �o, the va�ue andlor condi�ion of the Property.
<br /> ��} iiMor�gage Insurance" m�ans insuran�� prvtect�ng Lender against the nonpayment of, or de�au�t
<br /> an, the Loan.
<br /> �P} "Periadic Payment"means the�egu�arly schedu�ed amount due for��}principal and interes�under
<br /> the Note, plus �ii} any amounts under Section 3 v�this Security Instrumen#.
<br /> �Q} "RESPA" means the Rea� Estate 5ettiement Pr�cedu�es Act �12 Ll.S.C. §26�� et seq.} and i�s
<br /> implementing regulat�vn, Regu�atian X ��2 �.F.R. Pa�t 't�24}, as they might be amended frnm time to
<br /> time, or any add�tional or succ�sso�1�gislation vr re�uiat�on that governs the sam� subject matter.As
<br /> used in this Security lnstrumen#, "RESPA" refers to all r��uirements and r�str�c�ivns that are impased
<br /> in regard to a"federalfy�elated mortgage loan"even if the Loan does not qua{ify as a"federaily related
<br /> mor�gage �oan" under RESPA.
<br /> �R� "Successor in Interest of Borrower"means any party that has faken title to the Property,wh�the�
<br /> ar not that par#y has assumed Bo�rower's ob�igations under#he No#e andlflr this Security Instrument.
<br /> The beneficiary of this SecurEty Instrument is MERS �solely as namin�� for Lender and Lender's
<br /> suc�essors and assigns} an�1 the successors and assi�ns of MERS. This Secu�ity {nstrument secures
<br /> to L�nder: �i} the repayment of th� Loan, and al� �enewals, �xtensions and madi��cations of the Nvte;
<br /> and �ii} the performance af Borraw�r's co�enants and agreements under this Securi�y lnstrumen� and
<br /> the No�e. F��this �urpas�, Borrower irre�ocably gran�s and con�eys to Trustee, in trust, with awer of
<br /> Initia�s:
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac UNIFURM 1NSTRUIVIENT Form 30�8�1J�'�
<br /> E�lie Mae,Inc. Page 2 af 1� NEEDEED a3�5
<br /> NEEDEED tCLS}
<br /> . . . .
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