. 2� 1 ��4789
<br /> Transfer of the Proper�y ar a Benefi�ia�Intere�t�.n Bvrro�Yer.If al�or any par�of the Prop�r�.y ar any in�eres�
<br /> in i� is s�Id or transferred �or if a beneficia� znterest in Bori-ourer is sold �r �ransferred and Borrov�r��r �s n�� a
<br /> na�ura� person} �vithout L�nder's pr�or written cansent, Lende r may, at i�s op�ion, requ�r� imn�ediate ��a�ment in
<br /> ful� �f aIl sums secur�d by this Se�u.rity �ns�ument. �ovvev�r, this op��on sha�l no� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise�s pr�h�bi�ed by fed�ra:��aw as of�he dat��f�his 5e�u�ity Instrumen�.
<br /> If Lender �xer��ses �his op��om., Lender s�al� g�v� B orrower no�ice �f a�ce�eratian. The no�z�e sha11 pro�r�de a
<br /> periad of na� �ess than th.e minimum number of days �stab�ished b� Applicab�e La�w from the date th� nfl�ice is
<br /> delivered �r m.ailed with.in �vhich B�rrov�rer mus� pay al� suxx�s secur�d by this Securi�y �r�strument. ��f'Borrower
<br /> fails �a pay th�se sums pr�o� ta �he e�pira�ion of th�s peritid, Lender may �nvoke any remedies permft�ted by �h�s
<br /> 5 e curity�ns�rumen��wi�hout fur�:her n��xce�r dernand an B�r��wer.
<br /> Borrfl�ver's l�ight �o Re�nsta�te, rf B�rro�ver meets certa�n conditians, Barrower sha1l have the rig�ht �a ha��
<br /> enforcement of this Securi�y�r�s�-um�n� discontinued a�an�r�i me pri�r�a the ear�zer of: �a} 5 day� �or such a�her
<br /> per�od as App��cab��La�xr may specify far reinsta�ement}beffl3:�e sale of�he Praperty pursuan�t�any pa�,uer af sa�e
<br /> con�ai�.ed �n th�s 5ecur�ty �ns�rumen�; or �b} entry of a ju�gm�n� enforcing thzs Security �ns�r�xmE�nt. Those
<br /> conditi�ns are �ha� B�rraw�r: �a} pays Lender a�l sums wh�.c�� th.en�ou1d be due under �h�s Security:�ns�ru.m.ent
<br /> and the Contract as zf no accele�-a��on had o�curred;�b}cures any defau�t af any other c�venants or agre�:ments;�c}
<br /> pays al1 expenses inc.urr�d in e�.forcirig�his Security�nstrumen�, incl�xding,but no��imzted to,re�.sanable,attarneys'
<br /> fees�o the ���eri�permi�ted�y laW; and �d} �akes such actiori as Lender may reasona��y re�uir�to assL�re that�he
<br /> �ien of this Security�ns�rum�nt, Lender's righ�s in�he Proper�T and B�rrovver's�bligation to pa��he surr�s secured
<br /> by th�s 5ecurity Ins�rurnent shall con�inue unchanged. Upon xe�.nsta��men� by Borrawer, this �ecurit� :Instrument
<br /> and �he ab��gat�ons seCured hereby shal� r�main fu�ly effec�iv� as if na acceleration had occur�ed. Ha�uever, �his
<br /> right t�reinstate sha�1 not app�y�xn the case of ac�eleratYan uncler�e sec�ian titled Transfer of thQ Pr���erty ar a
<br /> �ene��fa�Inter�st�n I3orr�wrr.
<br /> Hazar�ou�Sub�tan�es.Borrov5rer shal�n��cau�e ar permi�.t�ie presence,use, dxspasal, st�rage, ar release of any
<br /> Hazard�us 5ubs�ances on or in�the Praperty.Borro�ver shall nc}t do,rnar a��ovtr anyone else to da�anyt�iing affec��ng
<br /> �he Property�hat zs in vio�ation of any Environmental Lavv. 'I'he pr�ceding �wo sentences shall not a��ply to �he
<br /> presence,use,Qr sta�age on�he Prapert�r of sma1l quantities of Hazard�us Subst.ances tha�are genera��y�•ecagnized
<br /> �o�e appropria�e�o n�rma�resic�en�ial uses and��mazntenanC��af the Proper�y.
<br /> Borro�v4rer sha11 promp�ly give Len�ler writ��n n�t�c�of any invws�iga�i�n,cla�m,demand,lavvsui��r o�he��ac��an by
<br /> any governmeri�al or regula�.ory agency �r priva�e party invol�ing �h� Property an�. any Hazardaus SUbsta.nce or
<br /> Enviro�ment.a.I Law af which Barrourer has actual knovvl�dge. If B orrovver ��arns, or is no��f e:d by any
<br /> governmenta� or regulatory au�harity, that�r�y removal�r o�h�r remediation of any Hazardaus Substance aff�cting
<br /> �he Property is ne�essary, Borravver sha�l promptly take all necessary rem.edial ac�zans �n accQrd.ance wi�h
<br /> ��v�zo�.m,e��a.��,aw.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Ha�ardous 5ubstances" are �hose �ubsta��es defxned as tox�c or ha�ard�us substances
<br /> by Environmenta� Lavv and th� fal�owing subs�ances: gasoli ne, kerosene, other flammab�e or ��x�c pe�ro�eu.m
<br /> produc�s, �ox�c pestici�es a�d herbic�des, volati�e 5Q1V�n�5, rr�a�eria�s con�aining asbes��s ar �'orm�ld�,hyd�e, and
<br /> radiaactive ma�eria�s. As used in th�s paragraph, "Envir�nmen�:al Lavv" means federal�avvs and�aws af the state of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate to hea��h,s�.fety or envirnnmen�al protec�i�an.
<br /> Acce�.erat�on; Remedie5. I�ender sha�� give n��ice to Bvrr��v�ver �r�or tfl acce�eration foY�vwin� Borrflwer's
<br /> breacY�of any covenant ar agneement in th�s S�ecurity Instrurnent�r the C�ntrac�under v��hich a���eleration
<br /> is perr�it�ed �hut no�pr�vr ta a�celeration under the �ectii�n ��tl�d Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cial
<br /> Intere�t�n Bflrrovv�r, un�ess A►.ppli��abie Lavv prov�des v�h erwi5e�. The nn�ice shall specif�: �a� th e default;
<br /> �b} the ac�fon required t� c:ure the default; �c} a date, nvt les5 than the m�n�mum numbe�r of days
<br /> established by Applicabl��Layv from�he date the notice�is��Yven�o B�rrower,by vvhich the de�'au��t mu5t be
<br /> cured; and �d} tha� failur� ta� cure the default Qn or before th� date speczf�ed �n the not�ce may r�sult in
<br /> a�celera�i�n �f �h� sums se�ured by thi5 Securi�y Ins�r��ment a�d sa�.e �f �he Property. To t:he exten�
<br /> perm�itted by�a�v, �he no�i�e 5ha��fur�her�nform Bnrrow��r �f th�right ta re�n5tate after acc�Ier�a�Yon and
<br /> the right to bring a evurt act�+an to asser�the non�exist�nce Qf a defau��or any other defen�e of Bvrrovver t�
<br /> accelerati�n and sa�e. If the d�efaul�is n�t cur�d on or bef��re the date specified�n the notice,Ler�der at�ts
<br /> vpt�on may requir� immedxate payment in full vf al.� �uzns se�ured �y this Security In�trum.en:t v�v�.�hout
<br /> further de�nand and may�n�vke the p��er of sale and a�r�y other remedies permit�ed by Appl�c�abl.� Layv,
<br /> To the ex��n� permit�ed by l�yv, Lender sha�l �e ent�t�ed to co�I�ct ail expenses incurred in pu�-su�ng the
<br /> remed�es prov�ded�n �his �ection,in�I.ud�ng,�ut nv��imit�1d�n, ��a�Qnable attorneys' fee� and costs of�xt�.e
<br /> eviden�e. � �
<br /> If the pow�r vf sal��s�nvoked, Trustee shall,re�ord a noti�ye of defau���n ea�h caunty in�hich a7�y part�f
<br /> the Property�s �o�ated and s�i�a��mail ��pies of su�h notice in �h� manner pres�rfbed by App���ab�e Law t�
<br /> Borro`�er and to the o�her �+�rsflr�s pres�ribe� by App�i.ca:��e L�w. After the time r�qu�red by .��pp��Cab�e
<br /> Law, 'Trustee sha�l give pub��c notic� uf sale to �he perso ns and �n the mannQr prescrib�d by A�ppi�cab��
<br /> Lavv.Trustee,wi�h�u� demand on Bvrr�wer, �hall sel�the Prvp�r�y a�pub�i� au��i�n�o t�e h�ghE�st bidder
<br /> at the�me and�lace an�wnder�he terms designa�ed in th�Y not�ce af sa�e in�ne or�nore parce�s and in any
<br /> order Tru�tee deternun�sv Trustee ma� past�one sa�.e of all �r any parce� vf the Pr�perty �by pu�Iic
<br /> announcement at�h�ti�me and place�f any previously sch�;du�ec��a�ee Lender or it5 desigr�ee may purchase
<br /> the Property�.t an�sale.
<br /> T,Jpon rece�pt �f paymen� �f t�he pr�ce b�d, Trus�ee �ha�l d�zliver t� th�purchaser Trustee`s de�d +Yonveying
<br /> the Prnperty.Tk�e recitals in the Truste�'s de�d shall be pr�ima f�c�e evidence af the tru�h vf�he statemen�5
<br /> �244�-ZOl 5 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.8C54-9E5A-2415,11,3.IOg8
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instr�ment�3L2�3� Page 4�f S www.cvmpliancesystems.com
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