2� 1 ��47�5
<br /> �EED �F TRUST
<br /> ����tir��ed} Page 5
<br /> �ther De�aults. Borrvwer or Trustar�ails to comply with ar�a perform any vther term, �bligatian, cv�enanf or
<br /> cvndi�ian con�ained in�his Deed �f Trust or in any vf�he Related Dc�cuments or t❑ cnmply with or t❑ perfvrm any
<br /> term, vbl�ga�ion, co�enan#or condifiivn con�ained in any ather agreement b��ween Lender and Bvrrawe�-�r Trus�or.
<br /> Camp�iance DefauCt. Failure fo campfy with any o�her �erm, ohligation, co�enant �r condi��on contained in this
<br /> Deed of Trust,the Not�or in any of the F:ela�ed❑vcuments.
<br /> Defaul�on�#her Paymen#s. Failure of Trusfor wi#h in �he t�me requ;red by th is Deed of Trust�o make any paym�nt
<br /> far taxes vr insurance, ar any o�her payment necessary�a prevent filing o�or to effect discha�-ge o�any lien.
<br /> Defaul� in Favor vf Third Parties. 5hauld Barrower Qr any �ranto� default under any ioan, extension of �re�i�,
<br /> s��urity agreement, purchase or sales agreement, ar any other agre�ment, in fa�or of any other�reditvr or persQn
<br /> �ha� may materia�ly affi�ct any a€ Barrawer's ar any Grantor's property ar Bor�awer"s ability to repay �he
<br /> �ndebtedness vr Bvrrower's vr Grantvr's ability ta perforrn �heir respecti�e obfigations under this Deed vf Trus�or
<br /> any of th�Related Documents.
<br /> False Sta�ements, Any warranty, represen�ation or stafemen�made or furnished tv Lender by Borrawer vr Trus�ar
<br /> or an Bv�rower's ar Trust�r's behaff under#his Deed of Trus��r the Related Documen�s �s �alse ar mis#eading in
<br /> any material respect, either nr�w or at the tfine made �r furnished or be�vmes fa�se or misleading at any time
<br /> thereafter.
<br /> ❑efecf��e Cvllateralization. This Deed ❑fi Trust or any of the Related Documents ceases #a be in fu�� force and
<br /> e�fe�t {including failure n�any cvllateral document to create a valid and Qertected securi�y int�res#or lien} at any
<br /> time and fvr any reas�n.
<br /> Death or Insolvency. The dissolution or terminatinn vf Borrawer's ar Trusfor's exisfence as a going busin�ss, the
<br /> insvlvency vf gorrower or Trusto�-, �h� appaintment o�a receiWe�for any par�af Borrower's or Trus�or's property,
<br /> any assignment for the benefit vf creditors, any type of creditar workout, ❑r the commencem�nt af any proceeding
<br /> unde�-any bankruptcy or insvf�ency laws by or against gorrvwer ar Trustor.
<br /> Cr�di�a�- or For�e��ure Prnceedings. Comrnencernen� of�areclvsure or farfeitur� proceedings, whether hy jud�cial
<br /> prviceeding, self hefp, repflssession or any �ther methnd, by any creditor af 6orr4wer ar Trusfor ar by any
<br /> g��ernmental agency against any prope�y securing the indeb�edness. This inciud�s a garnishment ofi any of
<br /> Borrvwer's ❑r Trus�ar"s accaunts, in�[uding depvsit aGcounts, wi�h Lender. However, this Even� af Defaul� shall
<br /> not apply if fihere is a good �aith dispute by Bo�rawer or Trustvr as�o the �alidity or reasflnab�eness o�F fihe c�aim
<br /> which is the basis vf the creditar ar forFeiture proceeding and if Bvrrawer or Trustor gi�es Lender written n��i�e af
<br /> the cr�di#or vr forteiture proceed€ng and depvsits with Lender mon�es ar a surety bond for the credifar or�arfeiture
<br /> prviceeding,in an amoun�determined by Lender, in its so�e discretion,as be�ng an adequate reserve or bond far the
<br /> dispute.
<br /> Brea�h of�ther Agreemen�. Any brea�h by Borrvwer or Trustor under�he terms❑f any v�her agreemen�hetween
<br /> Borrower vr Tr-ustar and Lender fhaf is n�t remed�ed within any gra�e periad pro���ed therein, inciuding withou�
<br /> limitation any agreement conc�rning any indebtedness ❑r afher ❑bligat�on of Barrawer �r Trus�nr t❑ Lender,
<br /> whe�her existing now�r fater.
<br /> Evenfs Affecting Guarantor. Any o��h� preceding e�ents aG�urs wi�h respect ta any Guarantor of any of tf�e
<br /> inde�tedness or any Guaran�or dies or becvmes in�ompetent, vr revo�es or disputes the �alidity of, vr [iabili�y
<br /> under, any Guaranty❑��he lndeb�edness.
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A material ad�erse chang� o�curs in Barrawer�5 d!" Trustar's f€nanciaf conditiQn, ar Lender
<br /> bel�e�es the praspect of payment or performance of�he�ndeb�edness is impaired.
<br /> lnsecuri#y. Lender in good fiaith believes itsel�insecure.
<br /> Existing fnde�#edness. The payment of any instalfinent of principal or any interest an�he Existing lndehtedness us
<br /> nat made within the time requEred by the prvmissory n�te er�idencing such indebtedness, or a defau�t occurs under
<br /> �he instrumen�securing such ind�btedness and is n�t�ured during any applicable grace period in such instrument,
<br /> or any su��vr other actian i�commenced tv for�e�[ose any existing iien an�he Proper-ty.
<br /> RlGHTS AN D REMEaIES �N DEFALILT. ff an Event af Default occurs under�his Deed of Trust, af any time therea�ter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one o€�more of�he�ol�ow�ng rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceleratian Upon Defaul�; Additional Remedies. if any E�en�of Defau��occurs as per the fierms vf the Nvte
<br /> secured hereby,Lender may deGlare alf lndeb�e�ness secured by this Deed of Trus��o be due and payabfe and
<br /> the same shall�hereupon become due and payable with�u�any p�esentment,demand,protest or nvfiice of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in pe�n vr by agent, with vr with�u� bringing any actEvn or proceeding, or by a recei��r
<br /> appain�ed by a�aur�and without regard tv the adequacy of its securifiy, enter upan and take possession
<br /> a�F�he Praperty, or any parfi thereo�, in i�s�wn name❑r in�he name�f Trus�ee, and do any ac�s which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable�o preserve the�alue, marketab�li�y or rentabi�ity of fih� Praperly,o�-part af
<br /> the Property or interes�t in the Properky; increase the income from the Prvperty or protec��he security of
<br /> �he Property; and, with or withaut taking poss�ssion of�he Property, sue for or ofh�rwise coflec� th�
<br /> rents, issues and profits a��he Proper�y, in�luding th�se past due and unpaid, and app�y the same, 1P��
<br /> costs and expenses of operatian and col�ec�ion attorneys'�ees,�o any indeb�edness se�ured hy fihis C)ee�i
<br /> o�Trus�, afl in su�h order as Lender may determine. The entering u�on and taking possession af�h�
<br /> Praperiy, the col�ectian Qf such r�nts, issues and profts, and the appiicati�n thereof sha�� no� cure ar
<br /> wai�e any de�aul�vr no�ice of default under this Deed of Trust or in�a�idate any act done in respanse to
<br /> su�h defau�t ar pursuan-�to such notiCe of default;and, notwiths�anding fihe con�inu�nc�in possession a�f
<br /> the Property or�he collection, re�eipt and appl�cation of rents, issues vr prafts, Trustee or Lender shalf
<br /> be en#itled to exercise e�ery right provided for in�he Note or�he Rela�ed Dacum�nts ar by!aw upon the
<br /> a�currence of any e�ent o�de�au�t, in�luding the right�o exe�-ase the power�f sale;
<br /> �b} Commence an ac�i on to forec�ose th is Deed o�T�-us�as a mar�gage, appai nt a re�ei�er o�spe�if ca�ly
<br /> �n�orce any of th��o�enants h�re�f; and
<br /> �G} Deli�er to Trustee a written declaration of de�ault and demand for sal�and a written natice a�default
<br /> and�lection to eause Trustor's interest in fhe Property�o be sold,which notice Trustee shall cause to be
<br /> dufy filed far recvrd in the apprQpriate affices of�he Caunty in which the Prop�rty is lo�ated;and
<br /> (d) �IVith respec�to all or any part o�F the Personal Pr�per�y, Lender sha�l ha�e alI the rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under fhe Nebraska Uni�vrm Gomr�ercia�Code.
<br /> Fvreclosure by Power o�5ale, if Lender elects to fivrec�ase by exercis�a�the Power of Sale here�n conta�ned,
<br /> Lender shall notity Trus#ee and shall depasi#with Trustse this Deed of Trust and the frlote and such �eceipts
<br /> and e�idenae af expenditures mad�and secured by this Deed of Trust as Tn.�sfiee may require.
<br /> �a} lJpan receipt af su�h notice fram Lender,Trust�e sha�f cause fo be recarded, published and deli�erec�
<br /> tv Trustor such 1Votice of Default and Notice of 5ale as then requ�red by law and by this Deed af T�-ust.
<br /> Trus�ee shalf, vvithou� demand on Trust��-, a�te� such time as may th�n be required by !aw and afte�r
<br /> recordation o�such hlvtice of❑efauft and affier No�ice of Sa�e ha�ing been given as requ�red by law, self
<br />