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(SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE) <br />73 C1 el <br />rn 21. <br />c n <br />=rD <br />rn_• <br />c. <br />a <br />AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Charles W. Hastings, Dunmire, Fisher & Hastings, P.O. Box 1044, Hastings, NE 68902 <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED OF DISTRIBUTION <br />SCOTT C. MORROW, CHERYL L. MORROW, and DAWN MORROW NOWKA <br />Successor Co- Trustees of the Morrow Family Trust and Successor Co- Trustees of the Morrow <br />Bypass B Trust, GRANTORS, in consideration of the distribution of said Trusts, convey to <br />SCOTT C. MORROW, CHERYL L. MORROW and DAWN MORROW NOWKA, <br />GRANTEES, all of GRANTORS' interest in the following described real estate (as defined in <br />NEB. REV. STAT. §76 -201): <br />Lots Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16) on Island, in Section <br />One (1), Township Nine (9) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6 P.M., Hall <br />County, NE, together with all accretion land to date along the North and West of <br />said property, consisting of 16 acres, more or less, and all accretion land, if any, to <br />date along the South of said property; EXCEPT part of Lot Fifteen (15) on Island <br />in the Southeast Quarter (SE /4) of Section One (1), Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point Four Hundred Forty-Five <br />and Thirty -Four Hundredths (445.34) feet North of the Southeast (SE) Corner of <br />said Section One (1), said point to be the meander corner along the north bank of <br />the main channel of the Platte River, thence continuing north 0° 00' on the easterly <br />line of said Section One (1) a distance of Five Hundred Thirty and Twenty -Seven <br />Hundredths (530.27) feet; thence southwesterly 57° 51' 36" along the northerly <br />right of way of county road a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Five <br />and Seventy -One Hundredths (1345.71) feet, to a point on the southerly line of said <br />Lot Fifteen (15) on Island, then southeasterly 88 °15' 36" a distance of Fifty -Three <br />and Fifty -Eight Hundredths (53.58) feet to a point being the meander comer along <br />the north bank of the Platte River; thence northeasterly 80° 12' 59.2" a distance of <br />One Thousand One Hundred One and Ninety -Six Hundredths (1101.96) feet to the <br />point of beginning and containing 7.071 acres more or less, plus all accretions <br />thereto. / /' <br />Executed : Cel , 2016. <br />m <br />—1 <br />rrt <br />ry rn <br />Q) <br />—t <br />cri m <br />rn <br />oo <br />1(C1 <br />