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<br /> 1. The Qty of Grand Island, Nebraska, by. action of its City Council on November
<br /> 6, 1989, enacted Ordinanca No. ?599 which dlrected the conveyance of the real estate
<br /> .
<br /> described below aad the manner and terms thereof. �
<br /> . 2. Ordinance No. 7599 was published in the Grand Island Daily Independent
<br /> according to law, and nodce of such sale and the terms thereof was published in the
<br /> Grand Island D�►ily Independent, a newspapar gublished in and of general circulation in
<br /> Grand Island, Hall Cuunty, Nebraska, for three cansecutive weeks, on November 14,
<br /> Nwember 21, and November 28, 1989, all as reyuired by Section 16-202, R.R.S. 1943, as
<br /> amended
<br /> ' 3. No remonstrance against such sale was fil�d with the City Council of the City of
<br /> ' / Grand Island, Hall Cownty, Nebraska, within thirty days of the passage and publication of
<br /> ' Ordinance No. 7599.
<br /> , �
<br /> 4. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 7599 provides that if no remonstrance is filed asainst
<br /> j such conveyance, tl�e A+Iayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, and deliver to THOMAS : ;
<br /> M.ATKINS, SR., and LINDA J. ATKINS, husband and wife, a deed for said raal estate, .; :
<br /> { aad the racecution of sueh deed is hereby authorized without furthcr �ction on behalf of �'
<br /> .;�,�
<br /> � 3
<br /> the City Cowncil. ;:::�
<br /> `• municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, as Grantor, in consideratian of One :
<br /> - � T'hausand Seven Hundred Fifiy Dollars (51,750.00) received from the Grau�ees, does
<br /> ; hereby grant, bazgain, sell, convey, and confum unto �_
<br /> � � .
<br /> � THOMAS M. ATKINS, Sr., and LINDA J. ATKINS, �
<br /> i �
<br /> husband and wife, as joint tenants, with right of survivorship, the following described real
<br /> ! estate: �
<br /> � .
<br /> ! A part of the Southwest Quarter (SW�/.) of Section One (1), ;'�
<br /> � Township Eleven(11) North, Range Ten (]0) Mest of the 6th
<br /> P.M. in Hall Coun Nebras �� =-
<br /> � , ty, ka,more particularly described as , ,
<br /> follows: Beginning at a point in the Northwest corner of the � �`,
<br /> ; Southwest Quarter (SW�/.) of said Section One (1); thence � -
<br /> East for a distance of 133 feet on the North boundary of said
<br /> Quarter Section; thence S�outh for a distance of 100 feet
<br /> para�lel with the West boundary of said Section; thence Wesi
<br /> : for a distance of 133 feet on a line parallel with the North
<br /> ' bau�nedary; thence North for a distanc� of 100 feet to the point
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