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Y ' <br /> x <br /> 2� 1 ��4747 <br /> L�oan No: OU007G6055 Data ZD: 7U6 <br /> the rea! pr�perty descri�ed bein� set forth as f�llows: <br /> 5EE LE�3AL DESCRTP'T`[ON ATTACHED HERETD ANI3 MADE A PART HEREDF <br /> In consideration�f the mu�ual pramises and agreements ex�hanged,the�arties hereto agree as follows <br /> �notwithstanding anything to the contrary contalned in the Note or SeCur�ty Instrument}: <br /> I. As af June 1,201d, the amoun� pa�rable under the 1�Tote and the Security Instrument �the"Unpaid <br /> Princi al Balance" is U.S. 14[� 3.43 consistin of th� un aid amount s loaned to Bflrrawer <br /> p } $ ��� , g . . p t � <br /> by Lender p�us any �nterest and ather amaunts capitalized. <br /> Z. Borrowcr pramiscs to pay �hc Unpaid Principal Balancc, plus intcrest, t� �hc ordcr of Lcndcr. <br /> Interest wi11 be charged on the Unpaid Priin.cipal Balaaee at the��early rate of 4.a[lD%, frorn June <br /> 1 2�16. Borrawcr romYscs to makc mo�.thl pa cnts af r�nc1 al and �ntcrest of U,S. $556.17 <br /> be innin on the �rst da ❑f Jul 2�16 anr� cantinuin Pthereaf�er on the same day of ea�h <br /> � 'g � ci al and interest are aid ugi full. The earl rate of 4.�D0°lo wil1 <br /> succeed�ng mnnth untxl �r�n p .p y y <br /> rernarn �n effect until r�nc� al and interest are a�d rn full. <br /> P p � <br /> If❑n June 1, 204d �the "Ma�uri ty Da�e"�, Borrnwer s l.iil owes amo un�s unde�r t�he No�e and i.he <br /> Security Instrument, as amended by th�s Agreement, Borrower will pay Chese amounts in full on <br /> ihe Ma�uri�� Date. <br /> 3. If al! or ariy part of the Property or any �nterest in the Property is svid or transferred �nr �f <br /> Borrawer is not a natural person and a beneficia� interest in Borrower �s sold ar transferred� <br /> withaux L,ender's prior written cons�nt, Lender may require immediate payrnent rn full of a]1 sums <br /> secured by this Security instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this o tion,Lender shall give Borrower n�tice of acceleratiQn. The notice shall <br /> ro�ide a eriod of not �ess than 30 da s from the date the notice is deli�ered or mai�ed with�n <br /> p Q owc must a a11 sums sccurcd b thc Sccuri Instrumcnt. If Borrowcr fails �o pa <br /> wh�ch B rr r <br /> F y y nder ma in�oke an remedies rmittecT by <br /> these sums prior ta the expira�ron of thls perlod, Le y y pe y <br /> th� S�curYt� �z�strument w��hout further nvti�e or demand on Borrower. <br /> L�AN MflDIF1CAT�LIN A�FtEE�IENT�5ing�e Family� Fannie Mee Uniform Instrument <br /> Re►►ised by llAiddleberg Rlddle Grflup Form 3179 �ID1 �rev. �4J14) {Page 2 of 8 Pages) <br />