2� 1 ��4744
<br /> Transfer�f th�IProper�;gr�r� T�en+�fi��al In��r�st in ��rrawver. �f a�l or any par�of�the Praperty ar any�nterest
<br /> in it is so��� or �r�ansferred �ar i f a ��eneficia� i��erest in B�rrovver i.s soid or transferred and B�rror�ver is not a
<br /> na�ural person� �uithout �.�ender`s pr��or �vritten c�nsent, L�nder �ay, a� i�s option, requ�r� �mmedia�e payment �n
<br /> fui� of a1l sums .�ecured by �his Ser.uri� Ins�.rulnen�. Ho��rever, �hi� ap�i�n shal� nat be ex�rcised by Lender if
<br /> exerc�se is pr�h�b�i�ed by�-edera�lav�as of�he dat��f�h�s S�curity Instrumen�.
<br /> �f I�ender e�erc���es this �ptian, Ler�der s�ha�1 gi�e Barr��ver n��ice of a�ce�erati�n. The n�t�ce s��a�I pra�ride a
<br /> periad af n�� les�� than t��e minimur� number af days es�ahiis��ed by Applicab�e Law f'rom �he date �he noti�e is
<br /> deli�ered or mai�:e�. v���h3�n vvhich B,arrower r�ust pay ai� sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen�. �f Barro�er
<br /> fai�s t� pay these sums p:rior ta th� ��xpira���r� �t�:his peri�d, Lende� may invoke any r�m�dies perm�t�ed by t�is
<br /> Securifiy In�trum�:n�withc�u�fur�her n.o�ice�r demand on Borr�w�r.
<br /> B�rro�ver�� RigIh� t� I��ins�a�e. �f Bor�awer i�eets �ert�.in conditi�ns, �ot-r�wer s1��ll ha�e the right �o ha�e
<br /> enforcemen� of���is S�cu�-ity �ns�i u�ent discon�inued at any tizne pr�ar t❑th� ear�ier a�f: �a� � days �or such other
<br /> periad as A.ppli���ble Lav�r�ay speci�`y for reirista�em�nt���fore sa�e of the Praperty p��r�uan�to any p�vv�r of sale
<br /> canta�ned �n �hi�► Securi�iy �nstrum�n�; or ��} �n�iy of � judgmen� enforcing th�s����cu�i�y �nstrumenfi. Those
<br /> cnndi�ians are th�a� Borrov�rer: �a� pa:�s Lender a�� sum.s which �hen v�r�u�d be due un�ier this Security Instrument
<br /> and!he Car��ract as�f nQ acce�era�ian had occurr�d;�b}�ures ar�y def�au��af any other c�venan�s or agr�ements;�c}
<br /> pays al�expenses i�cu�red�r��enforc��g th�s Securi�ty rnst�-u�nent,inciud�ng,but n���i�i�e�.to,r�asonable attorneys'
<br /> fees to the e��en� permit���d by law; and�d��akes such ac��on as Len.der may reasonab�y requ�re�fl assure that the
<br /> lien of�his Secur�ty�ns�r���men�, Len+�er's r�ghts in the Pro�ert�and�3orr�wer's�bliga�-io���pay th� su�ns se�ured
<br /> by this Securi�y :[nstrument shall continue unchanged. C.�p�n reinsta�ement by Borrower, this Security Ins�rumen�
<br /> and�he ob�igatio�s secured hereb� shalY �emain fully effe��ive as if n� accel�ratian had ���urred. However, th�s
<br /> r�ght��reins�a�e shail n��:app�y in tr�e�ase�f a��elera�ion under�he sec���n titled Tra��fer�f�he Prop�rty a�-a
<br /> l�en�ficial In��r��s�in ��rrvvver.
<br /> I�a�ardau� �u���ta��es. Borro�er��a�l nat�ause �r per�r��th�presence,use, d�sposc�l, storage, or release�f any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�E�.nces on or in the P�-�perry.Lorrovver sha��no�d�,n.or a�low�n}rone else�o da,anyth�ng affe�ting
<br /> �h� Pr�perty that is xn vi�Iati�n �f�.ny Enviro���nental Law. The precedi-ng t�o sen�€;n�es shall no� appiy �a the
<br /> presence,us�, or starage{an�he Prop�r�y of sma�1 quan����es of Ha�ar�aus Substances�1��.�are generall�rec�gn�2ed
<br /> to be appra�priate to narmal resident�al uses and�a mainten�nce of�he Property.
<br /> Barr�wer sha�l p���mptly gi�e Lende:�-v�ri�:��a n�tic�of any in�es��gati��,claim,dern.anf�, �awsuit or a�her a��i�n by
<br /> any g��erra�nen�a:i ar reg�u�a�ory age�ncy or pr�v��e pa�-�y in�ol�i�7g t��� Praperty and any �a�ardous Substance or
<br /> En�iranmen�al I1av�r �f v�vhich Barr�v�er �a.s ac�ua� �Z��v�edge. If B�rravc�er lea��.s, �r �s not�f�ed b� any
<br /> governmen�al or regu�at��y auth�rat��,�hat any r�rr�o�al or��her rem�diatian of any�a2ardaus Substance affe�tinb
<br /> �he Proper�y is necessa�y, �orrovver sha�l pr�mpt�y �:a�e al� nec�ssary remedra� �����ons ir� acc�rdan�e wi�h
<br /> En�ironmen�al L�.w.
<br /> As used in th�s p�ragraph, "Hazarda�us Substan�es" are tl�ose su�sta��ces c�ef�ned as to�i� �r�a�ardous subs�ances
<br /> by En�irar�me����l Law and �he fo��aw�ng subs�ances: gdsoline, k�r�sene, o�.her f�a�n�nabl� nr t�x�C petro�eum
<br /> produ��s, t�o�ic ��es��c�de�� and herb�f�ides, vola���e so�wen�s, ma�er��.�s �antair�ing asbes��s ar f�rmaid�hyde, and
<br /> radioacti�e mate�-ials.As used�n th�s paragrap��, "EnWir�n�nen�al La�v"means federal�avvs�nd la�nrs af�he s�a�e af
<br /> Nebraska��a�re��.te�o h�a1�h,safe�y or en�iron�nenta�pro��c�i�n.
<br /> Acc�lerati�on; R�medies. �L�nder s�all g�ve r�t����e �o ��rr�wer �r�o�- �o �cce��rati�n fol�aw�ng Borrower's
<br /> �r��ch af�any cove��nt�r ag�•e��n��t in �hi��ecuri�y Ins�rumer���a�the Ca�tract u�der vvhich ac�e��ration
<br /> is perm�ttec� ��w� �ao�pr•��r�❑ a�c�l�ra�ion u�d�r the s������. �it��;d 'I�'r�.n��er�f t���r��er��or a Be�e�cial
<br /> �n�ere�t in Borr�o�v�r, �����ss App�u���le ]L�w p�-�vides a�h�rvvis�}. �I`he n��ice sh�ti�� specif�: �a� �he def�ul�;
<br /> �b} �he ac�i�n require� �n cure �he defau�t; {c) a d��e, no� iess �han the mi�in�um �umber of days
<br /> estab�ishet� �y A��aplica����aw f�ra�m �ne dat��he no��c� is gi�en �t� ��r�nwer, b���ich�he def�ult must be
<br /> Cur�d; and �d} =��at fa�Iure �o cur� �he defau�� �n �r ��far� th� date s��ci��d i» �he n�t�c� may r�sul� in
<br /> acc�leration of the sur�r�� se�ured b� this ��curi�y Ins�rurn�r�t ��d. sa�� af �he 1'roper�y. To the e��en�
<br /> p�rmit�ed by �a��v, �he nofiice shail furth�r �nform �or�°av►��r af���e r�ght t� reinsf��e af�er acc��eration and
<br /> �l�e�igh���bring a caurr�actio�to�assert th��an-exis���cQ af a c�efaul�ar any uti���r defen�e af�orr�wer t❑
<br /> acc�lera��on anc� s���. I3��he defau�t is not cure� an or b�fare the date specified in tii�no�ice, Lende�r at i�s
<br /> op�i�� may re��ir� immed��t� p�yme�t in f��l �f ��� �un�s s�cured b� �his Se��ur�t� ��stru�e�n� v�vi�hou�
<br /> f��-�her demand and m�y in�voke i�he power of�a�� ar�d �uy ath�er reme�ies p�rnni�ted by Applica�Ie �aw.
<br /> T� th� ex�:en� p���nitted l�y law, ]Lender s��l1 be �n�i��ed �v co��ect �l� �xp�nses ��acurred in pursuing the
<br /> r�m�die� pro�i�led in ��i� Sec���n, ���cl��da��� �u� n€�t l���ited to, :reasona��e a�tor���ys' f�es and �os�s of t�t�e
<br /> evid�nce.
<br /> �f the pa�ver af:�ale is i���vQked, Tr�stee sh��� record a ��ti�e of��efau�t ��� �a�h �ctunty in �vh�ch any part of
<br /> the�ruperty is ;loc�te�i and sha�� �na�i copie��f such nr���ce �n tl��e manner presGrib�d b�Applicable La�ta
<br /> Bor�ower and fo th� o#:��r pers���s prescribed b� Applica��e �L:�w. After �the tin�� re�u�red by .Applicab�e
<br /> Law, T�-u��ee sl�al� giv� pub��c no��ice �f sa�� �v th� p��~son� anr� in �he manner pr��cr�be� by Applicable
<br /> Law. Trustee, �►��t��out��mand an Bar�o��r,shali se�l�he Prnp�rty at pub�ic au���ion t�the highes�bidder
<br /> at�he�ime and :place arn�. under t����ern�s d�s�gnated i��h�no�i�e❑f sa�e in fln�ar m�r�parcel�and in any
<br /> order Tr�stee �eter��i�n�s. Trust+e� rr�ay p�stpone s��� of al� E�r a�y parcei of the Pr�perty by pubZ�c
<br /> announ�errtent��t t�e�ir�e���d place�f any p�-ev�ausly��hedule�. sa�e.Lender or��s d�s�gnee m�y purchase
<br /> th�1'rape�-�y at�r�y sa��.
<br /> U��n receip� of payr�ae��� of�h� pr�ce bid, rT�-�s�ee s�a�� deli�er �� �he p�rchaser '�`ru5te�'s �e�d con��ying
<br /> �he Proper�y. T;he re��t,��� in �he Tr�as�e�'s deed sha�l b� pr�n�a f�ci� ��id�n�e of th�t�-u�h �f�h�sta�ernents
<br /> tQ 20Q4-ZO�5 Co�t3piianc�Systenis,In�.8C54-4845-201 S.l 1.3.�D98
<br /> Cons��3ner Real Estate-5ecurfty�i�str�ment DL203G Pa�e 4 nf 5 www.�arnptiancesystems.com
<br />