2� 1 ��4744
<br /> lPaymen�a�Pr�r���p�i a��d��terest; Clther-+Ch�r��s.Barrovver shail promptly pay wrten due�he prin��pa�of and
<br /> in�eres�on�he de��ovved u�der the��ntract and.�a�e charges ar any o�her f�es ar�d c�iar�es due under the�on�act.
<br /> Applicable ]L�w� As used �n �his �ecurity �ns�rumen�, ��e �erm ".�4pplicabie La�v" �hal� mean a11 can�ra�l�ng
<br /> appli�abie federa�, stat� and �acal st��u�es, regu�ations, ordina�ces a��d adr�inis�ra��ve rules and orders �tha�have
<br /> �he eff�Gt��law�as well as aIl a�p�icable f�na�,non-a�pea�able�udici.al��inions.
<br /> Charges; L�ens. B��-ra�er sh�.l� pa.y ail taxes, assessme�.ts, charg�s, fin�s and imp�s�tians attribu�table �o �he
<br /> Praper�y w��ich rr�ay a��ain p�-iori�.���er���is Se�uri�y�ns�rumer��, an�� leasehald payme.n�s or ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> At the�equ�s�of Lender, Borrower s�ha�l pr�m.ptly furnis���a Le�der receipts e�v�denciri�the paymen�s.
<br /> B�r��wer s�aa�� promptl� discha�-ge a�y l�e��hich has pr��ri�y��er�his Security Instr�u�ent unless Bflrrov�er: �a}
<br /> agrees �n �r�tinb �o �he pa�ment o���e �b�iga��on se�ur�d by the Iien in a �na�ner accep�ab�e �� Lender; �b}
<br /> contes�s in good fa��h �h� lien by, or defends aga�ns� �nf�rcement c�f the lien �n, �ega:l pr�ceedings �vhich in �he
<br /> Lender's �pinian opera�e ta prevent the enforcem�nt of th� I�en; �r �c} secures �ro�� �he h�lder of the ��en an
<br /> agreemen�sa��sfac�ory ta Lender suY�ard�nating�he �ien�o�this Securi#,y Instrumen�. If�..,�n�er d��ermines that any
<br /> par�of the Property is sub��c��a a i:ien �hich r�ay at�a�n pri�r�ty o�ver�his Securi�y Ir.�s�rumen�, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Barr�wer a no��c� �dent�fying�he l�e�. Bo��ra�ver sha�� sa��sfy�he ��e�� �r take one ar rr��re of the ac�ians s�t forth
<br /> a�oWe w��hin 1�c�ays of�l�e gi�ing oi`nat�c�.
<br /> Ilaza rd o r Prop�rty Ins u�-a n c�. �nrrower sha�1 keep�he i�npro�emen�s now existing or h ereafter erected�n the
<br /> Pro�erty insured agains�lass by f�re, I�a�ards�ncl ude�v��thin the�er���. "extended c��er�age" and ariy other hazards,
<br /> in�lud�nb f�oods or f�oading, far w����ch Lender rec�uires �nsurance. Th�s ir�surance shall be mainta�ned i� fihe
<br /> arr��un�s and far t:he pe�iods that Lender re�ui��es. The i�su�ance carrier praviding the���sur�nce shalt be chosen by
<br /> Barrawer sub�ec�: to Len��t-'s appro�val which sha�l �ot be unreasonably v�ithhe�d. �f B�rrou�er fai�s to maintain
<br /> cfl�erage described abave, Lender �nay, a� �er�der's o��ion, ab�ai� coverag� �a pr���ec� Lender's righ�s ir� �he
<br /> Prop�rty in accordance wi�h s�c��on�:itled�ru����ian��`I1en�er-��Rights in t�i�Proper�y.
<br /> A�1 �nsurance po�i�ies a��{d renewa�s sha�l be accep�ab�e t� Lender and sha�l �t�ciude a� ��andard m�r�gage clause.
<br /> Lender sha��ha���he right ta ho�d t��e po�icies a�d�-enev�a�s. Z�Lender rec�uires, �orra�er shall prompt�y give to
<br /> Lender a��Yeceip�s of paid premium� and r�n�wal notices. �n�he ev�n�of las�, Borrov��er shai�g�ve pram�t n�tice
<br /> to the insur�nce carr�er and Lender.��,ender may�nake proof�f loss if'no�made pr�mpt��by Borr�vver.
<br /> Unless L�nder a�d B�rr��ver �ther►Nise agre� i�1 wr��ing, ins�ran�� praceeds shal� �re appl�ed �o res�ora�ion ar
<br /> repa�r of t��e Praper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sa�e discretion, �he �-es�ora���� �r rep��.ir �s econ��n�cal�y feasible
<br /> and L�ender's secur��.y is not iessenec�. �f, in L��c�er's s�le d�scre�ion, the res��ra�ion o�-repair is �no� econom��ally
<br /> feas���e or Lenc�er's security would b�les�e�ned,�lae insurance praceeds shall�be app�ied�o�he sums secured by this
<br /> Securi�y I���rume�.�, v�rhe�her or n�� then due, wit�� any e�cess paid �o Borr�wer. �f B�rrower aband�ns the
<br /> Prop�rty,�r daes not answver w��hin T�he number af days prescribed b�A�plica��e Law a.s set forth�n a notice firom
<br /> Lender to Borr���er that��he insuran��� carrier�as affered�a sel:t�e a claim, �hen Lend�;r Xn�y ca��ect�he irisurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender�ma� use t��e pr�ce;eds t� repair ar res�ore �he Praperty �r to pay su�ms secured by tl7is Security
<br /> Instrumen�,whet��er or no��:he�l due.The periad of�ime f�r Borrav�e��to answer as set f��th�n th�natice w�l�begin
<br /> when ti�e n�tice i�give�.
<br /> Unless Len��r ar�d�Borrov�er�therv��ise agree in v�ri�i���, any applica.ti�X� af pr�ceeds�t�princ�pa� shall na�e�tend
<br /> flr pos�pon�the d ue da�e�f�he pa�men�s due �nder�he �ontra��or chang�the amou��t of the paym�n�s. If under
<br /> �ch� sectio���i��ed ��ce���a��o�.; �.e�l�dies, �he ��ope�-ty �� acquired by Le�der, �orrov�rer's righ�t� ar�y �nsurance
<br /> pal�cies and pr�t�eeds re�uIting fi ar�� damage �o the Proper�y pr�or�t� the acqu�si��on sha�� pass to Lend�r tfl the
<br /> extent af the sums secure�by���is Se�ur�ty�ns�ru�nen�irnmeclia�ely priar to�he acqu�s��i�n.
<br /> Pres�rva���m, N�aintei��.nc� and ]�rotection �f the Pr���r�y; ��rrov��r's L�an �pplic�ti�n; Leaseh��ds.
<br /> Borr�wer shal�n�o�destroy, da�mage �r in�pair th�Pr�perty, al�arnT t���Praperty to dete�-��rate, ar cammi�v�as�e �n
<br /> the Prap�rty.Borrower s��a�1 be in defaul��f any forfei�ure ac��on ar�roceed�ng,wheth��r civi��r cr�mina�, is begun
<br /> �ha� in Lerider's �o�d fa��h judgmen�� c�uic�resul� in forfe�ture of th� Praperty �r a�h�:r�vis� ma�erial�y impair�he
<br /> l�en �rea�ed hy �h�s Sec�urit� Instru��ey�� ar Lender's sec�rity in�erest. B�rrawer m�y cure such a defau�t and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pravided in sec��on titled �orrow�r's l�ight �� l�eins���e, �}� �aus�ng�hE� ac�i�n or pro�eed�ng�a �e
<br /> dismissed v�ith a ru�ing th�a�, in Lender's go�d fai�h de�ermi�-�atian,pr��c�udes forfeiture�of�he Borrower's interest�n
<br /> tl�e Proper�:y ar �ther ma�eriat imp�irmen� �f�he �i�� create� by this Securit� �ns�rument or Lender's secur��y
<br /> interes�. Borrovv�r shall aiso be in default if B�rr�wer,dur�ng�:he I�a:n app�icatian process,gave ma�erial�y false or
<br /> inaccurate �nformation a:r state�nen�ts to Lende� �or failed t� prov�de Lender with a��y �aterial inf.�rma��on� in
<br /> �annection v�i�h :the laan e�iden�ed by the Cantract. �f�h�s Securi�.y �nstrumen-� �s on a Ieasehold, Borrower sha��
<br /> co�-�ply with a�l t:he pr�visions af tl�e �ease. �f���r�wer a�qu��-es fee ti�le�o th�Prflpert�,�he leaseho�d and�h�fee
<br /> title sha�i n��me�-ge un�ess Ler�der a�rees�o�I�e merger in�rr��ing.
<br /> ]Pra�ec�ia� of L�nd�r"s I��g���5 in the Property. �f Bo�r�wer fails �o perfor��. �he ��venan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> can�ained in this Secur�ty Instrumen�t, ar there is a legal pr�ceeding tha�may signif�ca���ly affec�Lender's rig�ts in
<br /> �he Property �suc�h as a proce�d�ng �n bankrup�c�, pi•�ba��, for condemna�ion ar forf���tu�-e or�a enf�rce lav�s or
<br /> regulations}, the�� Lende�r may do �nd pay ��r w��a�e�er is n�cessary �o p�-o�ect the value of�he Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s irn�he Pr�perty. Lend.�r's actians�nay include paying�ny sums secured by a lien vvhich has priarity
<br /> o�er tl�is S�curit�f Instru��ent, appea��i�.g�n co�r�, payi��g r�asor�ab�e��ttorneys'f�es anci en�er�ng on�he Pr�perty�o
<br /> make repairs.Al�hough Le��der may take ac�i�n u��der�his sec��on, �ender does nflt hav�e ta do s�.
<br /> Any amou���s disbursed u� Lender �under this sec�ion s��at� be�ame addit�anal debt of B�rrower secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty �x�s�rum�n�. Unless Borrower and L���der agr�e tfl a���er �erms ���aymen�t, these amou��s shal� bear
<br /> C�3 2444-?�l5 Compliance Systems,I�c.$�5�-48�5-2a15.1 i,3.1�98
<br /> Cor�sun�er Real Estate-Sec�arity Tnstrument DL2�3� Pa�e 2 of'5 www,ca�npliancesystems.�om
<br />