2� 1 ��4735
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<br /> ��Ev �� T�usT
<br /> �C�n���ued} Page �
<br /> N��"1�E5. Any notic� required tv b� gi�en under�his Deed of Trust� including withaut Iimitation any notice ❑f d�fau�t
<br /> and an� notice of sal� sha!! b� �iven in writing, and shaff be effeGtive v►�hen a�tually deli�ered, wh�n actua�ly recei�ed
<br /> by�C�Ie-Facsimile {un�ess othe�wise re�uired by�aw}, when depo��ted with a nafiionally recQgnized overr�ight courier, or� i�
<br /> mailed, when depasi�ted in the United Sta�es maiE, as first�iass, certified or re�istered maii posta�e prepaid� direGted�t❑
<br /> the �ddres�es shown near�he heginning of this Deed of Trust. At� �opies o� natices ot foreclosure fram the hoIder-of
<br /> any Iien which has priority o�er thi� De�d o-F Trust shall be sent ta Lender's addres�, as shown nea�the beginning of
<br /> this Deed ❑�Trust. Any persan may change his ar her add�ess for notices unde� �his Deed of Trust by giving tarmal
<br /> written notice to the ❑ther person or persons, �pecifying that the purpose of the nv�ice is to change �he person'�
<br /> address. For n�tice purpvses,Trustar ag�-ees tv keep Lender infvrmed at al�times❑f Trustor's current address. UnEess
<br /> otherwise provided or required by iaw, if there is more than one Trustar, any notice gi�en by Lender ta any Trustor ss
<br /> deemed tv be not�ce gi�er��v all`rrustors. It will b�Trustar'�responsibllity to te�i the others v�the nvtice�rQm L�nde�-.
<br /> 11t�1SCELLANE�US PRaV�SiDN�. The fQll�wing mis�e��aneaus prv�ision���e a part❑f this aeed ❑�Trust:
<br /> Amendments. Wh�t i� written in �hi� Deed af Trus� and in the R����ed Document� is Trustor's en�ire agreem�n�
<br /> wi�h Lender G�n�erning the matter� G��ered by�his Deed of Trust, To be e�fectiue� �ny chan�e ar�mendment�v
<br /> this ❑eed o-�Trust must be in wri�ing and must b��igned by who�v�r will be �ound ❑r nhligated by rthe change ❑r
<br /> amendment,
<br /> Caption Headinc��. Caption headings in this De�d of Trust ar� �or convenience purpases onIy and are not t� be
<br /> used t❑ interpr��C�r define the pro�isions af this deed❑f Trust.
<br /> - Merger. There shall he no merger of�the interes�or�st�te crea�ed by this Deed of Trust�vith any other interes�or
<br /> estate in the Property at any time he�d by or for�the bene�it of Lender in any capacity, wi�hout the written consent
<br /> ❑f Lende�.
<br /> Governin� Law, This Deed vf Trust will be go�erned by federa� iaw appIiGable tQ Lender and. ta the extent not
<br /> preampted by federal Yawr the laws of the 5ta�e af Nebraska without regard to its cvnflicts of Zaw prvvisions. This
<br /> Qe�d of Trust has been aGcepted by Lender in the�tate of Ne�raska.
<br /> Chc�ice of Venue. If there is a Iawsuit, Trustor a�rees upon Lender's requ�st to �ubmit to the ju�isdiction �fi�he
<br /> courts vf Ha�l Cvunty� State c�f Nearaska.
<br /> Jaint �nd 5e�eral Liability. A!! ablig��Cians o�Trus�or under�his De�d af Trust shall be jnint and se��rair and a��
<br /> re�fer�n�es �to Trus�o� sha11 mean e�Gh and e�ery Yr-ustor, This means that e�ch Trustor signinc� below is
<br /> responsi�Ie for all ❑bligations in this L��ed of Trus�.
<br /> Nv Waiver by Lender. Trus�or understands LendEr wi!! not gi�e up any of Lender's ri�hts under�his ❑eed of Trust
<br /> uniess L.en�er dv�s s� in writing. The fac��ha� Lender de�ays or omits tv exer�ise any right will not mean �h��
<br /> Lende� has gi�en up that right. �� Lend�r does a�ree in wrifing �o gi�e up ane �� Lender-'s righ�sF tha� does n��C
<br /> mean Trustor wilf no� h�v� to comply with �he ��her pro�isivns o�F this Deed of TTust. Tr-u��or �Iso understands
<br /> �hat if Lender do�s consent t❑ � request, that dves not mean �hat Trustor will not ha�e ta ge� L.ender's ��nsen�
<br /> again i�the si�uation happens again. Trust�r further unde�stands�tha�lust because L�nder cons�nts�o one o�mare
<br /> ❑t Tru�tar's requests, �ha� does not mean Lender will be required �v consent to any ❑f Trustor's future requ�sts.
<br /> Yrus�or wai�es p�esentment, demand for p�yment� protestr and nvtice of dishanor.
<br /> 5a�erability. ��a court finds that any pro�isian o�this ❑eed of Trust is nat��Iid or shou�d nat be enfarced� that
<br /> �act by itse�f wiil not mean that the rest of this Deed vf Trust will nnt be�a1id �r enfot�ced. Therefore, a cou�w�!!
<br /> enforce the rest of the pra�isians of�his De�d of Trust even if a pr��ision af this Deed o�Trus�may be found�❑ �e
<br /> inWaiid ar un�n�orceahle.
<br /> Suc�essors and Assign�. 5ubje�t to any Iimitatians s��ted in this Qeed of Trust vn �ransfer of Trustor's in�e�est,
<br /> this D�ed af Trus� shaii be bindin� upQn and inure �a �he benefi� ot the parties, their �uccesso�s and ��signs. If
<br /> ❑wnership af the Prap�rty beaQme� �ested in a person afiher than Tru�tor, L�nder, wi�hout notice t� Trusto�{ may
<br /> deal wi�th Trustflr's successv�s wi�th r��erence to this D�ed o�Trus�a�nd the �nde�tedness by way o��arbearance or
<br /> extension withou�r�leasing Trust�r�rvm the obli�a�ians of�his ❑eed of Trust or 1ia�ility under�th� lnd�btedne�s.
<br /> Time i� of the F.s�ence. Time is a��he essence in�he performance a�this❑eed af Tru�t.
<br /> Wai�er of Home�t�ad Exempt�on. Trustor hereby re�eases and wa3ves all righ�s and benefits a� the h�me�tead
<br /> exemptian Iaws o�F the State af N�braska as to a�l lndebtedness s�cur-ed by#his CJe�d ot Trust.
<br /> QEFrNrTI�NS, The�FoIIowing word�shaIi have the following meanings when used in�his Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "�Beneficiary" means E�Ghange Bankr and its sucaessors and assigns.
<br /> Barrower. The ward "Borrvwer" means Michael C. 1Noodis and L�ndsay D, Woodi� and includes al� co-signers and
<br /> co-makers signing th� Credit Agreement and all their successors and assigns.
<br /> Cr�dit Agreement. The words "Credit Agreemen�" mean fih� credit agreemen�dated J uIy 2�, �Q 16, with C�"�dit
<br /> limft of $6�.d��,�� fr�m Tru�tor tv L�nder, tagether with aII renevtirals af, extens�ans ❑f, modifications af,
<br /> re�inancings of, consvIidatiQns of, and substitution� for the promissory na�� vr agreement. N�TICE TD TRU�T�R:
<br /> ❑eed vf Trust. The words "Deed v� Trust" mean �Chi� Deed oi` Trus� among Trus�or, Lender� and Trustee� and
<br /> includes wi�hout �irr�i�a�ion a11 assignment and security interes� pra�isions relating �� �h� Personal Praperty and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> �n�iranmenta� Law�. The w�rds "Enuironmen�al Laws" mean any and atI s�a��� federaf and Iocal sta�utes,
<br /> regulations and ardinan�es rela�in� to the prv�ec�ion of human health or the en�ironment� including withou�
<br /> limitation the Camprehensive Enviranmental R�sponse, Compensa�ian, and Liability Act❑� �98D, as amended, 4�
<br /> Ll.�.C. Sectian 9��1, et�eq. ("�ER�LA"}� the �uperfund Amendments �nd Reau�horization Act a� "i 98�, Pub. L..
<br /> � I�a. 99-499 (nSARA"�,the Hazardou� Mater�aIs�'C"ranspartatian Act, 49 LI.S.C. 5�ct�on 'I 80'f, e�s�q., the Resourc�
<br /> Conser�a�ion and Reco�ery Aat, 4� IJ.S.C. 5ectian 69�'I, et s�q., or vther appI�cabte state a�federaI laws, rules,
<br /> or re�uiativns adop�ed pursuant thereto.
<br /> Evenf af Default. The word� "E�ent o�r QefauS�" mean any o�the e�ents of cie�ault set fvrth in this I�eed o�Trust in
<br /> the events o�default se�tian af this Deed vfi Trust.
<br /> Existing �ndebtedn���. The wa�ds �'Existing Indebtedness" mean�he indebtedness described in �he Exis�ing Liens
<br /> provisian af�his Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Hazardvus Substances. The wards "Haza�dous Substances" mean materia�s fiha�, because af �hei� quantityr
<br /> cvncen�ration ❑r physicai, chemi�aI ar intectiaus �haracteristics� may Gause or p�se a present or po��:ntial ha�ard
<br /> �a hum�n heaith ❑r�h� env�ronm�n�when improperly used, trsa#ed, s��red, dispased of, generated, manufactured�
<br /> transp�arted or otherwi�e handCed. The words "Haz�.rddus Substance�'" �re used in th�ir�ery �raad�s�sense and
<br /> in�Iude without I�mi��tian any and a11 hazardous ar �dxi� sua�tances� materials nr waste as de��ned by or Iisted
<br /> under the En�i�onmenta! Laws. Th�'�erm "Hazardous Substances" als❑ �ncludes� wi�hout limitation, petroieum and
<br /> pe�roleum by-prcaducts❑r any frac�ian�h�reof and asbes�as.
<br /> [mprovements. The ward "�mpra�ement�^' means aII existing and �uture impra�ements, buildin�s, s�ructures,
<br /> mobile homes affixed on �he ReaI Property, facili�ies, additions, rep(acements and other construc�ion an �he Re�I
<br />