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2� 1 ��4735 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> � {�ontirlued} Page 4 <br /> Taxes. The folIowing shall constitu�e ta�tes to which this seGtian appiies: {'I} a spe�i#�ic tax upon this type of <br /> Deed of Trust a�u�on al! ar any part af the f ndebtedness secured hy thi� Deed ❑f T�u�t; [�� a specifi��ax an <br /> Trus�o�whi�h Trustor is au�Chori�ed ❑r requi�ed ta deduct from payments on�he Indebtedness secured by�his x��e <br /> o�F Deed of Trust; �3} a tax❑n this type vf Deed o�Trust�hargeable against�he Lender Qr�he holder❑��khe�redit <br /> Agreement; and {�-} a spe�i�ic tax �n a1I ❑r any por-tion of the Indebtedness ar on p�ymenfs o� prin�ipal and <br /> interest mad��y Trustar. <br /> Suhsequent Taxes. If �ny tax �a whiGh this s�ctton applies is enacted subsequen� t❑ �Che date o��Chis Deed ❑� <br /> Trust. this event shall ha�e the same effect as an Event of De�faultr and Lender may exercise an� ❑r aI1 0� its <br /> a�ailable remedies far an E�ent vf D�fault as �ra�ided below unless Trustor either �'1} pays the tax before i� <br /> becomes delinquent, ❑r {�} �ontests�he tax as prnvided above in the Taxes and L�ens s�c�ion and depvsits wi�h <br /> Lender cash or a sufficien��arpo�ate sure�y bond or othe�secur�ty satisfactory�a Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMEIVTf FINAN��N� �TATEIV[ENTS. The faIivwing provisions �efating �o this Deed af Trust as a <br /> security agr�emen��re a part of this Qe�d of Trust: <br /> Security Agreement, This instrumen� shaIl �vns�titute a Security Agreement �o the ex�en� any ofi the P�operty <br /> canstit�ttes fixtures, and Lender shali ha�e all of the rights ❑�a secured party under�f�e Uniform Commercial Code <br /> a�amended from time trs time. <br /> Secur'rty lntere�t. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shalf take whate�er action is requested by Lender xv perfect <br /> and �antinue Lend�r's security interest in the Personal Property. in addition to recvrding this ❑eed �f Trust in th� <br /> real properry reco�ds, Lender rnay, at any time and withaut furthe� au�hvrization f�am Trustor, file e��cuted <br /> counterparts, capies vr reproductions af this Deed of Trust as a �inancing statemen�. Truszor shail reimburse <br /> Lender�or all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this security inter�es�. Upon defau�t, T�-ustor shall not <br /> remo�e, se�er ar detach the Persvnal Praperty �ram �he Prvperty, lJpvn defauj�, Trustor shail assemb�e any <br /> Persona[ PrQpert}� n�t affixed to the Prvperty in a m�nn�r and at a p�ace reasonably con�enient to Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailabf� to Lender within th�-ee �3} days after receipt o�v�rritten demar�d from Lende�-to the <br /> ex�ent permitted by app�icab�e law. <br /> Addressas. The maiiing addresses of Trustor ��eb�ory and L.ender �secured parry} from which information <br /> G�ncerning �Me security in�erest gran�ed k�y this Deed of Trust m�y be obtained (each as required by �he Uni�orm <br /> . �ammerciai Code) are as s�ated an the�irst p�ge o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSLlRANCES; A7T�RNEIF-]hi-FACT. The following pra�isian� reIating t❑ further assur�ances and <br /> attvrney-in-fac�are a part o�this❑eed v�Trus�: <br /> Further Assuran�es. At any�ime� and from time t❑�ime� upon request ofi L�nder,Trus�or will make� execute and <br /> deliUer, or wiil aause�o be mad�,executed or deli�er�:d,tv Lender�or�❑ Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> [...ende�, �ause t❑ be filed, recorded, refiled, or rerecvrded, as�he case may be, at such fiimes and in such affices <br /> and pfaces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and aI1 �uch mor-tgages, deeds af trust, security deeds, security <br /> agreements, financing statements� �on#inuation statemen�s, instruments of fur�Che� assuran�e, certifi�ates, and <br /> other dacumenfis as may, in the svle opinion❑f Lender, be neGessary❑r desirabl� in order�o ��Ffectuat�, comple�e, <br /> perfect, con�inue, ar preser�e �'i} Trus�or's ❑blrgations under��he �redi�Agre�menf,�his Deed �f Tr�ust, and the <br /> ReIated Documents, and {2) the liens and se�urity interests created by this Deed o� Trust an the P�operty, <br /> whether naw❑wned or he�eafter acquired by Trustor. LJnless prahibited by law or Lender agrees to the contrary in <br /> writing,Trusto�shall reiml�urse Lender for a[I costs and exp�nses incurred in cannection wi�h#he m�t�ers referred <br /> �o in this paragraph. <br /> Attvrney-in-FaGt. If T�ustar�aiIs ta d❑ any of the things referred to in the preceding pa�agraph, Lender may do so <br /> �or and in�he name of Trustor-and at�rustor's expense. For such purpases,Trustor hereby irre�v�ably appoin�s <br /> Lender as T�ustor's at�orne�-in-fact for the pur�ase of making, executing, de�i�e�in�,filing, r�ecording, and doing ai� <br /> afiher things as may be necessary or desirable* in Lende�'s sale ❑pinion, t❑ accomplish the matters re�err�d to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMA�VCE. If Trustor pays all�he Indebtedness when due,�erminates�he Gredit Iine accoun�, and othenwise <br /> per-forms a11 the ❑bIi�ations impased up�n Trustor under�his Deed ❑f Trust, Lender shal! execute and deli�e��to T�ustee <br /> a request for ful4 reGan�eyance and shaj! execute and de�iver to Trustor suitable statements of termination of any <br /> -�inanGing sta�ement on file e�iden�ing �.ender's �ecurity interest in the Rents and the Personal Pro�erty. Any <br /> re�vn�e�an�e�Fee required�ay�aw shafl be paid by Trus�ar�if permitt�d by appliGable law. <br /> EVENT� ❑F DEFAULT. Trustor will be in de�auit under this ❑eed o�Trust if any❑�F�he�fvllawing happen: �Ay Trustor <br /> �ommits fraud ❑r makes a mat�rial misrepresentation a�any t�me in cvnnectxon with the Credit Agreement. This can <br /> inc�udet for e�ample, a faI�e statement a�out Trustvr's in�ome, assets, �iabiIities, ar any ath�r aspeGts a�Trustar's <br /> fiinancial conditian. �B} Trus�or does n�t meet the repayment�erms o�the Credit Agr�ement. �C} Trustar's acfiian ❑r <br /> inaction adverse�y affects the cvlIat�ral ar Lenderrs rights in the calla�eral. This Gan include, for exampfe, �ailure t❑ <br /> maintain required insurancer waste❑r de��ructive use❑f the dwefling,faiIure ta pay�axes, death a�all pe�sans 4iable❑n <br /> the accaunfi, transfer ❑f title ar sale ❑f the dwelling, creation ❑�F � seniar lies� an the dweiling wi�hvu� Lender's <br /> permission,forecIosure by the holder vf another lien, vr th� us�of funds or the dwelling far prohibi�ed purpases. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES fl�V QEFAULT. f�an Erien�Qf Def�ult❑ccurs under this De�d ❑f Trust, at any time thereafterf <br /> Trus�e�ar Lender may exe��ise any one a�-more of the�aIlowing righ�s and�emedies: <br /> Ac�eleration Upon Defaultr Additional Remeclies. !�an� E�ent af De�ault occurs as pe�the terms af the Credit <br /> Agreemen�secured hereby, Lender may decla�-e all Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed af Trust to be due and <br /> payable and th�same shafl thereupon becom�due and payab�e withvu��ny p�esen�ment, d�rnand, �ratest or <br /> noti�e of any kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Ei�her in persan or by agent, with ❑r withvu�C bringing any a�tian or prQceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appointed by a Gourt and withaut regard to the adequa�y of its sscurity, enter upan and ta�e passession <br /> o��he Property, or any part therevfi. fn its own narne❑r in the name of Tr�stee, and do any acts which it <br /> deems ne�essary or desirable�v preserve the value, marketabiiity❑r rentabi�ity of�he Property, ❑r part o� <br /> �he Property or interest in the Prvpertyi ii7Ct-E�se�he incame fram the Property or protect the security af <br /> the Pr�operty; andr with ar withaut �aking passession a�the P�aperty, sue far or otherwise Go�lect the <br /> ren�s, issues and profits ofi the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and appIy the same, less <br /> cost�and expense�of❑peratian and col�ection attvrneys'�ees,tv any indehtedness secured by th�s���d <br /> o�Yrust, aIl in such ❑rder as �ender may determine. The entering upon and taking possession of the <br /> Prop�rty, the callectian ❑f suGh rents, issues and pro�i�s, and �he applicatian �thereof shali n�t cure or <br /> wai�e any de�aul�or no�ice a�de�fault und�r�his Qeed afi Trust or invalida�e any act d�ne in r�sponse t❑ <br /> such default or pursuant�o su�h nnti�e vt default� and,natwithstanding the GQntinuan�e in passessian❑f <br /> the Property Qr the c�lleation, receip� and application of ren�s� issues or pro�its, Trustee �r Lende�sha�l <br /> be entitled t❑ exercise e�ery right pro�rided for in the Credit Agreemen�C or the Re�ated Do�umen�s ar by <br /> law upon the occurrence o�F any event of defaust� including the right to exercise the power a`F�aI�; <br /> �b� Cvmmenc�an action to fvreclose th�� Deed of Trust as a mort�ag�, ap�oin�a receiver or��ecifi�al�y <br /> enforce any of the�o�enants hereofr and <br /> (c} Deli��r ta Trustee a w�itten declaration of de�auIt and demand�or sale and a writ�en notice af default <br />