2� 1 ��4735
<br /> �EE� oF TRus-�
<br /> , �C�t�t�nued} Pag� 2
<br /> EnvirranmentaI La�nrs. Trus�or auth��izes Lender and its agents to en�er upon the Property �❑ make such
<br /> inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense, as l�ender may d��m appropriate t❑ d�termine compli�nce �fi th�
<br /> Proper�ty wi�h this sectian af the Deed Qt Trus�. Any inspections ar tests made by Lender shal� b� far Lender's
<br /> purpr�ses only �nd shall no�be canstrued ta create any �esponsibility or liability on�he part o�Lender�a Trustar r�r
<br /> to any other pers�an. The representa�ions and war�anties cvntained herein ar� based ❑n Trust�r`s due dii�genc�in
<br /> in�estiga�ting �he Properry for Hazardous Substan�es. Trustor he�eby �1� r�Ieases and waive$ any �u�ure �iaims
<br /> agair�st Lend�r-Fo� indemnity �r contribu�ion in the e��nt Trustor becomes fiable �or cieanup or �ther cas�s und�r
<br /> any such laws; and {2� agrees t❑ indemn�fyf defend, and hQld harmIess Lend�r agains�any and a!! claims, losses,
<br /> liabiIities,d�mages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may di�ectly or indirectly sus�ain or�suffer resulting �rQm
<br /> a �react� af th;s s��tion of�he Deed a�Trust vr as a consequence ❑-�any use� genera�rion, manu�acture, starage,
<br /> disposa�, release or threat�ned re�eas�oGcurring privr to Trus�or'� vwnership ar interest in the PrQperty,whether ar
<br /> not�he same was or should have been knawn t❑ T�us�ar. The pro�isions ❑f this section o�the ❑eed O��I"L]5��
<br /> in�luding the abligativn tv indemnify and defend,shall survi�e the payment of�he lndebtedness and�h�satisfac�ion
<br /> and r�con�eyance of the Iien ot this Deed ❑f Trust and shaIl n�t be affected by Lender's a�quisi�ion ofi an�intere�t
<br /> in the ProRer�, whether by foreclosu�e or o�herwise.
<br /> Nu�sance. Waste. Trus�u� shall nvt cause, �Qnduct o� permit any nuisanc� nvr cvmmit, permit, or sufFe�r any
<br /> stripping v� vr waste on or�❑ the ProperCy or any portivn ot the Property. Vllithou� limi�ing the generality Qf�h�
<br /> �aregoing,Trus�or wiIl not remo�e, ❑r grant to any a�her party the righ�t� rema�e, any�im�er, minera�s �including
<br /> �il and gas}� �oal, �lay,scvriar soii� gr�vei or rock products wi�hout Lender's pr�vr written consent.
<br /> Rerr�o�at af Improvemen�s. Tru��or sha1� not demalish❑r remQ�e any Impro�ements from th�Real Property wi�hout
<br /> L.ender's privr wr-i�tten�ansent. As a cvndi�ion ta�he rema�al v�F any fmpra�ementsr Lend�r may r�quire�"rusta��❑
<br /> make arrangements satis�actory to Lender to repIace su�h Impra�ements with Imp�o�ements ❑f at 1eas� equal
<br /> ��lue.
<br /> lender's Righ�to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and represen�a�ives may en�er upon the Rea� Property �� all
<br /> reasanable �imes to attend �o Lender's inte�ests and t❑ inspect �he Reaf Property �or purpos�s ❑f Trustor'�
<br /> cr�mp4iance with the�erms and canditions of this Deed v�F Trus�.
<br /> Gomp�iance with Gv�ernmentai R�quirements. Trustor shail promptly cornply with all laws, ardinan�es, and
<br /> regulat�ons. naw �r hereafter In e�ffec�, af ar� go�ernmenta� authorities applicable to �he use ar occupancy o�the
<br /> Praperty. Trus�or may cvntes�in�aad fai�h any such law, vrdinance, ❑r regu2a��on and withha�d comp�iance during
<br /> �ny proceeding, incfuding appropriate app�a(s� so Ion� as Trustor has notified Lender in writing pri�r�o dQing s❑
<br /> and so Iong as, in Lender's�ole opin�Qn, Lender's interests in�he Prvperty are not�eopardi�ed. Lender may require
<br /> Trus�a�to past adequate security or a surety bond, r�easonably s��isfactory�o L�nder,�o p�-r�tect Len�ler's in�er�S�.
<br /> Duty t❑ Pratect. Trus�ar agrees neith�r�o abandan ❑r iea�e unattended �he Praperty. Trustor shall d❑ all vther�
<br /> a�ts, in addition to those acts se�farth abv�e in this section, which from the charact�r and us�Q�the P�oper�y are
<br /> reasanably necessary to protect and pr�ser�e�he�'roperty.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-G4NSENT BY LENDER. Lender mayr a�C Lend�r's option� declare immedia�ely due an� p�yable a�I �ums
<br /> se�ured �y this ❑�ed of Trust upon�he sal� ar�ransfer, wi�hout Lend�r's prio�-wri�en consen�, o�F a�� or an�r pa�t o��he
<br /> Reai Property, ❑r any interest in the R�al Property. A "safe or transfer'� means the con�eyan�e vt Real Property or any
<br /> righ�r �i�t�e ❑� inter�st in the �eal Proper�y; �vhether Iegal, bene�i�ial or equi�able; wha�h�r Wolun�ary or in�alun�ary;
<br /> whether by autrigh� sale, deed, tnstaElment sa�e contra��C, land contr�ct, contrac� for deed, �easehold interest wPth �
<br /> term greate�than three ��� year�r �ease�aptivn �antract, or by sa(e, assignmen�, o�transfer❑f any beneficia! interest in
<br /> or to any land �rus� h�fding ti�rIe to the Reaf �ropertyr ❑r by any ❑ther method of con�eyance of an infieres� in the f�ea!
<br /> ProperGy. How��er� �his option shall not be exer�ised by Lender if such exercise is prahibi�ed hy federa� law or by
<br /> Ne�raska law.
<br /> TAXES A�VD LfENS. The fol�owing pro�i�ions reiating to the taxes and liens on the Praperty are part of thi� D�ed of
<br /> Trus�;
<br /> Payment. Trustor shall p�y when due �and in aII e��nts p�ior tv deI�nquency} a�j taxes, special taxes� assessmen�s,
<br /> charg�s �incIuding water and sewer}, �in�s and impa�i�ions I�vied against or❑n aGcount o�the Property� and shall
<br /> pay when due alI c�aims for war�C done an or for�er�ices r�nd�red or materia� �urnished ta �he P�c�perty. Trus�ot-
<br /> sha�I m�intain the Property�ree of a11 2i�ns ha�ing priority ave�or equaI t❑�he inter�st❑�Lender und�r this Deed of
<br /> Trus�, �xc�p� tor �the �ien of �axes and �ssessments nQt due, except �or �he Existing lndebtedness referred �❑
<br /> belawr and ex�e�t as otherwise provided in this Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> Right ta �vntest. Trustar may wi�hhald pa�ymen�ofi any tax, assessment, or cIaim in connec�i�n with a goad faith
<br /> dispute o�er the o�Iigation to pay,sa I�ng as Lenderrs'tnteres�in the Property is nvt jea�ardi�ed. I�F a iien arises❑r
<br /> i� �iled as a re�ui� ❑f nQnpayment, Trustor- shall wi�hin fift��n �15� days after�the Iien arises ❑rr if a Iien is #iled,
<br /> within fifte�n ��5} days after Trustor has natice Qf the �ilin�� secure the discharge of the lien� ❑r if requested by
<br /> Lender-, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient corpora�e sure�y bond or vther security s�tisfactory�r� Lender in an
<br /> amaun�suff�cien��o discharge the rien plu� any �osts and atrorn�y�' fe�s� vr❑�rher char�es that could �c�rue as �
<br /> resuIt v�a farecIost�re ar sal� �ande�the lien� ln any conte�t,Trustor sha�1 defend itse�t and Lender and shal! satisfy
<br /> �ny adverse judgment befare enfarcem�nt against rhe Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�ior�al obligee
<br /> unde�any sur�:ty bond furni�hed in the �cantest proGeedings.
<br /> • Evidence af Payment. Trustor shall upon demand furnish fo Lender sa�is�actvry e�idence af payment of the taxes
<br /> ❑r assessments and shajl author��e the appropriate ga�ernmental officia�t❑ deI�ve�tv Lender at an�time a written
<br /> s�Ca�ement❑f the taxes and assessmen�s against the �raperty.
<br /> Nvtice of Ganstru�tian. Trustor shaff nc�tify Lender at �east fifteen �'l 5} days before �ny work is cammenc�dr any
<br /> ser�i�es are furnished, ❑r any materials are supp�ied to the Property, if any rne�hania's Iien, materia�men's lien, or
<br /> ❑the� Iien coufd be asserted an account o� the v�rark, services, or materials and the aost exceeds $'i,000,��.
<br /> T�ustor wiCl upan reques� o� Lender furnish to Lender ad�ance ��suran�es sa�isfactory �n L�nder�h��Trustor G�r�
<br /> and wi!! pay tha Gast of su�h impra��ment�.
<br /> PR�PERTY nAMAG�1IVSURANGE. The fc�Ifv�rving provi�ions relating ta insuring the P��pert� a�e a part of this D�ed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> CV�aintenance of lnsuranca. Trustor sha11 procure and maintain pvlicies o�fire insurance with s�andard exter�ded
<br /> ca�erage endvrsements on a �epIacement basis fc�r�Che �uI1 in�urable valu� co�ering all lmpro�emen�s �n�he Real
<br /> Prca�aer�ty in an amount su�Ffi�ient tQ a�aid applicativn of any cQinsurance cIause, and wi�h a standard mortgagee
<br /> �lause in fa�or vf Lende�-,tagether with such ather hazard and IiabiEit�insurance as Lender may reasonably require.
<br /> Pvli�ies shal! be written in �o�m, amoun�s, �o�er�ges and basis reasonakaly accep�able to Lender and issued b� a
<br /> company vr companies reasonabiy accept�b�e to Lender. Trustor, upan requ�st o� Lender� will deli�er to Lender
<br /> �rom time to tim�the policies vr�ertificates of insuran�e in fr�rm satisfac�ory�a Lend�r, including stipuIations fihat
<br /> �o�erages wiii no�be cancelled or diminished withvu�C at least�hir�y �3D) day� prior written notice�o Lende�. Ea�h
<br /> insurance �olicy aiso sha�� inc�ude an endarsement prvviding tha�coverage in faWor a�Lender will not be impaired
<br /> in any way hy any act, omission or d��auIt of Trustor or any other persor�. Shvuld�he ReaI Property be Iocatecl in
<br /> an �rea design���d by fihe Administratvr of the F�dcrai Emergency Management Agen�y �s a speci�I�FIood ha�ard
<br /> ar-ea, Trustor agr�es �❑ ❑btain and maintain Federal FIoQd lnsurance, if a�ailable, far �he maximum amoun� ❑�F
<br /> T"rustorts �redi�line and�he#ufI unpaid principal balanGe of an� prior Iiens on the prop�rt�securing�khe loanr up�o
<br />