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2� 1 ��473� <br /> Transf�r�f the Praper�y �r a Benef���al In�eres��n �arrov��er. �f a.l�or�ny part af th�Pra�erty or a�ay�nterest <br /> in it is sold flr transferred (ar �f a benef�cial �n���es� in Barr�wer �s sold or transferred and Borr�wer �s n�� a <br /> na�ura� person� wi�h�u� Lender's pr��r writ�en can�ent, Lende� m�.y, at ��s �p�ion, require immediate payment in <br /> fu�l of a�I su�ns secured �y �l�i� Se�urity �nstrumen�. Howe�f�r, t�ais �ption shall no� be exereised by Lender �f <br /> exerczse is prohibited by f�dera�la�v as�f t��e da���f this Secu�-ity�nstrume���. <br /> �f Lender e�er��ses �his optiQn, Lende�- sha�l g�ve Borrower no�i�e �f a��e�eratian. The not��e shall pro��de a <br /> period of n�� l�ss than �he m�nimum number �f days es�ab��sl:�ed by Applicable Law fr��n �he da�e thE� n�tice is <br /> deli�rered or mai�ed w�thin vvhi�h Borrov�er mus� �ay al� sums secur�d by �his Securi� Ins�ru�nent. �f Barrov�er <br /> fails to pay these surns pr��r to �h� e���ra�iQn af ihis peri�d, �.e�de�-may in�o�e any remed�e� penmitted by �his <br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�w��hou�further notice or dernand on Barro��rer. <br /> ��rrower's Right to R��nstate. �f B�rrower m�e�s certain condit�ons, Barr�v�er shail ha�e the righ� to haWe <br /> enforcement of�his Security Ins�rument d�scontinued at any ti��e prior to �he earlier of �a} 5 days �or�uch o�her <br /> pe�-��d as ApplicaU�e Law may s�ec�fy for reins�a�ement}befor�e sale�f th�Pr�per�y pursuant ta any power�f sa�e <br /> c�ntained in �his Securi�y �nstrumen�; or ��} ent�y �f a juc�gment enfo�c�ng �his�Secur�t� �nstrume�n�. Thase <br /> cflndi��a��s are �hat Borro�er: ��} pays Lender a�� sums �rh�cr� then v��uld be due u�der th�s S�curifi� �ns�rumen� <br /> and the C�ntrac�as if na a�cele�a�i�n had occu�-red;�b}cures a�y default�f any��her co�enants or agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing�his Securi�y�nstrum�n�, inc�uding,bu�not lim:��ed to,reasanable a�torneys' <br /> fees�a�he ex�en�t permit�ed by �aw; and�d�takes �uch ac���n��.s Len�er may reasonahly requ�re�a �.�sure tha��he <br /> I��n�f this Securi��r Ins�rument, Lender's r�ghts ir����e Properiy� and Barr��er's obligation to pa�the sunls secured <br /> by �h�s Secur�t� Ins�rumen� shal� continue uncha�nged. Upan r��nstate�nent by Borro�e�-, this Secur��y ]:ns�rumen� <br /> and the obliga�ions secured hereby sha�l remain fully �ffec�iv€� as i�no acce�eration had occurred. Hovve�er, th�s <br /> righ�to reinstat� shali n��app�y�n�he case af acce�era��on Una:er t�e s�cti�n����ed Transfer af the lPr��erty❑r a <br /> �3�ne��ial In�eres�in�orrow�r. <br /> I�Ca2ardous Suhs�a��es. Borra�ve�shall not caus�or�aermit t�-�e prese�ce, use, disp�sal, storage, or release�f any <br /> Hazard�us Subs�ances on or in�:he Proper�.y.B�rrower shai�na�d�,r��r a1�ow a��yone else t�do,anyth�n�affe��ing <br /> the Pr�perty that is �n �iolatian af an� Envir�nmenta� Law. ��'he preceding��o sen�en�es shall not ap�p�y to �he <br /> presence,use,ar s�orage on�he Prope��y of smal��uantities of Hazardous Suhstances tha�are generaily recognized <br /> to be appropriate to normal residential uses and�o�naintenanc�;of�he Pr�per�y. � <br /> Bor�-vwer shal�promp��y gi�e Le�der�ritten no�ic��f any in���stigation,claxm,dema�d, lawsuit�r o�h�r ac�ion�y <br /> any g�v�rnmenta� or regula�tory agency �r pri�a�e par�y in��lving t��e Prapert� and any Hazardous Su�sta.nce or <br /> En�ironmentai Lav� of v�rh�ch Borr�v�er has �ctuai knov�l��dge. If Borrower learns, or is not�f�ed �y any <br /> govern�nental or regulator�au�h�ri�y,�ha�any rem�val or o�her rem�dia��on of any Ha��rdQus �ubstanc�affe��ing <br /> �he Property is necessary, Barrower sha11 pr�m�tly take a�� nec��sar� remedial actians in acc�rdance with <br /> Envir�nmen�al Law. <br /> As used in �his paragraph, "Ha�ard�us Substances" are thase :�ubstar�ces def�ned as �ox�� or ha�ardous a�.l�]5��.nCeS <br /> by Environmental La� and �h� fa�iowing suhstan�e�: gasol�ne, kcrosene, o�her flam�mab�e or �oxic p�tr�leum <br /> produc�s, �ax�c pesticxdes ar�d herbicides, �Q�a�i�e solv�n�s, x���ate�-z�.ls containing asbes�os �r formaldehyde, anci <br /> rad�oactive ma�er�als. As used��this paragraph, "En�iranmenl:al:Lav�'�means federa� la�us and�a�nrs�f the s�a�e�f <br /> Nebraska�ha�t retate�o health,safety or�nWironm�n�al pr��ecti4�n. <br /> Acce�era�i�n; l�e��di��. lLender shali give r�ati�e �� �orr��w�r pr�nr to acc�lera�i�n fo�lovving Barr�vver's <br /> 1�reac��nf any c�venan#�r agr�er�ent in �his Se�urity Instrum�n�nr�h��ontract u��der which ac���l�ration <br /> is perm��ted. �but r�ot pr��r to acc�i�rat��n under�he secti€�n ti���d 'I'ransfe�-vf the Property or a :Beneficial <br /> Int�re�� in Borro��r, unless .�pplicabie Lav� prn�i�es oth��r�vvise�. 'I`h� not�ce 5ha�1 specif�: �a� the defau��; <br /> ��� the act�on required t� cu�•e th� defa���t; ��} � da�e., not ��s� �han the m�nimu�n num�be�� ❑f days <br /> establi�hed �y App�i�a��� �ativ from the da�e th�no�ic� is��iv�n �� Bo�rovv�er, by which �he c�efault mus�be <br /> cured; and �d� #ha� failure �� cure the d�fault vn or befa�-e �h� �ate �pe��fied in �h� n�t��e �n�y re�ult in <br /> ac�eleration �f tl�e sums secur�d by �hr5 �e�uri�y �nstr��ment �nd ��Ie vf �he Prvp�r��. 7[`a the extent <br /> perm��ted by �a�, fih� not��e shal� �ur�h�r iz�foa-m �3orr�vr��.r of tlh� r�g��t to reinsta�e after ac�el�ra��on and <br /> the ri�ht t�brir�g a cou rt act�an �o asser��he r�on-e��s�enc�of a�Qfau�t or any ath�r defen��of Borrower�o <br /> accelerat�an ar�d sa�e. lf�h� defau�t is n�t cured on �r he#+�re th�e da�e spec�fiec� in �he no�ice, Lender at its <br /> opt�on may require immedia�e payme�t in ful� �f a�l sun;�s secu�red by this �ecurity Instrumen� vvithou� <br /> further deman� amd rr�ay �n��ak� �he pav��er �f sa�� �nc� a��y a�h�r remedie� permi�ted by Applic�bl� �►a�. <br /> To th� �xte�� permit�ed b� Iar�v, Ler�der shall �e ent����d �o �ol��ct �ll expense� ��curr�d in �ursuing �he <br /> remed�es pro�ided in th�s �ec��o�, includ�ng, but n�� l�mi�e�� t�, �-e�s�nable at�orneys' fees and co.s�s❑f�itle <br /> �V�C���lCE. - <br /> If�he pow�r�f sale is invokeel,'Trustee sha�� r�co�d a �ati+�e of c�efault in each caunty in which any par� af <br /> �he Proper�� i� �ocated and sha�� mail c��ies uf such n���c� �n �h� man��er prescrib�d by Appl��ab�e Law to <br /> Borr�wer and to �he oth�r p�rsons pre��rib��i by App1�c�:��� L��. A�t�r the fime required b� A�pp�icable <br /> Law, '�'rus��e sha�l gi�� pu���c �o�ic� �f sale to th� persa�s and in the manner prescrib�d by A.pp�icab�e <br /> Law. Trus�ee,vvith�ut�ernand on Borrower,sha��sel�the Property at public auc�i�n t�t�e highest b�dder <br /> at th�t�in�and��ace and under th�t�rms de�ig�a�ed ir��h+�no�:ice of sale in one�r�anare parce�s and�n any <br /> ❑rd�r 'I`rus�ee �ete�-m�nes. 'I`�rustee �a� �os�po�e ��i� vf aI� ��r an� pa�ce� of th� Prnper�y I�y public <br /> ann�uncement at the�ime and p�ace of amy pr��iou�iy s�h��c�u�ed�ale.L�nder❑r�t�desigr�ee may purchase <br /> �he P�-opert��t amy sai�. <br /> Upo� reee�pt �f pay�ner�� of tl�e price bid, Trus�ee 5ha�i d�i��ver t� the purchaser Trusteets de�d c�or�v��ing <br /> the Propert�. 'I`h� reci�a�s ir� �:he Trus�eers de�� s��a�1 be pr�ima facie e�ic�enc��f th�tru�h �f th��tatements <br /> Q 2004-2�15 C�mp�ianc�Syste�-ns,Inc.8C54-�E5b-2415.11.3.1098 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instnirr�ent DI.2a3G �'a�e 4 of 5 <br />