2� 1 ��473�
<br /> Paym���o�'Pr�ncipa�and Int�res�; �the�Charges.Bo�o���r sha��promp�ly pay when due the pr�nci,pal of and
<br /> in�eres�an the debt owed under the Con�ract and Ia.�e charg�s o:�any other fees and char�es due under�he C�ntract.
<br /> App��ca�ale Law. As used in 1:his Securi�ty �nstrumen�, the #erm "1�pp�icab�e Law°' sha�� m�a.n al1 contrail�ng
<br /> app�icab�e federa�, state and ��cal s�a�u�es, regulati�ns, ord�na����es and ad���nis�ra�i�e ru�es and orders ��ha�ha�e
<br /> the effe��of�a�v}as we�l as a1�app�icable f�na�,non-ap�eala�le�ud�c�al�p��ions.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Borrower sh�I� �ay all taxes, assessme��s, cha.rg�s, fn�s and impasitions at�r�buta�ble to �he
<br /> Prop�r�y wh�ch may a�ta�n priority ove�-�his Security Ins�rum�t��, and�easehoXd paymen�s ar gr+�und rer�ts, if any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,�tirr��ver sha�i promptly furn�sh�o LE,nder receip�s evidencing the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrower s��all pr�mptly discharge any lie�. wh�c�a has prior�ty av�r this Security�ns�rument unless�orr�v�er: �a�
<br /> agrees in wri�ing �o �he paym�n� of the ob�igat��n secured ��y �he Iien ��� a manner acceptable to L�ender; (b}
<br /> con�ests in gaod fa��h the �ien by, or defe�ds a�ainst enf�rce�:ner�� of�he l�en �n, �egal p�oce�dings which in the
<br /> Lender's �pin�on �pera�e �n pr�vent �he enforce��ent af�I�e l�en; or �c} secures from the hal�er of t��e lien an
<br /> agreemen�sa�isfact�ry ta Lender subordina��ng the i�en to �t1is Security �nstrumen�. If L�nder dLtermin�s tha�any
<br /> part�f the Property �s subject to �. ��en wh�ch ma� atta�n pria?;�ity over this Secur��y �ns�rument, Lender�may g�ve
<br /> Borrower a no�ice �den�if�ing�he Tien. B�rrower shali sa�isfy�:��e �ie� or ta�e �ne or�n�re flf the a���ons se�forth
<br /> aba�e w����in 14 days af�h�gi�ing of rio�ice,
<br /> �Iazardl ar�rnp�rty Ynsuran��. B��rawer shail keep �he im��ra�erne��s n�w exist�ng�r herea�er er�c�ed on�he
<br /> Proper�.y insured agains���ss by fre, hazards ir�c�uded v�i�:h�n�l�e terr�"ex�ended coverage" and any ot��E.r hazards,
<br /> including flaods ar f�ood�ng, far �nrhi�h Lender requ��-es ins�urance. This insuran�e shali be mainta�ned �n the
<br /> amoun�s and for�he�per�ods���a�L�nder requ�res. The�nsurance carr��r pr�vid�ng the in�urance sha��be chosen by
<br /> Borrav�er subje�t t� Lender's appr��aX v�hich sha1� no� be unreaso�ably v���hheld. �f B�rrov�e� fails t�f m��n�ain
<br /> co�erage described abo�e, Lender may, at Ler�d�r's op�ion, obtain �overage �o p�-o�ect Lender`s ri�hts in the
<br /> Pr�perty in a�cordance wi�h section t���ed�'rote��i�r�of Len��.r's�igh�s in the Praper�y.
<br /> A1� �nsurar��e policies and rene�als shal� be acc�ptab�e t� Le�ader and shal� �nclude a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have tl�e righ�to h�old the policies and renevva�s. ]i f L�nder re�uires, Borr�wer shall promp�Iy g��e ta
<br /> Lender a��receip�s of paid premiu�ns and ren�wa�notices. In the eWe���f l�ss, B�rr�v�rer shall g��e pr��npt no�;iGe
<br /> to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may�nal�e proof o�'l�ss�f r��t made pr�mptly by Borrower.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borra�ver o�herwise a�ree �n v�ri��ng, �ns�rance proceeds shall .be applied �o res�ora�ion or
<br /> repair of the Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sa�e dis�retiar�, �he �estorati�n or repair is eco��mi�a��y feasible
<br /> and Lender's secur��y �s not ��es�ened. If, in Lender's sole disc:�et�o�, �he r�staratian or repair i� no� ecc�nomica�]y
<br /> feas�ble or Lender's security wo�u�d be]essened,t�he insurance��rflce�d�sha�1 be applie.d�o�he surns secur�d b�this
<br /> Security rnst�-umen�, v�hether �r �o� �hen due, v���h any e�c;ess paid �o Bai�rower. �f Borrovver abandons the
<br /> Property,�r does no�answer v�i�hin�he number�f days prescribed by App�icab�e Lav�as set fflr�h�n a n�o���e from
<br /> Lender to Borrawer��a�the �nsurance carr�er has offered�o s��t��e a�1aim, �hen Lend�r�nay�al�ect the �nsurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceed�to repair or restare ��e Praper�y or to pa� sums secured by�hi.s Securit�r
<br /> �ns�rumen�,v�h��h�r�r nat then du�.The peri�d of time far B����rower�a ans�ver as se�f�rth in�h�noti�e will begin
<br /> when�he n��ice�s g��en.
<br /> IJnless Lender and Borrovver o�he���rise agree �n �ritin�, any�.pp�ica�ion af praceeds�t�princ�pa� �h�.l��:�ot ex�end
<br /> or po��tpone the due date �f�he payments due under the �ontrac� or��ang��he amaunt�f�he payment�. Yf un�er
<br /> th� section�i�led Ac�el�rati��; R�m�dies, the Pr��erty is acc�uired b� LeY�der, Borrov�er's rigr���o any insurance
<br /> pol�c�es and proceeds resul�ing fram damage �a �he pro�ert�y pr�or�o the �.�quis�ti�n sha11 pas5 �o L�nder �a the
<br /> ���ent af�he sums secured by�his Secur��y�Instrumen�immedi�:��ly priar���he acquisition.
<br /> Preserva�ion, Main�enanc� and �r��ection �f th� Pr��e��ty; I3�rrower's Laan ��p��cation; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> B�rrower shal�n�t des�ra}�, damage �r i�mp�ir�he Pr�per�y, all:o�r����Prop�rt�r�� de�eri�rate, or commit waste on
<br /> �he ProperCy.Borrov�er shall be�n default�f any f�rfeiture a��i��n ar praceeding,vs�he�her�i�il or crin��nal, xs begun
<br /> �hat in L�nder's g��d fa���j ud�ment cou�d resul� in forfe�ture of�he Prop�rry ar a�herw�se ma�erial�y :�mpair�he
<br /> ��en crea�ed by this Securi�y �ns�ru�nent �r Lender's securi�� in�erest. B�rro�ver may cure s�ach a d�faul� an�
<br /> reins�a�e, as pra�ided in sectian-����ed�orrower's Righ�t� R.�insta.��, by causing�he a�t�on o�proceeding�o be
<br /> dxsmissed��th a ru��ng�ha�, in Lender's gaod fai�h de�erm�nati{�n,pr��ludes farf�i�ure�f the Ba~rower's in�er�st in
<br /> �he P�-aper�y ar o�her ma�er�a� impairmen� of�he lien �reate,� by� �h�s Se�urity �nstrument �r Lender'�s security
<br /> iri�e��s�. Borrower sha��a�so be in defau�t�f Borr��v6rer,during��e l�a�applicati�n pr��ess,ga�e materia�ly fa�se�r
<br /> inac�urate infor�-na��on �r s�ate�nents to Lend�r �tir faxied �o pra�ide Le�der wi�h any materi�I informat�on} �n
<br /> cflnnec��an with�he �oan e�idenced �by�:he Con�rac�. �f this Se cur�ty ��s�rumen�is �n a �easehold, B�rr�wer sha��
<br /> c�mply vvith ail�he provisi�ns�f the �ease. �f B�rro�ver a�quir+�s fee ti��e to�he P�opert�,the leasehold and the fee
<br /> title sha�l not m.erge unless Len�er abrees�o the rnerger in wr�ting.
<br /> Pro�ec�ion of Lender's l�ights in the Pr�per�y. If Borr�v��er �a��s �a perform the covenants and a,gre�me��s
<br /> conta�n�d�n this Security Instrument, or�here is �.�ega� proce�lding tMat ma�significantly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> the Praper�y �su�h as a proceeding in bankrupt��, pr�ba�:e, for �ondemnatior� ar forfei�ure or �a enfarc�e laws or
<br /> regulatians}, �h�� Lender may do and pay for -�vha�ev�r �s r.�ecessa�y �o pr��ec� �he �a�u� of the Praperty and
<br /> Lender's rights���the Prap�r�.Lender's a�ti�ns rnay inc�ude p�y�ng�n�sums secured by a��en wh�ch h��s pr�ar��y
<br /> o�er th�s Secur�ty�nstrument, appearing in c�u�, paying reaso:r�able afita�-ne�s'fees and en�ering an�he F'ro�erty ta
<br /> rna�e repa�rs.A���augh Lender�may take ac�ion under�h�s section,L��der does n�t ha�e�o do s�.
<br /> Any am�unts dis�ursed h� Lender under t�is sec�ion sha�l b�:corir�e addi�ior�al deb� of Barrower se�ured by th�s
<br /> Se�u���y Zns�rumen�. Unless �orrower ar�d Lender agree to �ther �erms �f payment, these amaun�s shall bear
<br /> C�2��4-2�15 Compliance Systems,Inc.8C54-4ESQ-2�15.I1.3.1098
<br /> Cansun3er Reai Estate�Security Instrument DL243b Pa�e 2 af 5 www.complian�esystems.cam
<br />