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<br /> NoN•UNIFORM COVENA�lTS•Borrower and Lender i'uRher coven�nt and agrec as fallows:
<br /> 19. Accekratlen; R�edies. Le�de� a�aU �i�e aoHce to 8or�owe� �ior to �ceeter�tlon tollowinR 8orrower's
<br /> brra�o!saY�ae".sa•o,r�'�.""*_!A syy�c"�h'Iw�trnwEee(t�t not prlar to accetention under ptr��phs 13 and i?
<br /> u�lea�ypikaaN law grorides oNawi�l. �'Ye wtke t�all qeclty: �sl t�e deh�lt;�1 tYe action rsQut�sd ta twri tbe
<br /> � ieh�lt:(c1��te,�ut 1�Na�30 iay�trroa�tY�d�t�t�aotie�ts a�ea to Hoee+ower.by w6ic6 tre def��lt a�wt be cared;
<br /> ari td)3�at faltrre to stiuc tie dehnit oa or eefore t!e d�ts spa[Md l�e�e soNc�uuY re�it ta secele�ation ot tMe�uau
<br /> __ uta�6r this Sec�dtY I��t u�aale M t��eo�ertY.'I�t Rotice�a11 Nrt1e�t�[on�Horrower ot the ri�lt to
<br /> retrt�te a(ter�ccekradoa a�i Ne N�t to brt���i:o�rt �cdor ta aaert the aoa-existesce oi�aki,�u3� n� �ny o¢i��
<br /> def�ae of Boerower to sccekndo�a�d�afe.It ttie deh�it b�ot cund on or before the dste speciAed ie the aotire,Leade�
<br /> �t Its o�tlo� may e�e�uiee i�mediate p�rie�t l� iMll ot dl w�Mcrrtd bY thb Sec��ity la�wnent without turthe�
<br /> . ieau�d a�i sesy i��oke the pwer ot�ale a�d�ur ot�e�roMdty�wlttea by a/�licable law.Lender sh�ll be eatitled to
<br /> cailect aU es�ae� i�wrred i� wratq tre� n�edia pro�ld�d i� tl�b �rap��h 19� tnciadis�, but aot limtted to.
<br /> rwo��rie�ttora�ri'fea ud catb otNtle erlde�ce.
<br /> U t�e�ower ot sak b t�rolcai,Trwtee�Yall eeeord��oHce ot�ehrlt t�eac�cowty ia w6kY a�y psre ot t�e
<br /> Fro�erq►v locatad wl aiall�u11 co�ies ot wc�potice i�the ew���ribea by�lic�bk law to Borrowe�a�d to the
<br /> other peno�s praedDad by ap'tkabk law.Aher tlie dwe req�lred sy aMlid�ble law�Trwtee srall�i�e public�otice ot
<br /> iale to the per�oas aad ia tbe mu�prae�ibed by apoli�abls law.Trwta.without aea�and on 8orrower.�hsll sdl the
<br /> � ProKrty at'uWic aoc�ton to t6e ai�hat bidder at t6e dme a�d�la�e aad unde�the teren�dai�ated in the aodce ot sak in
<br /> oae oe more parceb ud in aay onkr Trdstee deteemiaa.Trusta aiaY P�l�sak ot aU or��y�rcet ot tbe Pro�ertY�Y
<br /> publl�qaoMl�CeweAt at t6e tiu�e 1md Place of any preriously�Cheduled�ale. Lender or ib dai�nee may purchau the
<br /> Pro�etty at uy�ak.
<br /> Upo� e�ecetpt ot paymest ot the p�ice bid. Tnstee�hall dell�e� to the pu�cha:er Trustee'a deed con�eyiag the
<br /> Pro�eety.'Itie�eCtWs iA t6t Tru�tee's deed s6a11 be pri�oa tsC1e eridenci ot t6e truth ot the�tateaenb made therein.
<br /> Tnutee s6a11 aMtq t►e proceeds of the sale ia tLe faQowl�order.tal to atl e:peaus of the sale.in�ludla�,bnt aot Ifmited
<br /> to,Tr�ta's fees a�permitted by applieable I�w aad re�oaabk att�oraeys'icefi(b)to all swas secured by this Secrrlty
<br /> Instruwee�and(c)�wy e=cess ta the person o�pee�sows kpUy entitkd to i�
<br /> 20. Lender in Poaetdon. Upon acceteration under para�ph 19 or abandonment of tbe Property, Lender (in
<br /> person,by�gent or by judicialty appointed receiver)sbatl be entidai to enter upon,take possessinn of and manage the
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those put due.Any rents collected by I.ender or the receiver
<br /> shall be ipplied fint to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents�including,but not
<br /> --� limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on raxiver's oonds and reaseaable atto�eys'fee�s.and ihen ta the sums�;.ur�,d by
<br /> thisSecurisy Instrnmrnt. . .
<br /> 21.Reooa•eyasoe.Upon psyment of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument,Lender shall requat Trusta to ;
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrendet this Security[nstrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> — Iflstr�e�►t to Trustee.Tnute�shall re:.onv;.y th=Property�rithos�t wnn-anry end withnut charge co the person or persons
<br /> 11 •'��.i�..: C v o1��1�w.��i� n �wniv�.��: �:�*..�.
<br /> �Cj�a ji�aaaittw av��.vii�iZ�'i..'='w:•vf�:.,!".�3Si ��..:5�� .�. . -' -
<br /> 22.Sr6stiMte Tnatee.Lender,st its opuon.may from time to rime remove Trusta and appoint a suaessor trustee '�� �W
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in t}ie county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. -,� -
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property.the successor tnutee shall succad to ap the title,power aad duties conferred upon -
<br /> -------_ �,
<br /> Trustee hecan and by apputabk lsw. _-
<br /> 23.Rqrest[or Notica.Borrower requests that copia of the noaca of default and sale be sent to Bonower's __.-
<br /> addrcss rvhich is the Property Addt+ess. '.'��
<br /> ?4.Rida�s to t6ts Secrr[t�►Imtn���If one or morc riden are executed by Borrower and recorded together with �i �
<br /> this Security Instrument,the cavenanis and agraments of ach such rider�hall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> auppiement the covmants and sgamcnts of this Security lnscrument as if the rider(s) v�ere a put of this Security
<br /> Inttrument.[Check applicable boa(d)J
<br /> � ❑ Adjustable Rate R.ider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider _ ;
<br /> • � (iraduated Paymrnt Itidcr ❑ Plarmed Unit Development Rider `
<br /> �...
<br /> � Otber(s) [specify] VA Guaranteed Loan Rider and Rider to I�ortgage/Deed of Trust-VA
<br /> BY SIGNINd BELOW. Borrower accepts and a�rea to t and covrnants conuiaed in this Security �.�V
<br /> Iastnunent and in any rider(s)ezecuced by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> �- � � ��.`--
<br /> ........................................................................................ .. ........................................................ ..��,,
<br /> ........ ................. ..
<br /> Ro rt E. Horn --��
<br /> ........................................................................................ 'Q��....Q(...:.... ....... ..... . ... .(Seal)
<br /> 8etty L. Ho�� —earow�.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> On this 3rd day of January .19 90 , before me, the undersigned, a Noeary Public
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified for said councy,personally came Rober� E. Horn and Betty L. Horn,
<br /> Husband and Wife, , to me known to be the , - -�
<br /> identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribtd to che foregoing instrument and acknowledged the ex�cution
<br /> thereof to be their voluntary art and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county. the ,
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> � , �
<br /> M o %, ,`- ��'j-, > � _ .
<br /> L ��� � G..�..-:����.r�:. ..:.. . ... .:�.E:���--.-..-. . . . . .. .. . . . �.
<br /> " ��������� 'VOtaty Publ��
<br /> rn�To TRUSt��: �
<br /> _- �� The undersigned i� the holder of the note or notec secured by �his Qeea uf 7rutit. 5e�d nute ��r n��te�. ���uether f�
<br /> �,
<br /> _ '' wi�h all+�ther�ndebtedness secured by th��Oeed of Tru�t,h��e heen paid�n full Y��u�ur herch� Jirrctc�f t���an�e•I.,n�f
<br /> �7� note c�r ncttes and thi; Ueed ��i tiutit, which �re delitiered hereb►, and to rec��n.e�. «�thnu� «arrani., �iii thc r��.�tr
<br /> "�'�i now heid by yuu ��n�er this Ueed c�f 1'rutit t�> >hc rFr»+n ur ren��na ieµall� ennilca ihrrc���
<br /> �f' �
<br /> �
<br /> �� �.. �
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