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2� 1 ��4�94 <br /> of co�erage. Therefore, such coverage shaXl co�er Lender, bu� might ar might not protec� Borrower, Borrower's <br /> equity in the Praperty, or the contents of�he Propert}�, against any r��k, hazard�r�iabilx�y and might pra��de greater <br /> or lesser co�erage than was pre�iausly in effect. B�rrower acknovvledges�hat the cost of the insuranc�c��erage s� <br /> obtained migh�significant�y exceed the c�st af insurance that Borrovver could ha�e obtained. Any amounts disbursed <br /> by Lender under thxs Section 5 sha11 become addifional deh�of Barrovver secured by�his 5ecurity Instrument. These <br /> amaun�s shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date❑f disbursemeri�and sha�� be payable, with such interest, <br /> upon natice from Lender to Borrawer requesting payment. <br /> Al� insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of suCh policies shali be subject to Lender's right to <br /> disappro�e such pol�cies, shal� i.nclude a standard mortgage clause, and sha11 narne Lender as mortgagee andlor as <br /> additivnal loss payee. Lender slna�l ha�e the right to h��d the policies and renewal certif cates. If Lender requires, <br /> Borrower sha�l pramp��y gi�e to Lender all receipts of paid prerniums and renewal no�ices. �f Borrawer a�tains any <br /> form of xnsurance co�erage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage�a, ar destructian of, the Praperty, such <br /> policy sha1� inc�ude a standard mortgage clause and sha�l name Lender as mvrtgagee andlor as an additiona� �oss <br /> payee. <br /> In the event of loss, Borrovver shall gi�e prompt notice t��he insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make <br /> proof�f loss if not made promptly �y Bflrrower. lJnless Lender and Borrvwer otherwise agree in writing, any <br /> insurance praceeds, whether or nat the underlying insurance was required by Lender, sha�l be applied to r�s�oration <br /> ar repair of the Praperty, �f the restoration ar repair is economica�ly feasible and Lender's security is not�essened. <br /> During such repair and res�oration period, Lender shall have the r�ght�o hold such insurance proceeds until Lender <br /> has had an opportuni�y to inspect such Pr�perty to ensure the work has been comp�eted to Lender's satisfac�ion, <br /> pravided that such inspection shall be undertaken prflmptly. Lender may disburse prviceeds for the repa�rs and <br /> restoration in a sing�e payment or in a series of progress pa}�ments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement 1s <br /> made in writing �r Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such �nsurance proceeds, Lender sha�l not be <br /> required�a pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for publ�c adjus�ers, ar ather third parties, <br /> retained by Borrnwer shall no�be paid aut of�he i.nsurance pr�ceeds and shall be the saie oh�iga�ion�f BarrovWer. 7f <br /> the restoratian or repair is not economicaily feasible or Le�der's se�urity would be�essened, the.�nsurance proceeds <br /> sha�l be applied�a the sums secured by this Security Instrument, wh�ether or not then due,with the excess,if any,paid <br /> to Bvrrower. Such insurance pro�eeds shal�be applied in the�rder pro�ided fvr in S�ction�. <br /> �f Borrawer abandons the Property, Lender may file, neg��iate and settle any a�ailahle insurance c.laim and <br /> related matters. If Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a notice fr�m Lender that the insurance carrier has <br /> affered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and sett�e the claim. The 3�-day period will begin when the no��ce <br /> is gi�en. In eith�r e�en�, or if L�nder ac�u�res the Praperty under Sec�ion 2�or otherwise, Borrav�er hereby assigns <br /> to Lender�a}Barrower's rights ta any insurance proceeds in an amoun�not ta exceed the amounts unpaid under the <br /> I��te flr this Security Tnstrument, and �b} any other flf Bflrr�wer's r�ghts �other than the r�gh� tv any refund of <br /> unearned premiums paid by Borrower}under all insurarice policies ca�ering the Property, insofar as such rights are <br /> applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may use the �nsurance proceeds either to repair or restore the <br /> P.roperty or�a pay amou.nts unpaid under the Nv�e or�his Security Instrumen�, whether or not then due. <br /> 6. �Gcupancy.Barrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wi�hin <br /> 6� days after the executian of this S�curity �nstrument and shall continue �fl occupy the Praperty as Borrower's <br /> principal r�siden�e far at�east one year ai�er the date of occupancy, un�ess Lender de�erm�nes tha��h�s requ�remen� <br /> shall cause undue hardship for the BnrrovWer ar unless extenuat�ng circumstances exist wh�ch are beyond Borrower's <br /> con�r�1. <br /> 7. Preservation, Mainfenance and Pr�tec�ion of the Praperty; Inspecti�ns. Barrower shail not des�roy, <br /> damage or impair �he Froperty, allaw the Property to deteriorate or comm�t waste on the Propertiy. B�rrower sha11 <br /> maintain the Property in order�a pre�ent the Property from deteriarating ar decreasing in value due to its condition. <br /> Unless it is determined pursuant to 5ectian 5 that repair or restorati�n is not�canomical�y feasible, Borrower shal� <br /> promptly repair the Proper�y if damaged to a�oid further deteri�ra�ion ar damage. �f insurance or candemnation <br /> praceeds are paid in connec�ion w�th damage to th�Property, Borrower shall be responsib�e for repairing or restoring <br /> the Property an�y if Lender has released praceeds for such purpases. Lender may disburse proceeds far the repairs <br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEE��F TRLIST- MERS Do�Nlagic � <br /> N EDDTZ2.FHA �911411� Page G of �3 <br />