2� 1 ��4�94
<br /> Ia�trument. MERS is argan�zed and exis�ing under the Iaws of Delaware,and has an address and te�ephone number
<br /> of P.�. Ba�2U26, F�int, M� 48501-2426, tel. �Sg8} 579-MERS.
<br /> (F} "Note"means the prom i ssory nafe signed by Bor.rovwer and dated JLIL Y 11, �015 .
<br /> The Note states that Borrovver awes Lender �NE HLTNDRED E I GHT TH�LISANI7 �NE
<br /> HUNDRED N I NE AND D�/1�� Dollars�U.S. $ 1 D 8 , 1�9 - �� }
<br /> plus interest. BorrovWer has promis�d to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full n�t later
<br /> than AU�US T 1, 2�4� .
<br /> (G} '�raperty"means the property that is desc.ribed belaw under the headi.ng"Transfer of R�ghts in the Praperty."
<br /> � 'Zoan"means�he debt e�idenc�d�by the Nvte, plus interest, late charges due under the N�te, and all sums due
<br /> under this Securit�Tnstrument, plus interest.
<br /> (I) "Riders�'means a�l Riders to this Security Instrument tha��are executed by Borrower. The fallowing Riders are
<br /> t�be e�ecuted by Borrower [check box as applicable]: - .
<br /> � Adjus�able Rate Rider � Planned Unit De�elopment Rider
<br /> [] Cnnd�m�nium Rider [] �ther�s� �specify]
<br /> �� rrApplicable Law"mean�all controlling applxcable federal, state and local statutes, regula�ians, ardinances and
<br /> � administra�ive rules and orders�that ha�e the effect af law} as well as all applicable fina�, non-appealable judicia�
<br /> opinians.
<br /> �K} "�vmmunity Associatian Dues, Fees, and Assessments"means all dues, fees, assessments and other charges
<br /> �hat are �rnpnsed on Borrawer or the Property by a condominium assnc�a�ion, homeowners association or simi�ar
<br /> arganizati�n. .
<br /> (L� "�lectronic Funds Transfer"means any transfer af funds, other than a transac�ion originated b� check, draf�,
<br /> or similar paper instrument, which is initiated thrvugh an electranic term�nal, telephonYc instrument, computer, or
<br /> magnetic tape so as to order, i.nstruct, or autho.rize a financial institutivn tn debit or cred�t an account. Such�erm .
<br /> �n�ludes, but is no� Iimited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated te�ler machine transactions, transfers initia�ed by
<br /> telephone, wire transfers, and automat�d c�earinghouse transfers.
<br /> (M} "Escrvw It�ms"means those��erns tha�are described�n Section 3.
<br /> (N} "Miscellaneaus Proceeds"means any compensation, s�ttlement, award of damages, or proceeds pa�d by any .
<br /> thxrd party �o�her �han insurance proceeds paid under the ca�erages described in Sec�ion 5� for: �i} damage to, or �
<br /> destru�tian vf, the Property; ��i} condemnation ar other tak�ng of al�or any part of the Property; �iii� con�eyance in
<br /> �ieu of c�ndemnatian; or �i�}misrepresentations of, or om�ssions as to, the�a1ue andlor candition af tihe Froperty.
<br /> (C]} "Mortgage Insurance"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpaymen�of, or defau�t an, the Loan.
<br /> (P} "Periadi�Payment"rneans the regularly scheduled amaunt due for�i�principal and in�erest under�he Note,
<br /> plus (ii}any amaunts under Sect�on 3 af this Security�nstrument.
<br /> ��� "RESPA"means�he Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act �12 U.S.C. §26�1 et sey.} and its i_mplementing
<br /> regula�ian, Regulation� �12 C.F.R. Par� 1�24�, as they might be amended fr�m tirne ta time, or any addi�ional or
<br /> successor legislation vr regulatian that go�erns the same subject matter.A.s used�n this Securi�y�nstrument, "RESPA"
<br /> r�fers�o all requirements and restrictions�hat are�mposed in regard to a"federally re�ated mortgage loan" e�en if the
<br /> Loan d�es not qual�fy as a "federa�ly related mor�gage loan" under RESPA.
<br /> (R� "Secretary"means �he Secretary vf the Unit�d States Department vf Housing and Ur�ban I]e�e�opment or his
<br /> des�gnee.
<br /> (S} "Successor in Interest of Borrawer"means any party that has taken titie to�he Property, whether or nat that
<br /> party has assumed Borrawer's abligati�ns under the Nate andlor this Security Instrument.
<br /> ,
<br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEE�]�F TRUST - MERS � DvclVlagjc �
<br /> N EDQT�2.FHA �91141�5 Rag e � of 13 www.docmagic.c�m
<br /> . .
<br />