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2� 1 ��4�49 <br /> DFED DF TRUST <br /> Y <br /> ���nt�nued} Page 4 <br /> incurred �n recording, perfecting or conti�nuing this Deed ❑f Trust, incfuding wi�haut Iimitation a�I taxes� feesr <br /> do�umentary stamps, and other charges�ar recvrding ar regis�ering this ❑eed❑f Trus�. <br /> Taxes. The �Fo[lowing shall cvnstitu�e taxes �t❑ whi�h this section applies: �1} a specific tax upon this type at <br /> Deed of Trust or upan alf or any part af�he Indebtedness secured by this Deed ❑f Trust; [�} a spe�ifzc tax on <br /> Trustor which Trustar is au�horized or required to deduct fram payments on the Indebtedness se�ured by this type <br /> of Deed of Trus�; �3� a tax an this typ�at Deed o�f Trust chargeable against th� Lender a��he holder of the Cr-edi� <br /> I Agreement; and {4} a speci-Fic tax on all or any po�ion o-� �he Indehtedn�ss or on paymen�s o-� principal and <br />' � interest made by Trustor. � <br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any �ax to which this sectian app�i�s is enacted subsequen� ta �he da�e of th�s aeed o� <br /> Trus�, this e�ent sha1I have the same effect as an E�ent o� Defauft, and Lender may exercise any or aII ❑f its <br />� a�ailable remedies for an Even� of �e�FauI� as pravided beIow unless Trustor either �'i� pays the tax be�vre it <br /> becomes derinquent, or (2y aontests the tax as provided abave in th�Taxes and Lien�section and depasi�s wi�h <br /> L�nder cash or a sufficient corporate surety band or oth�r securi�y satisfactory tv Lender. <br /> SEGUR�TY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The follawing provisions reIa�ing �o this I�eed of Trust as a <br /> security agreemen�are a part❑�F this❑eed❑t Trust: <br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrument shail canstitu�� a Security ,4greement to the extent any of the P��perty <br /> consti�u���-Fixtures, and Lender shafl have aI� of�he ri�hts of a secured party under the Uniform Camm�rcial Code <br /> as amended�rom time to time. <br /> Securrty Interest. Upon �eques� by Lender, Trustor shalE take whate�er action is requested by Lender fio per-�ect <br /> and continue Lender's security interest�n the Personaf Property. ln addi#ion to recarding tl�is Deed of Trus�in the <br /> real property �-ecords, Lender may, at any time and without further autho�-ization from Trustorr �ife executed <br /> counterpartsr copies or repraduc�ivns of this Deed o� Trus� as a financing stafement. Trustor si�afl re�mburse <br /> Lender�or al[ expenses.incurred in perfecting or continuing this security interest. Upon default, Trus�ar shaii not <br /> remove, sever a� de�ach the Persona� Property tram fh� Prap�rty. Upon detauIt, Trustor shall ass�mble any <br /> Pe�sonal Prvperry not affixed �o �he P�operty in a manner and a� a pra�e reasonab�y con�enien� to Trustar and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailable -�o Lender within three �3} days �fter receip� of writken demand -From Lender tc� �he <br /> exten�permitted by appIicable �aw. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses af Trustor �deb�or} and Lender �secured parry] trom which infarma�ion <br /> concerning the security interes�granted by this Deed of Tru�� may be ab�ained �each as requir�d by the Unifarm <br /> Cammercial Code} are as stated on the�First page❑f this D�ed o�Trusf. <br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The faIIowing pro�isions r�la�ing to furthe�- assuran�es and <br /> a�torney-in�fact are a part a�this Deed ❑f Trust: <br /> Further Assur�nces. At any tim�, and frvm time to time, upan request❑f Lender,Trusto�wiil make, execute and <br /> de�iver, or wiii cause to be made, exe�uted❑r de�ivered,ta Lender or to Lender's designee,and when reques�ed by <br /> Lender, cause to be filed� recorded, refi[ed, or rerecorded� as the case may be� at such times and in such offices <br /> and pIaces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and alf such mortgagesr deeds o�F trust. security deeds, security <br /> agreements, financing statements, cantinuation statemen�s, instruments of �urther assurance, certi�icates, and <br />� other do�uments as mayr in the sole ❑pinian o�Lender� be nec�ssary vr desirable in order�ta effec�ua�e, comple�e, <br />; per�sct, con�inue, ❑r preserve {'I} Trustor's abligativns under the Credit Agreement.this Deed of Trust� and �he <br />� Related Do�uments. and ��} 'the liens and security interests created by this Deed af Trus� on �h� Property, <br /> � whether now �wn�d nr hereaf�er acquir�d by Trustor. UnIess prohib��ed by law vr Lender agrees t❑the �ontrary in <br /> wri�ing.Trustor shall reimburse Lender�or all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the matters referr�d <br /> ta in this paragraph. <br /> Attorn�y-in-Fact. f�F Trustor faiIs to do any of the things referred �o in�he preced�ng paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and in the name of Trustar and a�Trustor's expense. Far such pu�-pos�s, Trustor hereby irrevacably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney--in-fac�fnr�he purpose of making� executing� deIivering� filing� recording. and daing alf <br /> other�hings as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's soIe opinion, �a accomp[ish the matters re�erred to in <br /> �he precedin9 paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFQRMANCE. �f Trustor pays alC the Indebtedness when due,�erminates the credPt Iine account, and❑�he�-wise <br /> per-�orms a!�the abliga�ions imposed upan Trustor under�his Deed of Trust, Lender shall execute and deIiver to Tr�ustee <br /> a requ�st for fulI recon�eyance and shall execute and deliver to Trus�or $uitable statemen�s o� termina�ion of any <br /> f'tnancing stafiement ❑n file e�idencing Lend��'s se�urity interest in th� Rents and �he Personal Property. Any <br /> recan�eyance fee required by law shai� be paid by Trustor, if permitted by applicable law. <br />� EVEIIITS �F DEFAULT. Trustar wi�l be in de�aulfi under�his ❑�ed of Trust if any of the foIlowing happen: �A} Trustor <br />� commits fraud or makes a ma�erial misrep�-esenfia�ion at any time in �onnectian with the C�edit Agreemen�t. This can <br /> include, for example, a false s�atement abvu� Trustor's income, assets, �iabili�ies, or any ❑the� aspects ofi Trus�or's <br /> finan�ia[ condi�ivn. �B] Trustor do�s not mee�the repaymen�terms of the Credit Agre�ment. {C} Trustar's ac�ion or <br /> inactian adversely affects the caIIate�ra� ❑r Lender's r�ghts in the cvIlateral. This can ina[ude, �Far example, faiIure -to <br /> maintain r'equired �nsurance,waste or destruc�tive u�e�f�he dwe�Iing,fa[�ure tv pay taxes, death of aIl persons Iiable❑n <br /> the ac�aunt, �ransfer ❑f �i�ie ❑r sa�e �-F the dweliing� crea�ian of a senior Iien �n the dwelling withaut Lender's <br /> permission,foreclosure by the hoIder of anather Iien, or the use of funds or�he dweIIing for prahibi�ed purposes. <br /> RI�HTS A�ID REMEDiE� �N DEFAULT. I�an Event o� Detault❑ccurs under this ❑eed ofi Trus�. at any time there�f�err <br /> T�ustee or Lender may exercise any❑ne or more of the folIowing rights and rem�dies: <br /> Accel�ration Upon Defaujt;Additivnal Remedies. �f any E�ent of DefauIt❑ccurs as per the terms❑f the �red�� <br /> Agreement secured herebyr Lender may declare aI� lndebtedness secured by�f�is Deed of T�us�to be due and <br /> payab�e and the same shall thereupon become due and payable wi�hou�any pr�sentmenf, demand, prot�st or <br /> notice of any kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Either in person or by agent, with ❑r w��hout bringing any action ❑r prvc�eding, vr by a recei�er <br /> appointed by a court and without regard to�he adequacy o�i�s s�curity, enter upon and tak� possession <br /> flf�he Property, ar any part therea�, in its�wn name or in the name of Tru�tee, and do any ac�s which it <br /> de�ms necessary or desirable to preser�e the.�alue, ma�ketability❑r rentabifi�y of�he Prope�-ty, or part❑� <br /> the Praperty ❑r interest in the Property� increase the income�rom fhe Praperty ar protect the security �f <br /> the Property; and, with or withou� taking possessivn v-F the Property, sue �ar or otherwise collect the <br /> rents, issues and protits a��he P�-opertyf including thvse pas� due and unpa�d, and appIy�he same, �ess <br /> casts and expenses of operation and c�flec�ian attorneysr fees,to any indeb�edness s�cured by this Deed <br /> of Trust, all in �uch o�der as Lender may determine. The entering upan and taCcing passession of the <br /> Prvperty, the callectivn af such rents. issues and prafi�k�, and �he app2ication therevf shaII nvt cure or <br /> wai�e any default a�natiGe o-�defauIt under�his Deed a�F Trust or in�a�ida�e any act done in resp�nse�a <br /> such de�Fault or pursuant�a such notice ot detau[t; and, notwithstanding�he continuance in possession o-F <br /> the Properry or the caIIe�tion, receip�and appficafiivn of rents, issues o� prafits, Trustee or Lender shal2 <br /> , be entitfed t❑ exercise e�e�y righ�pra�ided for in the Credit Agreement or�he Re�ated Dflcuments or by <br /> law upon the❑ccurrence of any e�ent of defaul�, in�Iuding the righ�to exercise the power of sale; <br /> �b} Commence an�ction�o�or�clase this Deed ❑f T�ust as a mortgager appoin�a recei�er or speci�Fical�y <br />