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<br /> �a��v �F TRus�
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<br /> � �nt[nU�d� Page 2
<br /> Substance anr under� abaut a�from the P�vperty; and (h} an�r sucY�acti�ity shail be conduc�ed in compIiance with
<br /> afl applicabte federaI, state, and loca! Iaws, reguIa�ions and ardinances, inciuding wi�hout limita�ion �[I
<br /> Environmental Laws. T�-ustor autharizes Lenc�er and its agents t❑ enter upon th� Property to make such
<br /> inspections and tests, a� Trus�nr's exp�nse� as Lender may deem appropriate to determine �ompliance vf �he
<br /> Property v�r�th this se�tivn o-F th� Deed ot Trust. Any �nspectians vr tss�s made by Lender shaIl be #or Lender's
<br /> purposes only and shail nat be construed�❑ c�eate any responsibility or liabiIzty on the part of Lender to Trustor-or
<br /> �o any o�her persan. The represen�atian� and warran�ies cantained herein are based on Trustar`s due diIigence in
<br /> in�es�igating the Property �ar Hazardous Substances. Trustor h�reby �'I} r�Ieases and rrvai�es any fu�ure claims
<br /> against Lender far zndemnity ❑r contribu�ion in the e�ent Trustor becomes Iiable for cfeanup o� o�her_cvsts und�r
<br /> any such Iaws; and {�} a�rees ta indemnify� defend{ and hvld harmless Lender against any and �!I claims, lasses,
<br /> Iiabiiities, damages, penalties� and expenses whiah Lender may direct�y or indirectiy sustain nr suffer resuf�ing�ram
<br /> a breach of�his section of the Deed o�Trust or as a cansequenc� ofi any use, g�nerafiian, manufac-ture� starage,
<br /> disposal, release or�hrea�en�d relea�e occu�ring prior ta Trustor's ownership or interest in�he Property, whe�her or
<br /> no� �he same was �r should have b�en known ta Trustor. The pro�isions of�his sectinn of the Deed ��Trus�,
<br /> inc[uding fh�❑bIigation�a indemni�Fy and defend,shall survt��the payment❑f the lndebtedness and�he sa�is�action
<br /> and recon�eyance af the Iien ❑f�his Deed at Trust and shaII not be af-Fec�ed by Lender's acquisitian ❑-�any in�eres�
<br /> in the Praperty,whefher by fnrecjosure o�r otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trus�tor s�alI na� �auset conduct or perm�t any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suffer any
<br /> stripping of or waste ❑n ❑r t❑ �he Property or any portian of�he Praperty. V1lithvu�C limiting th� generaIity of the
<br />� �Foregoing, Trustvr will nnt�em��e, ❑�grant�a any ��her parry the right t❑ rema�e� any timbe�, min�raIs �incIuding
<br />' aiI and �as}� �oal, ciayr scaria,soiI, gra�el nr rnck products withou�Lender's prio�-writ�en cansen�.
<br /> RemorraI❑f�mpravements_ Trustor shal] not demvlish or remvve any Improvements from�he ReaI Pr�perty withaut
<br /> I Lenderrs privr written consent. As a condi�ion to the removal of any lmpro�ements� Lender rrray require Trus�or�❑
<br /> make arrangements satisfac�ory to Lender t❑ repIace such lmprovements with Impravements o� at ieast equaf
<br /> rralue.
<br /> Lend�r's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representafii�es may enter upon th� FteaI Property a�all
<br /> reasonable times to att�nd ta Lender�s �nterests and to inspec� the Rea[ Property far purposes ❑f Trustar�s
<br /> comp[iance with the terms and condi�ians of this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Compliance with Go�ernment�.i Requirements. Trus�or shall prompt[� camply with a�I laws, ordrnances, and
<br /> regufa�ions, now or hereaft�r in effect, a� a�l gvvernmental authorities applicable to �he us� ❑r occupancy of the
<br /> Praperty. Trustor may contes�t Fn gaad fai�h any such law, ordinance,or regu�ation and wi�hhold aompIianc�during
<br /> any proceeding� inc�uding appr�pria�e appeafs, so �ang as Tru�to�r has natified Lender in writing prior to doing so
<br /> and sa 2ong as, in Lenderrs soIe opinion� Lender's int�rests in the Property ar�not leopardized. Lender may requir�e
<br /> T�-ustor t❑ post adequat�sectirity or a sure�y bond, reasanably safisfac�ory to Lender,to protec�Lender's inte�-est.
<br /> �uty to Prote�t. Trustor agrees neither ta abandon �r leave unattend�d the Property. Trustar shal� do aII other
<br /> i . a�ts, in addi�ian to those acts set fvrth abo�e in this section, which from fhe character and use o-F the Properry are
<br />� �easonabIy necessary tv pro�ect and preserve the Property.
<br />� DUE�N SALE- CDNSENT gY LENI3ER. Lender may, a�Lender's option, decIare immediat�Iy du�and payabfe alf sums
<br />� secured �y this Deed of Trust upon the sal� or�ransfer�� withou�Lenderrs prior Uv'ritten cansent,af aiI or any part❑f the
<br />! F�eal Prnperty� or any in�erest in the Real Property. A TMsa[e or transfer" means th� �onveyance ❑f ReaI Properky or any
<br /> right, title or interest in the R�ai Property; whether �egal, bene�icial or equitab�e; whe�her �oIun�ary ar in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by nutright sale{ deed, instalfinent saI� cvn�ra�t� Iand contract, con�ract for deed, �easehold interest wi�h a
<br /> term greater than�hree {3} years, iease-optian �ontracf, or�y saIe, assignmen�, or�ransfer❑f any beneficial Interes� in
<br /> or ta any land trust holdsng ti�le tv �he ReaI Property, �r by any other methad of con�eyance ❑f an interes�in the Real
<br /> Prop�rty. Howe�err this optian shaII not be exercised by Lender i� such exercise is prvhibi�ed by f�deraf faw or by
<br /> N�braska Iaw.
<br /> TAXE� Ai�D LIE�IS. The fa�lowin� pro�isians re�ating �o the �axes and Iiens on the Prap�rty are part ❑fi this ❑eed ❑�
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Payment. T�ustor sha[1 pay when due {and in ali e�ents prior to deIinquency� a�!taxes, special�axes, assessmentsr
<br /> charges {inciudin9 water and sewer}r f�n�s and impositians Ie�ied against or on ac�aunt of the Praperty, and �ha[I
<br /> pay when due ali claims fior wark dan� on or�or services rendered or ma�erial furnished to �he Property. Trus�ar
<br /> shalf maintain the Prvperty free of al1 I�en� ha�ing priority over or equal�o the in�erest of L�n�i�r und�r this Deed of
<br /> Trust, excep� for the [ien ❑t taxes and assessments no� due, exc�pt �nr fhe Existing f nd�htedness reterred �o
<br /> be�ow, and except as o�her-wise pravided in�his Deed vt Trust.
<br /> Right ta Contest. Trustar may wi�hho�d paymen�of any tax, a�ses�men�, ❑r claim in �onnection with a gaod �ai�h
<br /> disput�a��r the ol�ligation to pay�s❑ long as LenderTs in�erest in the P�operty is no��evpardized. i�a Iien arises vr
<br /> i� ���ed as a result of nonpayment, Trustor shail within �ifteen {15} days after th� Zien arises or, i� a Iien �s fiiled,
<br /> within fifteen [�5� days after Trustor has notice�o��he fiIing, secure fihe discharge at the lien, a�- i� reques�e� by
<br /> Lendar, deposit with Lender cash or a�ufFicient corparate surety bond ❑r❑ther secut�ity satisfactvry to Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient t❑ discharge�he Iien plus any cos�s and attorneys' fees, or othe�~ charges tha��ou�d a��t-ue as a
<br /> resul�of a foreclosure or sa�e under the iien. [n any cont�st�Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and sha1�sa�isfy
<br /> any adverse judgment before enfo�r�ement against the Property. Trustar shall name Lender as an additional o�Iigee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in�he cantest pra�eedings.
<br /> Evidence af Payment. Trustor shall upon demand �Furni$h�o L�nd�r sa�istactory e�idence ❑t payment ofi the�axes
<br /> or assessments and shaII authorize the appropriat�governmenta� o�Fficial t❑ deli�er to Lender at any time a written
<br /> s�atement o�the taxes and ass�ssments again���h�Property.
<br /> Natice of Construction. T�'usta�shall na�ify Lender at leas�fifteen {'i 5} days before any work is commenGed, any
<br />� s�r�ices a�re furnished, ❑r any materiafs are suppIied to the Property, Tf any mechanic's lien, materialmen's iienr or
<br />' ❑ther Iien cnuld b� asserted on acGoun� ❑f the work, services, ar mater�als and #he cnst exceeds $1,000.��.
<br /> Trustvr wiI� upan request o�F L�nder�urnish t❑ Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory to Lender�hat Trustor �an
<br /> and wi�1 pay the co$t ot such impravements.
<br /> PR�FERTY DAM�4GE IN�URANCE. The�o��awing pravisivns relating�o insur�ng the Prop�rty are a part❑f�his ❑eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maint�.nance of lnsurance. Trus�or shaiI procure and maintain po�icies a�f fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> �average endorsements on a replac�men� basis for the fuII in$urab�e value co�ering a[f [mpr��ements on the Rea�
<br /> Property in an amount sufficient to ar�oid appli�ation of any cv�nsurance cIauser and wi�h a s�andard mvrtgagee
<br /> clause in�avor of Lender,tvgether with such otf�er hazard and�iahility insurance as L�nd�r may r�asonably require.
<br /> Policies shall be written in form, amoun�s, coverages and basis reasonably a�ceptab�e ta L�nder and issued by a
<br /> company or companies reasonably accep�able �o Lender. Trustor, upan request of Lende�, wi�f deIiver ta Lender
<br /> from time to time the poIi�ies �r certi�Ficates of insurance in tarm satis�Fa�tary to Lender� inc�uding s�ipula�ions�ha�
<br /> co�era�es will nvt be canceIIed or diminished withaut at least�hirty �3�} days priar writ�en natice�❑ Lender. Each
<br /> insurance policy also shalf inciude an endorsemen�providing �ha� caverage in fa�ar of Lender wiII no� be �mpaired
<br /> �n any way by any a�t, omissian or default❑f Trustor or any a�her person. Shauld�he Real P�operty be Iacated in
<br /> an �rea designated by the Administrator❑f-th� FederaI Emergency Managemen�Agen�y as a spe�ia� fIaod hazard
<br />