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<br /> �• �� S�� �: 3IIj t-3*� Ji tiic� I�PuJt�P(7 01' qpY 1�I[?.?9C JI ;;;3WtS (F 5�}i�, tran�fer�ed ar turtncr cneusterc�r+ithou! �n� �ritten conser.t Of
<br /> � tt�e Beneiiciarp, ;he heneficiarp aep�e;.iare al� s�3s se�ur�i bp tnis i;ast i�eea ta re ►aacdlatelp duQ and �►yable er.� p*a�e�s ta tne rezeCies
<br /> A+ai�sbie ta ii under �ne ,iefauit provistens contained Aerein.
<br /> - i0. �lnY of c�e ioiiowing er•ents snsl! �e �ee�ed nn event of default �ereunder:
<br /> +t, Yt�:nrs sGall A�iQt ftiled eo va�e p��ent of any instatlm:nt �i principal or intereat or anp other sWS secured hereb��hen d�e;
<br /> �. Phere Aaa accurred i bracA of or defd�alt under anp teta, covenant, agree�ent, conditien, pravieioe, repreaentatioa or rarranty contsined
<br /> in thia Deed af ;tuet, the nate ar�np other laan inatt�ent secuted hereb�;
<br /> _ c, 1'here Aae beea a default �y the Prustora in tAn piq�ent af �ny prior or euhseguent lien or encwbrar.ce in reepect to all or an�patt of
<br /> the praperty;
<br /> d, Truatars eMll file a voluntarp petitian in Aan�ruptcp ar s�all 6e adjudicated b�nkrupt or insalvenG, or shsll ta�se en assignnent fnr the
<br /> , benefit of creditara i4 resp��t to the prarerty; or an ectian ta enforce nny lien or encu�brance ar judgeaents against t�e praperty is
<br /> conenced.
<br /> Il. In the event of nny defe�lt, the eeneficiarq oay declare nll inde5!ednesa secured herebp to be due and payable and the sa�e shall thereupoe
<br /> beco�e due sad paya�;e vithout any preaenuent. �eancd, prosest or aot:ce of any kind. Thereafter, tAe Beneficinry tap:
<br /> a. either in persnn or by agent, yith or r•itl�aut bringiag eny action or prnceeding, a� by receiver eppointed �y a c�urt ee�rithaut regard to rt�e
<br /> ade�u�cp af anp secutity, eater upon and take possession of the Froperty, or aey part tl�ereof, in its om nue ar in the naae of tEe Pruates, end
<br /> do e.n� acts vhich ic deeas::,cessarp and desirable to preserve the calue, o�rketability or rentabili:f of tde praperty� or part thereof, or
<br /> interest therein, increase the incae therefra�or protect the securitp hereaf ana, �ithoat taking gassessiar,of the proyerty, sue for or
<br /> ethervise callect the :ents, issues an� �roiits t6ereef, including those past due and unpaid, and applp t1e saae; ess casts and eirenses of
<br /> operatian and coilection, includiag sttorney fees, upon ar,y indebteaaess secured hereb�, all in such order as the Beneficia:y say deteraine. 9`?��
<br /> eatering upon and tating �ossession of tAe ;,rusc estate, ?�e cclle�tian ai su�h rents, issues and prafits and applicatian tAereof as aforesaid
<br /> snall not cure or raive any default or natice of defea;t. h�+r�under or ir.va!;�3*.e sap s�� au3 in tespou�c �u y�en defeoli or pursu3nt to sucA
<br /> notice uf defnult and notyitAstandisg tne con�::,,a1�e in gassessian af �Ce property ar tne collecti�n, receipt ar.d applicatian af rents, issues or
<br /> profits, �rustee or the Beaeficinry say c� :nti:led to exercise every right prov:d�d f�* ia any of the loaa instru�ents or by la►r apon occurrencQ
<br /> af any event ai default, inci:�iin� the right to eAercise tw� �o,e, ci sa,z; �
<br /> b. careace an actian to f;xeeiase this Deed of Trust as a iortgage, nppoint d re:eitie-, or specifically enforce a��of the covenanta heteof; �
<br /> c. deliver to Tru�tee n rtitten de�laration of default and �eaand for salA. snd a �ritten notice of default and ele�ticn to cause¢;�ators'
<br /> interest in the propert� ta be sold, �hich notice 'tY�ustee shall c���se :c ce d�iy filed for recor6 in the official reco;Qs af the co�nty in�hic� � .
<br /> - -- �`e PrupErcp is lacated. , -- -
<br /> IZ. �nld tAe Benefiei�r� �lart r„eR..,.t...� �... _ _� .�
<br /> : -----, _---_ -_._...,,.,,,� ,,, cACLLt�i Vi �ne porer oi saie eerein contained, the Beneficiarp ahall natifp�ustee and ahat! f
<br /> depasiL iith Trustee this Deed of Trust and the note and such receipta and evidence of exper�'itures msde and secured hereby as irustee�a� require, �
<br /> aad upon request af tAe Beneficiary, t5e 9'rustee shall cause to re tecard:d, �ublished end �elivere� to nustor such Notice nf Default and Yatice of �
<br /> Sale as then requir�d by la�and by this Deed of Trust. irustee sh�ll viLhn»t e��e„A �r a�;`ow,� �oKi eY�; �i:t� �o� ��E�, �� requireeqi ;y iar+ ano
<br /> aiter recarCation af suca Bo�i�e of Default and after Sotic? of Sale t�aving been given as requ:-ed by lav, sell the propertp at the ti�e and place of ' —
<br /> sale fiYed by it in such N�tice of Sa]e, either as a �hale, or in separate l�ts or � -
<br /> as it�ay,:eteroine, at public a�ction te the highest bidder for cash and ah�ll delivereto such p�chaseruorepurchasere�thereoflandeedntolt6eupro�ertr �
<br /> sold, censistent �ith tae Ja•r then in effect. Reci;�ts in the itustee's deed sheL' be prian facie ev:dence af t�e truth of th� statenents sa�e F y �
<br /> fherein. irustee shall apply tAe prcceeda of the s�le in the fallaWing order: (i� to�11 redsane�le costs and eYpenxes of the sale, inctuding tut not
<br /> liaited ta Srustee's fees of no� �are tnan iX af the grosa sele pr:ce. zeason3ble attarney fees ar.d costs af title evidence; (b) ta ell suas aecured
<br /> ty t!!is i�eed of Ttust; and (c) the etcess, if any, to the gerson or r rsons Ieqaily entitled thereto. Any persan, including tt�e Aeneficinry, asy
<br /> purcnase said prapertp st said snle. �rustee aay in the�anner provide� by lav, pastyone sale of all or any portios o; the pr�pertp. �
<br /> 1� irustee and the aenef:ciary, ar.d each a: thee, shali 9e entitled to en.°crce payaent nnd perfor�ance of any indebtedness or obli$ation secwred
<br /> dereby and to exercise all rights and por+ers under this Cee� of Trust a: u^�er ar.y ioar, instr�ent ar other agteeaent or any lerrs nar or hereafter
<br /> eaforced natWith�tanding sae or all c° the indebtedneas and abliga�icas sec�red h�ereby �+hi;'r. s3; r.ov or hereafter be other�ise secured, vhet�er ty �-�
<br /> aortgage, aee� of trust, pledge, liee, assign�ert or otnerWise, l;e::aer tne acceptance of t�:s;eed of Trust r;r its enforceoent, vhether bs caurt '�`.`
<br /> actias ar purauint to ttre porrer of snie or at�er pooera ierein conuined, shall �*ej�dice or in a.�y �anner nffect 9'rustze's or the Benefi.i�.► * '
<br /> ta realise upon or enforce any other s�Yuritq nav �r nereafter held :y Trustee :•r :he 6eneficiarp, it being agreed tAat srustee and the Ber,aficiarpghy
<br /> and eac� of the�, shall 6e entitled to eeforce this Deed uf Trust ��3 any other secutity nor ar hereafter held bp thQ tenefi�ia:y or irus�ee in such
<br /> arder ae1 ntnaer as the�ia1 in th�ir a!+solute discretion deter�in�. No rh���hereia conferred upon or reserved to Srustee or Beaeficiary is
<br /> inten�e: `o be excluaive of anp �t�er�Jedy herein cr np :a++ provided or peraitt?d, 6ut ea�e shall be c�aulative and shail Ee in addif`.:^ �; averp
<br /> ot�er re�edy given here�,�er or rcv or ee�esfter existing ac �as+ or Pquiip �t �� s�atut�, R,ery pa�er or re�e;f g;:zr. ny anp oP the I��^ ;r�:r;�er.t�
<br /> to �'ruHt�e or the �en°fici3ry ur !,� vhich eiyter cf :�;e„ aay �e ot'r,erwise ent;t:�a �ay be exercise�, ;oncurre�tly ar ir.7epen�ently, {res �:.;e ±o tize
<br /> and as of�e; as aay bp oee�e6 expedient by'�}uatee or Beneficiary, and either of the��e�y pus::� .a�onsistent reaedies. !tethieg �ereir, s}�!] 5e
<br /> construed as pro5ibitiag the Benefic��-; °�o� seesing �def:ciencp ju�ge�ent aqai�st ;:,ators to tne eatent�uch actian is pe�':ted by la�.
<br /> I�. Trus�ars herehy reguest a cory :` any r��tice of default an� tt�at ac� :,c;.;:e of sa?e hereunder ba oai;ed to S'rvscors a: the eddress sat fcr�h
<br /> in the first �aragrapfl of tnis �ee� of irust.
<br /> 15. R�e 8eneficiar�rtty, h�a �critten instruient executed ar,d ac�noyledge� cy 8e�eficiary, :ai:ed ±� ?rescors an� recorded in ;he ��ounty in
<br /> Uii1C!� !!i@ j�!'��?p�� 1& �"vi.A??� 8C� �p �tr,ervis� CG7p:qing with i5' G':71S:Ot�B Gf t!�? app;l:dL'J2 !97 Cf tDP SfBtP Ot 4ebreszu. 5J09L1tUtQ 8 SUCCe55QI �0 :=° --=----_-
<br /> t�e irustee r.amed tere�n or acting nereunder.
<br /> 16. Y�is ueea of ,'r��� applies v�a,^,a inures cc tr.e Ceref�t of and binds all parties hereto, their r.eirs. -ersona: represent�tices, s�ccessors
<br /> ar.d ssatgns. Tne t�r� 'i+er.eficiary" seall mea.� tne orr,er ana hoider af the n�te, WnetEer or not nased as Beneficinry herein.
<br /> �q• �l`•.CG;:t. �rfe::t1� th,e iian,.�ty �f ar,p ct�ar p2t3:; :la�iC fOt �f.!' r3yuCfiC Of 8�J ;"iigatian her�:n�e;�u^nea. 3.•,] V7:.^77t d�fQCi11�' ;tf :lffl �
<br /> or �t�arge cf this Leed of ;rust upon en� partian of the property r,ot tnen or theretofor� re:ease� as sr.cu;�ty f,r ��e r,ll �a�en*_ cf qJl ar.pa:i
<br /> :b�ld8t:�19� L1" �er.eflC:B[f"�jl� {CQ3 tiae ta �16° ?.E� YI±f�Uf LC!1:': �i� f^.:�SE 3'�f :�PS�(151 SO �:3i:�: b n o ± � ;. �f �r �
<br /> �6.+:1� :' 3^.Y 6GCh Opjlg3±,0�� {C� Q�ar�� OCh22 1G9u�gences; (A► re!ease �r re:aa.p• •j0 �p�p ,,. ( � llt.L� hP u3IJI'1�( . 1..2� iLy „ '.p �
<br /> v��F•"��Y: �0' �Af(F Ct I?l��9f d* -I dC ., 1'.��..4.'��5 ^F'_;L� �.y r?.,.o , �J...7'. ..^?:i :� 't.;' J
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