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2� 1 ��4� 1 � <br /> 4. ��NIM�N �►.RE� ����'S �II.A,RG�. �wner sha1� pay to I�eve�oper, at <br /> Deve�aper's notice address as prov�ded herein, an annua� cor�tribut�on to�rard th� c�st and <br /> expenses for the repa�r, ma�ntenance, restorat�on and improv�ment�f the roads, detentian ponds, <br /> and other corrvmon area irnprovernents of the Shopping�enter nat�acated�n the�vvner Propert�r <br /> [the "Maintenance �harge"}. The Maintenar�ce �harge for the first year sha11 be Five Thousand <br /> Do��ars ($5,���.�D) a�d sha�� be payab�e on the date of th�s Agreemer�.t and thereafter sha�� be <br /> due each y�ar on the ann�versary of the first day of the month fo��o�v�ng the date of �his <br /> Agreernent �unless th�s Agreement �s dated �n t�e first day of a m�nt�Z}. The Maintenance <br /> �harge shall be �ncreased �a�h year by an amount equal to t�are� percent [3%} �f the <br /> Maintenanc� �harge due dur�ng the prev�ous year. The Mai�.tenance �harge �s �n lieu of pro- <br /> rata comman area m.aintenance charges typ�cal�y impased in f�rst�-c�ass shopping��nters. <br /> 5. REPUR�HAS� �PTI�NS. <br /> �a� Fai�ure to �ommence �onstruction. In ��.e event Dwner has not <br /> con�nenced construction of the Hardee's Restaurant on the �wner Froperty with�n �leven �11} <br /> months after th� date of th�s Agreement, then I3eveloper shali have the right, but not th� <br /> ob�igatxon, �xercisab�e b�del�very af�vvr�tten not�ce there�f t� �v�ner�vithin sixt���D� days after <br /> the exp�ration of said e�even �11) month per�od, to purchase the �wner Property for an arr�aunt <br /> equa� to the pur�hase price paid by �v�ner t� Dev�lop�r for the �v�rn�r Praperty �the "No <br /> �onstruct�on Repur�hase Pr�ce"}. If Deve�oper exercrses the repurchase opt�on, the �l�s�ng of <br /> �uch repurchase sha�� �c�ur sixty �6�� days after the exercise of the opti�n by Deve�oper, at <br /> which tim�, Dev��oper sha1� de�iver t� �v�ner the N� �onstru�t�on Repurchas� Price, and �vsrner <br /> sha�� conve�to Dev��oper fee simple titie t� the �v�ner Property �n the sam.e cond�tion as when <br /> the ��ner Praper�y was conveyed by DeveXoper t� ��ner, fre� and c�ear of any l�ens and <br /> en�umbranc�s; pr�v�ded that, �f I3�ve�oper ta�es t�t�� subj ect ta any l�ens ar�d encurr�bran�es <br /> record�d aga�nst the �wner Property, the Na Constructi�n Repurchase Pric� s�.ai1 b� reduced by <br /> d�duCting the amount �f ar�y and alI such Iier�s and encumbran�es recorded aga�nst the �wner <br /> Property. The f�regoin� shall not be dee�ned t� requ�re Deveioper to ta1�e ti��e subj ect to any <br /> suc�. ���ns and encumbrances shauXd I�eve�oper e�ect ta e�erc�se �ts opt�on to repur�hase the <br /> �v�rner Property, nor s�a�� Deve�ope� be requ�red to become persona�ly ob�igated far such 1�ens <br /> and encumbrance s. <br /> �b� Fa��ure to � en and � erate. In the event In the ev�nt a Hardee's <br /> R.estaurant is not constructed on the Property and �pen and �perating �ith�n sevent�er� [17) <br /> months after th� date of th�s Agr�emer�t, then I)eveioper sha�� have the r�ght, but nat t�.e <br /> abligatian, exerc�sable by de��v�ry of�r�tten notice thereof to �wn�r�ith�n s�xty(��) days after <br /> the exp�ration of said seventeen �17) �nanth periad, to purchase the ��vner Praperty for an <br /> amount equa� to the Repur�hase Price �def�ned be��w�. If Develaper exercised the r�purchase <br /> option, the c�osing of such �epur�hase sha�I occur sixty ��fl} days after the exer���e of th� opt�on <br /> by D�veloper, at v�hich t�me, Deve�oper sha�l de�iver ta �v�ner the Repurchase Pr���, and�wn�r <br /> sha�l convey to Deve�oper f�� s�mp�� t�t�e to the ��vner PrQper��in the same condrtion as when <br /> the ��vner Property �ras c�nveyed �y Deve�oper to ��ner, free and clear of any �iens and <br /> encum.brances; prov�ded that, xf I��ve�oper elects ta take t���e subj ect to encumbrances recard�d <br /> aga�nst the �v�ner Pr�per�y, such Repur�hase Pr�ce shall be reduc�d�y deducting the arr��unt af <br /> any and al� l�ens and encumbrances recorded a�ainst the �wner Proper�y. Th� far�go�ng sha�l <br /> r��t be deeme� to require I3ev��oper to ta�� tit�e subject t� ��ens and encumbrances should <br /> -4- <br />