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<br /> �l(CQ , From internal Revenue Co�e t21 �cas Oi ProFerry 5��b�ect To Uen•For purposes oi �y���������
<br /> oara9�aDys 1�1 end(4!.ProFertY sha;l Ce Caematl t�be siWated• acribW N rp�ybqq�py�����
<br /> �eC. G321. Lien For Taxes (A) Real Proper,y-In Ihe case of rea�praperty,at ns e �n tM
<br /> phy5:ca�iocanan:or �� �YM�rai0�nc�.tl�notla of x�A Nn
<br /> II any parson 4db10 l0 Gdy any idx r2S;eta or retuses to ca ��ti���dino�wph a+bNClbn(Q h tlN SfaM
<br /> —. Y '8) Pxco�J PrcAertll-tn Lha ca:s c!�:.e:�sl�rCp�AY. In w�;ati 8ua1 rpidmc�b bCated.
<br /> the came artar demand,the amo�at,:r,c�Amg Any m�e,ost,ad- «he�nenang:b'a or intarg;b'e,at the res:Cence cf 2ho;ax•
<br /> diti0n21 iR10Mt,�tldi60n t0!8x,Cr gg58�ap;e ce�y;�,,,�e fK payer at th3 Gr.ie tlw np6ca of den I9 hted.
<br /> wNh my coss that may accn,e in 1dG�0on the:e:o�,ha I Ce a Fcr purposas ot paragrapn�2)(B).the res:Qenee of a xrporation o��y�����t+�,� ��,����
<br /> ��an in tawr o`tM UnRed SW!es upon 9,9 propet;ar.:❑S�;s to �r partnsrsh-p sha�i Da Cesmed to Oe the D�ace at which the prio- �b�Dw��•
<br /> D��DenY.wre�*er na)or perso�a�,pe��ng;ng to such persan. p;.a!?X@C�L��B CtfiCB 0�th9 bUS r,BSS i9 IOLBtEd.A110!he res�• (A) the ons�ys�r period�r�d;op 9p dry���y�� ,
<br /> d�r.e o! a:axnayer�tihase res:�ence�s �tianout tne Un�!pn ot 8 ysare nRer the daM of tne as�M d 1�N ta,1iM
<br /> �@C• �2�'. Period Of Lien. S:a:as snas be�asmed to oe�n me O�stnct of Cqtumbla 's�y�,,.°��?ar pe;"?d enthnp tNN 4W OxpTraypn p�p
<br /> �s� �cm• ir.e r�rm an0 tAntent o':he no5co reterted to '°`"'°"°"""""J°vruApraaiwgrptt�tpts�tnr�pppq�
<br /> Un!ess anothyr d�te is speo�,r�i�y r,t�y hy yve,the le1:m� in s��;e.:�on �a)sha:i be prese^Ded Dy!�e Seeretary.Sueh f�r s�,ch noUe�ot fien. '
<br /> Do�by sation 6371 aha4 ense at V+e t�me tn9 assessmem �ay;,�s�3,:p�tia�d npna���,stana,r�any o;r.er provtsion o}I�v
<br /> ��ma�en��conttnw tmdi u»i�ad:�ry tor mo amount so repaM•ng tne rorm or content o1 a no::ce ot eea. SBC. �25. Release Of L.ien Or
<br /> aeNSSea(a a►udgment aganst tr,e tax�ayer ans•ng cut et suen Dlscharge Of Propert y. �
<br /> 6rDi6ty)b sa6sGe0 G Doco;nes uneM,orceaD:e by rcason cf sa�se rlw��, o nn�..,�, �
<br />__._ __..,. x W„o, ....... .,ae sect�on wcoiu� �or prni�cfion ca��teiease Of l.len. — s�a�sa ro wds r.�,�. �x
<br /> for certain interests even though notice of qo���a se«e�►y,may�re,a;b,,u„S,c�w,y„h,�,,,,,�
<br /> SBC. 6323. Validity and Priority Against lien imposed by section 6321 �s filed with a°e'tit'cate of reieus o1 an}r Iyn tmposW with roap�q to
<br /> Certain Persons. teSpBCt t0: mtemal revenue tax not tater than 30 dayr�alter th�Cty o�n
<br /> xhl�h• ��.
<br /> ce�Pu�chaser's Holders Oi Securi In• � sewr,�.o�
<br /> � i�) �aDiligr gaUSfied or Unenforteable•'R�e SefxpGry 6nd� �
<br /> tereata, Mechanfc'9 Lienara, And Judg• z �?oior�:er.-es that tne rabn,ry tor the amount assessed,topetner wi�h ell h- �
<br /> ment Lien Creditors.—ThB i.8i impCSfO Dy SBCt on � �et50^31 p•O;,CRy Gu'Lna;ed ai re;a,� :erest;n respc�theraot,has bean N�y satisAed a tw Mcan� i
<br /> 8321 shall nof tre valid as aga�nst any pu:cr.aser,r.o_oar cf a ' �ersona�p-ooerty ou:cnased m casuai saie •e9a:y uneniorceabte;or .
<br /> a�curity ir;erest,metA3n:c's ber,or,or judyrr.0�t:Bn C�f�i:0�until 5 aerkr3l p;o;erty scC;edetl:o possesso.y��en (2) Bond Aceepted-fiere te bmis�ed to ths S�cr�tvy�nG r
<br /> radce L'wreo�which mea;s!,e req:,reme�ts ol s�sx•�,�0 5 �sa�prepem�+tax.�r�sFeual asse55ment!.ens ac�ePteC by him e bond that U oond�Uoned upcn th�p�ymMt r
<br /> ►u�Deen i��so by ir.e 5ecre:ary ' P`-''�e�73f C•�;��f s:a��ct M a rrecha�:c s of the amount assessed,together with e:l tntereat b A�pkt F '
<br /> en'cr v.r,a`n�oC��s a^a�^�prcceTans thereo}.w�,hin the Gme presCrfbed by law(indu�ng�ny�M�tt. � �
<br /> � m Plaee For Flling Notlee'FO�t11.— 9 p"0"9y'S�r"s s:on ct sucn�me),er.d thal b In axorOance wlth auCh rputre� 4�
<br /> � y C�rt���ns_raa:o c^,�•a:�s men�s�e'at:r.g to terms,conditions,end fortn of the bond enC �
<br /> (1J Pl�g FCr F„r9-n;9�;�a rete•ro�to��sub5et::on = Pass�os t�acs sure:�es fnerean,as may be apeafied by such repulaUone. �
<br /> (a)ahal�Oa rded.
<br /> (�1 unde�sa:s t.a�:s ��� Reflling Of NOt1CA. — Fc:M;,�coses c��-.; S2C. 6�Q3. Confidentiality and Y
<br /> () Re�PrO,�Crty•In th0 W59�1 red�;.rae-.y.:n o-e ��M��,� Diselosure of Returns and Return
<br /> ,offiC9 witRr.'"a S:d10(Or tl!0 COUn��,or o:her y9ti•.^:nental
<br /> subdivisbn), as Cesi�nateC Cy tho �aa;s ot so:n S1ato,in �� General Rule.—Cness�:•cc;a;.en,s re'�:aG Information.
<br /> which 1he propeerry suD;ect•-t� �ea�s sr,�a'ea,ano '' °�ar.ne�crescebed.�para;•a;h,2.�,r.r,g V:�fequued
<br /> A') Pe:sonal ProDertv-�:�;o case ct re•;:�;i F,o; -;�3.;�„� '-�h co;.�^�t:e�s��,.�e-•ea:ea as r•ed on �k� Disetoaure of Certain Returns and
<br /> em.W+�tr.���a�,3�a��:•�,-�:-e..�o-e:.:e::..•,;�� . :.�°�. ��.e�.^a����-3-:�,.•����5�:��r� Return Informatlon For Tax Administre-
<br /> State(or ihc coun,y.or o?e�r^;err.m>,�a'- • '"e••r�:>.��::-:•s.c�•a;�.n�p��,�. FIOS@5.--
<br /> �- .._-:s:-.�s Non Pur
<br /> do:gnateo�y,ne�aws ot wc:St�:o. .r.. -�t-a.•,��-r.� �� Plaee For Filing.—a r '::c o`,°e�rer�'o���r-
<br /> sub)eC�t0:hv'•en�5 s��urcd.:. - c,re;::e�•�•.----' 's�.s�x�.._...a.:::�• %2i D3:asuro ot amoent oi ootstandinq GeR-i(a noUCe ot
<br /> (B) W�:h C'sra L;Dst.�t�.�:.�,,•a,.��.._s:r:^,,.�.k . �. aan nas Deen t�ICC pursuant to Sect:on 63231�.the amount of
<br /> 011h0 U��18�$!d:^S.'�-C!•C:.»•�"„,J:..-1'°_�57=!_'1 v.h Ln '� SbGh ry,:o C�-:dn.5'�'f.�. ' .
<br /> 1he property sob ect;�5�s:;s:r_;�: +,hec4�er tho Seae4 haz . e:-er notco o!�<_n was t•:co.�r.S � '-ctt�cs�n wn�en the outstaM�rr�obl�gauon Sewrod by sueh IiGn may bo O�sclo�ed
<br /> not Dy�a;v Ce:�;na.eo o�»u�,ce:m.:cn�ee:s!rig rCC�rercsnts •>> a:he�ase of rea. , < <fl�Y Person who tumishes satisMCtory writton eviEence that
<br /> G'o:a�}r.:^e 1z�t c re.�i�ng�s hs has a rigM;n the oropeAy subJect to such lien or interas to
<br /> o►subparagraph rq�.cr ��°:c•ed a�7�ecc•:e� ,an�r,C9z eo c e axtern�eqw:eo t� cba.n a right in su�h properry.
<br /> (C) Y1M Re�rde:0!D�s G'Tr.�Os;�ct 0�Co.,:�aa• s:,�sec�on�q!a�.a.�
<br /> In tAe o:fieo of tha Re�•�er o1 Daens oi tr,y D.;•r-!of Co':,��9 3 �61 �0ni y>g;�,.,r.,:�.9p Ca fs Gt m�re G��or'o fne Cate
<br /> ?:A8 p�0�(1'N 5...^.,^:1 i��i 9':aq ;S:Ge'tJ:!1 IhU C.S:^f!C� -' 3'�•��'i�•��':0 D�I B9 U'd9f�'_�:3:8 �d0�1(A�.t'1B '
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