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<br /> Exce�pts From Intemal Revenue Code (2f Si;us OI Prcporry Sub�ect To Lbn•Fa purpose�of Seenqry rso�tuW wr�tm ttk�nWion(fn tM mwyr pM. '
<br /> c�! Dar�qr�hs It)and ial.C�peAy aha�Ce Ceemed to Oa simatea• ecri0ed in regul�tbnt lstwd by tiw S�yr)oonolmYg
<br /> Se�. w2�. Lien For Taxes (A) Re�!PmFo:ry•In tha ca;a 81 ra�l p�po��y,ai�t� i c,'uiyi 6i Gw la�ybry rhidena,il�ndio�o(wch�n
<br /> phys:cal bcaticn;or u eqp fi!rd In�CCOrdanp�wBh a�ibll�rpn m in TM S�y
<br /> It erry persoa raDle to pay any:ar ne�'ecs�:•a��ses�a Cay i8) Perso�m Pro�e:ry-In the usse oT peraon�Y Properly. tr�wAkh wM�k�nC�b beabd.
<br /> tlN aeme 6Rer Gamand,the emo�nt I�nc:u�.n3 ar,y�n;eresl,ad• �,rhe�her targ;D:e or Intang;C:e,at thc res:derce ot the taz• �
<br /> dNorw�nwunt,a�a�uon to tax,or assessao;e pew,ry,c�ea�r payer at me bme Ne rat+ce oi hen�s fi,aa. �s�Requlrod R�tlling P�riod.—In�cw
<br /> wid�anyr cost�Ihat may�oerue in edi,tiun V�ere;ol sha4 Da a fcr p��csos o1 pare9raph(2)(B),the rosidence ol a co�poration p��y����yw y��������,
<br /> � FM Ifl}3v@�P)���Mfy�$!a!ao i i'nr_v�8�1 N^C?.'[Y'-^A aM-°� N.�?,n..n.;��.�.hn�,�i�.9 C,9CT.:Q"J.^.3'.''.^..�'.3.^�'S.1i�",tiLli:!'A F"^' (A) 1110 OflayfEU�IIOtl QII��IQ 30��1�UI��I�Ofl .
<br /> OfOpEIIY.WhB1hN[�ll 0I GE[!0[1aL blIM.Q�nC'.:SLl1 Ger50:1. CI6'il eYO:.utvtf n1f,rA n}fhs huc;nnec�c:rvat�rl,�M tlu m�� '-
<br /> �z�2 M a !ax:3yer rrhose ,es��xe s ti:�:tr.�ut Uo Uni;ed vi o�man eimr ine wis oi ins aUwwnw�i oiuw t�t,�tC � __
<br /> � SBC. ��. Period 0# Lien. Sta:as sna,i eo ceomad to 00�n the D�stn�ot Coiumbia. tB) the ono-year perlo0 enairg wRh Ois�Ira6on of E , -
<br /> �3) Fonn•The !o-m anq wn;�nt o!�he no:�ce re'erred[o Yearo after Me close o1 the preCed'ry repuired rofi6np period
<br /> UNes�eno7Mr Aate a spec:��ca::y',�ea Dy law,�he i�en�n• ,�bubs>c:�:n (o)sha;�De erescdbeJ by mA Secretary.Sech �or auch notice o(I:en. �
<br /> po5e0 Oy 6eetlon 6321;dwll anse at Ne t.me tre asspss�nent �,�S.,a.,ye va;.d roar,�hs;aa„�n�any omer pro,ns�on ol iaw �9r_�.���. �A�,�.��v�Qf .�
<br /> -----�---- 4 c.�;.��."�I�„,:;,�t wa,s`,:,:.;r::�a:.,,:.,;:;, aro� ,rre torm or cor.ient ot a noxo at tren. � „
<br /> as�esrW{a�JudpmeM 8pa'.M1St the�axpa�e�a���.�g out 016uch � '�' Dl�eharge Of Proper[y. �
<br /> �ibi�i�saflsfieQorDeCOme9 unentorceab�e Dy reason c!�apsa NOte: S68 SeCtiOn 6323(b) tor protection !a�Re�ease nf Llen. — Sub�ea ro iuoh nputa �
<br /> for certain interests even though notice of lo^�����n�y v�es«�c.,me sea.ny an.�an,. �
<br /> 38C. 6323. Validity and Priority Against �ien imposed by section 6321 �s filed with a�n.;�te o�rebase a u,y r�,��o,�n�m.�y �
<br /> intemal rovenu9 tax not later thar►30 day9 after the dey on
<br /> Certain Persons. respect to: ,�„�,. �
<br /> (o)pU�Ch1S8f'8 Hofders Of Security In• � S��r�;.cs (�) Uab���ry Satisfled or Ur.enlarceaCle•Tl:a SCacG:ryrLrtds :
<br /> � 2. !,S�tor veti::..es U+at the�ability Tor t6e amount asSe95ed,topetl�er wAh dl in•
<br /> tQ�t�� Mechan c s Lienors, A�d Judg• 3 aersona� te�est�n res
<br /> p:�peT�p..rthaSBd e!read p9Ct there0f,hg9 pegn tutty SaUafipd pr ha�beCOrtN r
<br /> ment llen Creditors�—Th9�:011 Im�05"�Cy secron { aersor,ai p•ooeay c::rcnasea i�casuai sa'e �ega�N unentorceaD:e;or �.
<br /> 6321 ahai not be va�d es aga:n;;any pur�:asr.ro�aor c�a 5 Pcrsona:p�oae�r s�c,oned�o pr�;ses�ory i•en (2! Bond Accepted•There Is fumished to the Seartery an0 � �
<br /> e�eurity interost.mechanics��enor,or)ucg^err;kenuo�arunai � Ry�;p�pag-�y rax a*.�s�ca�assassr^ent I ens a�eDt9d by Nm e bond that le condi�oned�;tn Ihe paym�M � ' ��
<br /> rqtice tAereof wh;ch meets ihe re;,•eTens e!s:osecca�;+i - q�s-,er�:a'�•c:�c, s,�;ea•o a m=cna��s of u�e amouM aasessed,rogether with a:!i�iterest In reapect �v"
<br /> naa been rce�by tne Secre�ary• a�fo•ce^aa•e��•s a��.T�•.:ener,;s tnereof,within�he time prescribed by law(nGudng any e�Aen- �
<br /> 6 a;•cTay�s•ens � swn ol such time),enC�at+s in eaordance with such require� '.".'� •
<br /> ;n Place For Ffling Notice; Form.— 4 �;r.a�^.s:.-a�.a cc�r�c:s ment�re!ating to terms,conditans,and tortn o1 tM bond uW
<br /> (1)Paee Fc�����ng-Th9 not.ce•e'snetl:a��s.;DS^:�:� �0 Pa;s�:oa �ans sureUes thereon,a9 may be apedfied by su�f regutaL'on1. "
<br /> (e)anan�e r,ed• g Sec. 6143. Confidentiality and
<br /> �A) Undbr SW:e La�.e �;i Retili� 01 NOtiC2. — =or p,•F�ses o+v+is
<br /> n R9�1 PrOp81y•tn thg q59 ot r¢a��•::erty.�a ooe 5°C���� Disclosure of Returns and Retum
<br /> oKce wnl�,n:ne State(or me cou�ry,or o:�a•;.Lemmen�a� �i� General Rule.—U.^.ess nc•.::ot i en ,s retr.<� � Information.
<br /> •sub0:v15ion),as Eesynated by the ;avs:` s..;.�Sta:e.�n �❑tn,,��.,,;e�r<sc��e9,^paa3rap��2�c_�ng fho reqwred
<br /> nt�ich tAS property sub;ect to rie 5en;s s:���e�:antl •,�;n� ;;e•�od. ;,�� r.a;�e�! r.�,�r�,0e�reatei as`:�d cn (�) Olsetosure of Certatn Retums and
<br /> F�1 Pe�sor.at Properry•i�the:.a�o o'.'F�«o�3:c•o� •-��a��o,,.r�n r. ,;�•�o,,���;,C'"3'C9.v�:�s_�s.�:;�r,� Return Information For Tax Administra-
<br /> erty.wneCher.ang:b:e or�^tar.�b1�,�^cre .e.v'�n°•: 3....>c ex::�z:cn o•socn re�r�c�F�.y tlan Pury�S9S.—
<br /> $id�0(�t.h0:.GGMy/�Ot if.?;y^0�2T;r.6�C?3:.,.;r:a�::"q.an �"'
<br /> aor:�na�ea by L�„��,�,s��;wn sa��. ... .. _-.o;�-, �z Piace For Fifing.—.���:;p� _. _.��c,.
<br /> sub�ect to 7ne��en:;s<��eo.o� '3:��req;•°-�•'` ,9:°;:se<_��'�o e'+e:r.^r, (2) D�st�osure oi amcu�t o1 outstand:rg 1ien.•it a notice ot
<br /> (Bl tV�C'ark 01 Os��C Ccor..�;^:;..�-!t.�_�.R A, �: !:en has been fi�_4 pursuant:o secf:on 6323;q.the amount of
<br /> of tho Unrte�Sea.'0S d$b�:t Cp:R t:a'^: .;._ ..,,C; n��,r�n .� =.Gh":Cf1 U I:6��;�c�etl:i Uy cY:ce - n��ti the o�sanCmg oCi5a5on secared by such t�en nay be disebeed
<br /> ae acaaM S�hCC:t0"�Bn.5 5:.>�•.i ;.. ..•:7;a S:�t^'.-5 •,?;rr r;gn�';nn ttaS"^A.anj to any aerson who lumisAes satisfactcry witten evlCence tAtt
<br /> rot by�aw C^s��ate9;n9 y'c�:.r�:��ce's^_•:;:•eTe�ts � n ih; �,��f-e�;�.•o;,C'y.'"e'�cs;��e'�'•^g�s he ha;a ri�ht m the prepedy SubJed to suth I:en a intend!t0
<br /> or suSO�.�ag•aDh(d).o• c�.e.ca a�.��e-^•.s:.�n •�:x:�:�o eaer.�•eqa:•e9�y W�a:n a r5nt in scch proPerlY.
<br /> (C) Ylrh Re^ArCCr 0�D„ ,C•,r�e u .._:0'C��^�:.a- s.;:ec':.n,r�.<� z^tl
<br /> �n ihe oi:�eo o':ro R?cor0^. •C'����'.��C 5.._•G'Gc, .3 B ^ar r ca;r ^r,�:� �9 d��s Cr m�re pr,o�'>(i';01]to
<br /> e tMi GroGer,�s.C,es:•� . e� �,_�a•e� .�� . . .. .t�c� ...� . .. . .. _rr s;,�:a•ag•G�h �A.:na
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