<br /> I �
<br /> �
<br /> FCE30 5011
<br /> Papo 2 012
<br /> � T�u�tor(�)�nd�ach ot tle�m furth�r cov�n�nt��od�prNS wirh B�n�tleNry�s tal�aw�:
<br /> (t) To pay aH INn�,�vdgrtw�t�,or othk aas�eamante epsinat tAe proparry,and lo pay when due all a�so�smonts,taxoa,re�te,foos,or charpos upon the proper,y or
<br /> undar�nY NaN.p�rmit huna�.or privilsp�uslgnod tn 8otwliciary na wd�uanal aatunry In Mu Truat Ooed.indudmg thaaa u�cu nn nutrc dnma�n
<br /> (2� To Iruun md kMp InwrW buitding�and otAer improv�ment�incluninp fiaNres�nd ettacnmenu now on or hereARer�+iaced on t►+e property to it+E>satl9lqction ot
<br /> ^ B�tsofit�ty SuCh Intut�rr„�wll!b�ppp;otyG by aru!dopoa+ta.'1 wlth Ueneflu�t�y,and and�xiW with Ioga payablo dauso to Benefidary. Any suma eo received by F38neflddry
<br /> I may b�us�d b pay tor r�conatructlo�oi th�dostroyed Impravemonta or il no►ao eppli�d may he appl�ad.at the opdon ot Benet�clary,In paymant o!xny IntlabieEnaa9
<br /> mstwrd a unrtytexW s�cur�d Cy tha Trutt D»d.
<br /> (3) To katp aN bullC+npi,fixtur��,attachrtwnU,a�d ot►wr Improvamenq now on a herRahar placod on 1ho propany occupied and in pood repalr,malntenanc�,uid
<br /> conCition and a n�itAK comrtwl nor p�rmtt�ry acb of wast�or�ny Impalrment of tM valu�ot!hs propany. Btn�ficiary may annr upon tna proQerty IP In�pect tM aa.me a�
<br /> p:rh��n C�r,.:..-ts auiR�rfzcd R.raEr►a tn tls�loa�s apraaaeantjal.
<br /> (1) k+IM twnt Truiror(�)hlta ro pay any liens,�udpmantt,assaunwnts,tax�a,ranq,Ita,a charpas a malntaln rny Ineurence on the properry,buJdinp�,fi�turea,
<br /> �ttachrMnt�,a Improv�rrwnts u provided horeln w In the loan a9reemant(�),Benetk�ary,at Its option,may make auch paymenu a provids insurana,malntenancs,or
<br /> rp�k�Itnd�ny artqunp pald Ih�ntor wIN E�ome part ol the prindpal indebtatlness tecund her�by,be immediatey due and payable and bear Interest at tl»d�FRUtt rat�
<br /> provld�d In IM noN(i)ham tl»dat�of paymmt until pald. Th��dvanc�m�nt by 8enaficlary o1 any auch amounU will In no manner Iim�t the ripht o1 Berned:ry lo d�cl�n
<br /> �ruator(s)In d�Tault oc�x�rd��rry ol B�rwfict�ry'�oUwr dphU and wn�dl��.
<br /> (� In th��vMt B�rwfldary la a party to any lidIIalbn attacdnp the prop�rty a the I'�n of tlila Tru�t Oeed,Indudinp�ny aetlon by Benefieiary to�nforoo thla Truat DNd a
<br /> any ault In whfch B�n�ticlary la namad a detendant(indudirp cond�mnation and bankruptcy procMdinpa)Bene�ieiary may incur expensea and advanoe paymenti tor ab�Vact
<br /> taq.attom�ys t�a(ro tM�xt�m�Ilowad by law).cost�.Qxp�n�s,�ppralsal fNS,and oth�r eh�rp�s and�ny amounp w advanc.ad vrill b�mms part of th�pilndpal
<br /> inMbt�dMts s�eund hK�by.b�imrr�diattly dus v�d payabN and bw Int�nst at th�d�hult at�provid�d In ttw note(s)from tM data of Advanc�unGl p�id.
<br /> (6) My aw�rd�m�d�a Trustor(�)or thelr auecesaors by the ex�rcis�of amtrant domaln an h�raby saatpned to Beneflclary;and 8eneflclery b Iwnby�uthoriz�o to
<br /> collect and apply th��in paym�nt o}any Indeptednes�,mature or unmatured,sacund by thls Truat Owd.
<br /> (7) In 1M�v�nt Tnulor(s)d�faulq tn tM paym�nt wl»n du�ot arry wma aa�urW Maby(prk�clpal.Intere�t,advarxemenW.or protective advance�),a hils to porlorm a
<br /> obsorw�ny oownitnq�nd caMition�co�talnW hsraln,In th�nots(a),ban aproement(s),or�ny otAer InaVUmenU,or any procaedinpa ia broupht by or apainst Tnuta(i)
<br /> und�r any Bankrup;cy laws,8enefidary,at IW optbn,may dedan tM�ntir�fnd�btedn�sa a�am�d hereby to be Immediatey du�and payable and th�whols will C�ar int�nst
<br /> at 1M d�tault►at�u provldW In the not�(a)and 8�n�8tl�ry rt+ay imm�dlanly au�ori��T�ustN q�x�rci�th�Powe�of Sala 9nnted Mrsln In tfie mann�r provld�d in tff�
<br /> N�bra�lea Tast DMdi Aet,a,�t th�optlm ol tlw B�tieivy,may londa�th�Trust O�sd In tM m�nnw proNd�d by law for tM bnebwn of mortpap�a on rW prop�ny,
<br /> indudirp tA�appolMn�nt of a R�aiwr upon�x p�rt�Ypplie�UOn�notla bNrp Mnby�xpr�y waiwd.wid�aut ropard ta tM vNw of tM propKry a th�autAci�nty th�not b
<br /> di�dtirp�tM Ufd�bMdnNa�W MrMy a.In 1M tun apr�ny�). O�lay by 8�nelldary in�x�rdsinp Ib�phU upon d�tault wi11 not b�cautruW as a walver tl�nM a�d
<br /> any aet of B�wlkiary waiMnp any sp�afi�d dNault witl not bs coruw�d n a wafwr o1 arty iutun Eehu4. N tl»prooeeds under auch�ak a toracloaurs ars insufAd�nt b pay
<br /> tM toql ind�bNdi�a�ax�d h�nbp,Tnutar(s)do Mnby aprN q b�pK�onaly bound b pay ths unpaid balant���nd 9�rwfidary wiN 6��nti8�d b a d�ficisncY ludprt»n4
<br /> (� Snoutd e�tiday.�ct a�x.ras�m.Pow.r ot sa�e�ran�.d n.ntn,B�rwflelary wi8 no5y Trwte�who wiil record,pubN�h,and d�Rwr w Trwtorp)sueA Noda of
<br /> O�hult and Nodo�W SaM a�th�n rpWnd by law u�d will In ttw mannw provldod by law,sNl the praparty at th�GrrN and plaoa ot�al�fixed in 1M Nodw o}SaN,«thar a�a
<br /> whol�or tn a�prau bta,p�r�.vls,w Iuma and ln aud�adN as TnutM will d�am sxp�dNnt Any pwao�mey Wd at tha iW k�cludlnp TNioo�(s�,TruatN,a Bawflaary.
<br /> (9) Truator(a)hK�by rpu�sta�oupy o1 arry Notla ol O�tauh a Noda ot S�I�M�uW�r to b�maiNd by arti11W maii q Trw�(a)at 1M addAa(�s)Nt fonh MrNn.
<br /> (10j Upon d�taull,BmMdary.NtMr ln peaon a�by ap�nt,with or wid�out bri�pinp any�edon a P�oo�edinp and with a without npart!to th�valu�ot 1R�Prop�rt�►o�th�
<br /> aufAd�ncq 1Mhof to disdwrp�th�IrM�b��dn�aa ueund Mnby�b aufhorii�d and�n6tl�d�o�ntK upon and ak�paacaaton of th�D�oW nY in ib awn narM a In th�rwn�
<br /> ol 1M TruaM�and do any sca or�xp�nd any wma it dMma n�as�ary or dalrabl�to p�otact a pnauw tM valu�o}tM propaty or any Int�nst th�nin,or Ina�aa�1h�
<br /> Inoom�1Mnkom;and vrllh a without mWrg po��ion ot tM prpp�rty is autl�wiz�d to aw ior or othsrwis�eolkct tM rants.Issws.eropa,pro(ts.and inoortw thK�of,
<br /> indudirg 1hoN paat du�and ur�paid,�nd�ppy tM sams upo�any InGbt�dn�ss wcund hweby w in the losn apreament(s).
<br /> No r�m�dy h�rNm m�hrt�d upon a rss�rved to Trusua a B�n�fielary ia lnYend�d to bo exctu�ive of arty other remedy hsreln a by Iaw providsd a p�m�ltt�d,6ut �
<br /> �aeh will 6�armutatlw,will b�in adCi6on 10 ewry otMr nm�dy piv��h�raund�r a now a Mraahar existinp al law or in equiry or by sunia,and may b��xKeiHd '
<br /> �oncurnnty,ind�p�nde+ty or�uooaMwry. '
<br /> (11) Trustor(i)adcrwiMWp�a that the dutiea and obliyationa of Trustes will be detertnined aoley by U+e expreas provisiona ot thia Truat Deed a the Nabruka Trust Oeeda
<br /> Act and TnntN wal npt b�Wabl��xapt fa tM p�rtamana of sudi dutlas and oblipadons u an sp�eifically aet fonh thsrein,and no implied aovenann or obiiQstioru wiN b� ,
<br /> im�an�d uo�n Tn.e!!e:Tn_�!r!!Yil!r!ot ha llsbla tos ang astion trf!t in pacd laiih ar�d reasanaEly ta8svad by it ta be aut�s,xiza8 ar tiid�in itw discratwn ar i�fit�of p�wera
<br /> aontKnd uvon It bf►d+is Trust ONd a atat�taw. l_�L,'
<br /> (12) TM frn�prity ar�d rasponaibiliry af Tnwtor(s)constltut�a�part ol tM oon�id�ratbn for tiw oblipat;ona aecursd h�raby. 5houtd Trwta(a)sett,transiv,a oonwy th� j'� ;w
<br /> prap�rry dNCrib�d h�nin,without prla writtN►aonsent of Bensfieiary,8�nafie;ary,at ite option,may dedare the enuro Indabtadness ImmediatWy du��nd payabla and may • -
<br /> procNA ln dM�nbro�m�nt o}fu riy�u u o�ury otMt d�hutt .
<br /> (t9) /ISWprrrNnl of R�np includinp P►oceads o1 tuinerot Leaaaa. Truator(a)hereby assiyna.transfera,and aonveya to Benefidary all renta.royaltfas,bonusea.and Nlay -
<br /> monaya a oitwr praa�ada that may hom artw to tlrtw becorna dua and payable under any real ostaio teass a under arry al,yas,pravd,md�.a othK minaal l�as�of any --
<br /> kind includinp pwtMrmal nsourow now sxistinp w that may hersafter wms into existenee,covarinp the properly a any part tfrereo}. All audi aum�so ncalwd by —
<br /> B�n�fld�ry wiN b�appli�d to tlw ind�btadnea�seax�d heroby;a Benei'iclary,ai in opdon,msy turn ovsr and deliver to Tru�ta(e)a thelr suxe�son irt interest,any w atl o} ' •
<br />� s u�a u m s v r i t l w u t p r y u d i c e t o�n y o f B a n e fi d a�s r l p h t t t o t a k e a n d r e W n Mu re s u m e,a n d wi d w u t preju diu t o any o}in ot h e r rip hts un d e r t his Trwt D e e d. T hu a�dpnrr�N
<br /> will b�oo�strwd eo b�a provlsion tor fis payment w r�duc6on o(the debt,aub�ect ro O�e Bensflaarys option as herainbetae providsd,independent of 1M Nsn on th�proparry.
<br /> UQoa WymMft in tuN of tM d�bt and th�reconvsyanos of this Truat DeeA ot r000rE,thia astlpnment will bsoonw inoppratiw and ot rq further foras and�tfaoL ��
<br /> (U) Th�oownanq oont�ined in Ihls Trust Deed will be deemed m be sevenbls•in the event that portion oT this Trust Dead la detertninetl to b�void a unenforeeabls.
<br /> lhat d�Nrtnlnation will not�ffect the wlidity of the nrnaininp poroons o}U»Tnut Deed.
<br /> �-'�L� � `�, {t
<br /> t
<br /> • J n J. Vi k ;
<br /> .sir_
<br /> ;.�.._
<br /> COUNTY OF �lQ �,C � ss. � --
<br /> �� .
<br /> On this_o�—day of �AN.,I t�t�L ,A.O., 19�,C> ,before me,a Notary Pubtic,personally appeared
<br /> John J. Vierk, unmarried
<br /> to me knaw ta be ifie person(s)nemed in arxi wfi►o executecl lhe tore�oing Acknowted�ment and Trust Deed and acknowledged that �e
<br /> exeeuted the same as hi s vduntary act and deed.
<br /> ��tMi� � ' � ��c�
<br /> (SEAL) ������ `
<br /> e(Type or pn'nt name un�signature) ('�
<br /> My oommission expires 3 a�y a Notary Public in and for said County and StAte �/'
<br /> :---
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