_ - i �
<br /> : � ���00012
<br /> c�ar�t�.. �s�rr � , of �
<br /> _ � ��E5=
<br /> � For and in oon�ideration of �' �i�M�r ������%✓��e�/ars� �rr-- �1 ��"
<br /> , good and valuable oonaiderations, the receipt wh�^eof i.s hereby
<br /> � ' � � � Luc lle Ter , :
<br /> acknow edg , __�._�____.
<br />� I
<br /> � .; af C�^and I sl and __�,____�� �"�a� �"ein call the Grantor, ,
<br /> � �� �t�er. ane or more does hereby grant, oonvey and release ta�to the Central Platte
<br /> i i Naitural Resoiu� DisLrict, G�rand Island, Nebr'aska, her'ein cal].ed the Grantee� its :
<br /> : � � suocessors and assi�ns a perpetual easem�t in� over and upa� the following �
<br /> � described land situated in the Co�ty of!dal� , � State of Nebrasica�
<br /> ' to wit: �
<br /> � 0.7 Acres - Part of N� NW� Sec. 27-12N-�tW for permanent easement as shown � �
<br /> on attached plat �
<br /> ' :�
<br /> ; �'
<br /> ; � � I
<br /> � ; With the flr�al location oF said '
<br /> � to be detennir�ed by the pro3ect engineer o e Grar�tee at e ime e wor is . -
<br /> ; perforl►�ed cn the c��annel as hereinafter set forth, �
<br /> , � �
<br /> • far the purpose of or in c�onnection Nith the oonstruction of a new chanr�el benn ': `�
<br /> . and to inprove the existing chanriel on '' � ; ��
<br /> � locate�i cx� i,i� ab�ve ci�scrib� larids, � cx�n._ r ion inc wi i.ng, ;>_-A''
<br /> t..�
<br /> �-- : . d�epenirlg� , a� clear'ing axi �riaj�ii� vf �.�, �:'•�•� � �t�'" -
<br /> � -_ _� straigri�ening ; - - . - -
<br /> ' debris, for or in oonnection with the operation� maintenance and inspection of ���
<br /> ' such c��annel berm ancl channel and for the flowage of any waters in, over, upon a" -
<br /> � thro�gh � c.hannel berm and chanr�el. -
<br /> �he rigl't�s ard privileges herein g�anted sha11 be sub3ect Y.o the following terms �_;
<br /> '� arfd oonditians. �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> i � 1. 7he oonsideration recited herein shall constitute paymenti in tL11 fa" . ,
<br /> � � all danage sustained or to be sustained by the Grantor by reason of the exercise
<br /> f ; of any of the rights or activities described or 6ranted bY the above.
<br /> � 2. lhfs easen�ent includes the right of in�ess and e�-ess at any time wer ' _,..
<br /> � and upon the easem�t area of the Grantor ag speaiffcally described above. ,�
<br /> � 3. lhere is reserved to the GYantor, his heirs and assi�s, the right and , i'�=
<br /> � privilege to use the above described land of the (�antor at any time in any � :�
<br /> , . manner and fq� anY purpose not inoonsistent with the fLll use and �joytr�ent by
<br /> � � the Grantee, its suacessors and assi�ns, of the right and privilege herein �- -_
<br /> �-atted.
<br /> q. The (,�antee shall oonstruct, operate and maintain the above described
<br /> , works oF improvement withfn its diseretion.
<br /> 5. lhis e+asement shall not pass nor shall the sartie be oonstrued to pass, to
<br /> , the Grantee any fee simple interest ar title to the above described lands.
<br /> 6. 'lYie Grantee will eonstruct a temporary electric fence along both banks
<br /> of the improved dsannel (where needed) and install a solar powe�'ed fencer. 11�is
<br /> system will be utilized for tw� (2) p�owing seasons thereafter becoming the �=_-=--
<br /> property of the Grantor. •
<br /> 'IO yAYE pNp 'Pp F�JL.D the aforesaid easem�t fn, over and upon the above described I
<br /> land of the Crantor, with all the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto •
<br /> - belonging or in anywise appertaining, unto the Grantee, its successors and
<br /> Lassigns forever.
<br /> �
<br /> � �.,
<br /> n. .-
<br /> .
<br /> 10-1
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