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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� �o rn � �C p � <br /> o �z � C Z� � � <br /> � �c� � r �z �7 cn <br /> o�o �,�j� � � �rn � Z <br /> �� � C� �� � � <br /> rnm rn y =y � � <br /> rn c� o � y cn ao � <br /> �� CI] r� � <br /> �� � rn <br /> o� � �� Z <br /> p� � � � <br /> Z <br /> � <br /> TH�S INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: AFTER REC�F�.D�.NCr RETURN T�: <br /> �Iome Federal Sa�ings c�Laan Associatxon af IIome Federal Savings&Loan Ass�ciati�n of <br /> Grand Island �rand Is�and <br /> ��1 South Locust Street 2�1 South Locust Street <br /> GRAND ISLAND,NE 688�1 GRAND ISLAND,NE 58g�1 <br /> �Space Above This Line For Recording Data} <br /> L�AN�RIG-TNATaR��MPANY NAME:H�me Federal Sav�ngs&Loan ASsociativn of Grand Island <br /> NMLS C�MPANY rDENT�F�ER: 446443 <br /> L�AN�RI��NAT�R NAME: K��in��tman <br /> NMLS�RICxINAT�R IDENT�FZER: 4946G4 <br /> DEEI3 �� TRUST <br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"Securi�y�nstrument"� �s made on July 1, 2U16. The grantars are D�nald L Prawl II <br /> and �harlo�te D Prawi, Husband and '�'V�fe, �vhose addr�ss �s 3�S W 8th St, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska <br /> 6SSU1 �"Borrower"�. Barrower is not necessar��y th� same as th� Person vr Persans wh� sign �he Note. The <br /> obligations of Borrowers �ho did no� sign the Nate are exp�ained further in �he sec�ion ti�led Success�rs and <br /> Assigns Bound; Joint and S�vera� Liabi�ity; Accommodation Signers. The �rus�ee �s Arend R. Baack, <br /> Attorney whose address is P.Q. Box 79�, Grand Is�and, Nebraska 6SS�Z �"Trustee"}. The benef c�ary�s IIame <br /> Federa� Sav�ngs & I..�oan Associat�on af Grand Is�and, wh�ch �s organ��ed and existing under the �aws of�he <br /> United States of America and whose addx�ss is 221 S�uth Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68SD1 <br /> �"Lender"�. Ilanald L Frawl II and �harlatte D Praw� owe Lender the pr�ncipal sum of Thir�een Thausand <br /> Six Hundred Fourteen and DOIlUD Dol�ars �U.�. $13,614.�Q}, which is ev�denced by �he no��, c�nsumer l�an <br /> agreem�n�, or similar wri�ing da�ed �h� same date as thxs Security rnstrument ��he "No�e"3, which prov�des far <br /> perxodxc paymen�s�"Per��d�c Payments"},with the full debt, �f not paid earl�er,due on July 7,2026. This 5ecur�ty <br /> rnstrum�n�secures��Lender: �a}�he repaymen�of the de��ev�d�nced by the Not�,wi�h in�erest, and aII ren�wa�s, <br /> e�tens�ans and mad�f ca�ians of the Nflte; �b}the paymen� of aII other sums, �vxth i.n�eres�, ad�an�ed to pro�ect�he <br /> secur�ty of th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�u�n.der the pravisians of the sectx�n�c�t�ed Prote��ion of Lend�r�s Righ�s in the <br /> PrQperty;and�c}�he perfonnance of Borrovt�er's cavenants and agreemen�s under this Security Instrumen�and tihe <br /> Na�e. F�r this purpase, Barrower, �.n.considera�ion of�he deb�and�he trust herei.n crea�ed, �rrevocably gran�s and <br /> conveys to Trust�e, �n trus�, with power flf saie, �h� fallov��ng descr�bed property ��ca�ed i.n the �oun�y of Hail, <br /> Sta�e of Nebraska: <br /> Address:308�V'8th St,GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska 68801 <br /> Legal Descrip�ion: �Vesterly Sixty Feet ��4'} of Fract�onal Lot Seven (7}, Biock t]ne Hundred Thirty- <br /> Seven �137}, in Un�an Pac�fic Railway Company�s Se�ond Addition to the City of Grand Island, I3a�l <br /> County,Nebraska. <br /> T�GETHER WITH aI� �he impra�emen�s now or h�reaft�r erec�ed on �he praperty, and aIl easemen�s, <br /> appur�enanc�s, and fx�ures novv ar hereafter a par� af�he proper�y. All repiacements and additiions shall a�so be <br /> co�ered b� this Securi� �nstrumen�. A�l of �he f�regaing is referred ta in �his Securi�y �ns�rument as �he <br /> ��Prop�rty.►} <br /> B�RR��ER��VENANTS �ha�Borrower �s lawful�y s�ised of�he estate hereby can�eyed and has �he right ta <br /> grant and �anvey �he Prop�rty and �ha� �he Praper�y �s u.nencumber�d, except for �ncumbrances af recflrd. <br /> Borrflv�er warrants and w��I defend genera��y the �it�e to the Fraperry agaix�.s� a�l �laims and demands, subjec��o <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> Secured Indeb��dness. The de�t e�idenced by the Nflte and wh�Ch is se�ured by Security �nstrument is <br /> sub�ect to the provis�ons of 12 �FR 22�.3�. Borra�er acknowXedges that Borrov�er has rece�ved �h� disclasures <br /> prescri�aed by �2 �FR �2�.3� a� �ea�t three �us�ness days pr�or �o �he e�eGu��an of�he Na�e and �his Security <br /> �ns�rumen�, or as oth�rw�se re�uir�d by 1� �FR 22�.3�. Borrower and Lender further acl�nav5r�edge and agree�ha� <br /> �his Secur�ty Tnstrument wi�i secure a�id��iona�deb�subjec��o �2�FR�2�.3� on�y if Lender sa�isfies�he necessary <br /> requiremen�s imposed on such deb�i�mpased by 12 CFR��5.32 and App�i�able Lav�. <br /> B orr�wer and Lender cavenant and agree as follows: <br /> �20�4-2415 Campliance Systems,Inc.SC54-Cd57-2015.1 I.3.I�98 <br /> �onsumer Real Estate-Secur�ty Instrument DL2035 Page 1 of 5 www.cvmpliancesystems.Gom <br />