2� 1 ��4387
<br /> payment of.j���7i�r �rust d��ds, mo�-�gages, or other li�nholders and th� balance, if any, to the person or p�rsons
<br /> lega�ly entitl�d the�-e��. The �-ecitals �n �he T�-u�tee's deec� s�ia�� be pri���a fac�e ev�dence of th� �r�rth af the
<br /> sta�ements made in it. If L�nde�-chooses to �n�oke�he pawer of sale, Lender or Trustee will provide notice of sale
<br /> pursuant to applicable �a�v. Any su�h sale or a sa�e made pursuan� t� a�udgment or a decr�e for �he f�r�closure
<br /> her��f may, a� the optian of Lender, be made en masse. The c�mmencemen� of proceedings �o foreclos� �his
<br /> Security �nstrumenf in any manner au�horized by law shail be deemed as ex�r�is�of th�abo�e op�ion.
<br /> Upon th� occurr�nce of an E�ent �f Default, Lender shall imm�dia�ely be entitled to make app�ication for and
<br /> obtain the appointment of a receiWer for th� Property and of t.he earninbs, inc�m�, issue and profi�s of it, with the
<br /> pa�er� as �h� �ourt makin� the appointmen�s confers. �rantar hereby irrevocably consen�s to such appointmen�
<br /> and wai�es notice of any appiication therefor.
<br /> N� 1�VA�V�R. N� delay or fa��ure af Lender �o exercise any i-ight, remedy, pawer or privile�e hereunder shall
<br /> affect that ri�h�,remedy,power or priviieg�nor shall any single fli-partia� e�ercise thereof prec�ude the exercise of
<br /> any �-ight, rem�dy, power or privile�e. No Lender delay or failure to d�mand strict adherence �o the terms of th�s
<br /> Secur��y Instrumen�shall be deemed to consti�ute a cflurse of conduct inconsistent with Lender's ri�ht a�any time,
<br /> b�fo�-e or after an e�ent of default, to demand stric� adherence to the terms �f�his 5ecurity Instrument and the
<br /> Re lated Docum�nts.
<br /> SUBSTITLJTE TRUSTEE. Lender, a� its option, ma� fr�m tim�to �im�remave Trustee and appo�nt a successor
<br /> trustee to any Trustee appo�nted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in vrhich this Secur�ty
<br /> Instrument is recorded. �ithou� con�eyance of the Praperty, �he successor trustee shall su�ceed to alI the tit�e,
<br /> po�v�r and duties conferr�d upan Trus�ee herein and by applicable �aw.
<br /> J��NT AND SEVERAL LZAB�LZTY. If�his Seeurity Instrument should be s�gned by more�han �ne person, ali
<br /> persons executin��his Security Inst�•ument abree that they shall be�ointly and s��erally bound, where permit�ed by
<br /> Iaw.
<br /> SURV7VAL. Lender's rights in this S��urity �ns�rum�nt will �Qntinu� �n ��s success�rs and assi;ns. This Security
<br /> rnstrument is binding on a�l heirs, ex�cu�ors, a�xninis�ratflrs, assigns and suc�essars of�ran�or.
<br /> N�T�CES AND �VAIVER QF N�T��E. Unless o�hertiv�se required by applicable Ia��, any ��a�i�e or demand
<br /> �i�en by Lender to any parry is considered eff���i�e: �i} wh�n it is deposi��d in the United States Mail with �he
<br /> approp�iate postage; �ii} when i� is sen� v�a electroni� mail; �iii� v�hen ix is sen� via facsimile; �i�} when it is
<br /> deposited tivith a na�ionaliy rec�gnized av�rni�ht courier ser�ice; �W� on the day of personal de�i�ery; or ���} any
<br /> o�her commerc�ally reasanable means. A �apy af any notice shall be sent t� ea�h party at the address of the par�y
<br /> �iven at the beginning of this 5ecur�ty �nstrumen� unless an alternati�e address has been pravided �o Lender in
<br /> wF-iting. To the extent perm�tted by law, Gran�or vtiraives nflti�� of Lend�r`s ac��ptance of this S�curity �nstrument,
<br /> defenses based on sUretyship, any defense arising from any ele��i�n b�Lender under the United 5ta�es Bankruptcy
<br /> �ode, LJniform Commercial �ode, as enacted in �he sta�e wher� Lender is located �r other applicable �a� ar in
<br /> e�uity, demand, noti�e of accelera�ion, notice of nonpayment, pres�ntment, pro��st, notice of dishonor and any
<br /> other natice.
<br /> REQUEST F�R NUT�CES: Gran�ar reque�ts that copies of the notiGe of defau�t and no�ice of sa�e be sent tia�he
<br /> address�f eaeh party biWen a�th�beginnin�of�he Security rns�rument,
<br /> '�VA�VER �F APPRA�SEMENT R��HTS. �rantai- wai�es alI appraiseme��t ri�hts re�atin� to �he Property �o
<br /> the�xt�n�perm it�ed by�aw.
<br /> LENDER'S E�PENSES. �i-an�or agrees�o pay a�l �xpenses �ncurred by Lender in conr�ection with enfor�ement
<br /> of i�s rights under the Indeb��dness, th�s Se�urity Instrument or in the even�Lender is mad�party to any litiga�ion
<br /> be�aus� of�he exis�ence of the Indebtedness ar this Security Instrument, as v�reil as court costs, ��lle�tion charges
<br /> and reasonab�e attorneys'fees and disbursemen�s.
<br /> ASSZGNAB�L�TY. Lende�• may assign �r otherwise transfer �his Security �nstrum�nt or any of L�nder's rights
<br /> under this Security Ins�rument withou� nQtic� t� Gran�or. �ran�or may not assign this Securi�y Instrument or any
<br /> part flf the Securit}� Instrum�n��vi�hou�the express writ�en consent af Lender.
<br /> ��VERNZN� LA1�V. This 5ecuri�y �ns�rum�n� v►ril� be �overned by �he laws of the 5tate af Nebraska inciuding
<br /> alI pro�eedings arising from this Securi�y Instrumen�.
<br /> SEVERAB�L�TY. If a Court of competent �urisdic�ion determ�ines any term o�- pravision af this Securi�y
<br /> Instrument is inva�id or prohibited b� applicab�e Iaw, that term ar provision vrri�l be ineffect�ve to the exten�
<br /> �-e�uire�, Any�erm or pravision that has been d�termined to be in�alid or prahibited will be se�ered from the rest
<br /> of the 5ecurit}� �nstrument with�ut invalida�ing �he remainder tif �ither the aff�c�ed provisi�n or this Security
<br /> �nstrument.
<br /> 'WA,�VER QF JURY TR�AL. All Partie5 to this Se�urity Znstrument hereby know�ng�y and vo�untar�ly
<br /> waf�e, to the fu�tes�ex�en� permi��ed by �aw, any r�gh� to trial by lury of any d�spute, w��e�her in �ontra�t,
<br /> tort, or atherwise, arising ou�flf, in eonne�tion wi�h, reia�ed �a, or incidental tv the relationship established
<br /> between them in this Securi�y �nstrum�nt ar any afher instrum�nt, document or agreement execu�ed ar
<br /> delivered in c�r�nec�ion �vi�h this Security �nstrument or�he Related Do�urnents.
<br /> �3 24D4-2415 Complianc�5}�st�ms,[nc 48F9-215C-?015.1 l.s.l�?5
<br /> Commercia�Real Fs�ate Sccuri[y Iristru�iyetit-DL�U47 Pa�e�vf 5 www.carripliaz�c�sys�ems.corn
<br />