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2� 1 ��4387 <br /> � <br /> ti1�ARRA�T�ES. ���antot�, far �tself, �ts heirs, pers�nal repr�senta�ives, s�:ccessors, and �.s�igns, represen�s, <br /> warran�s,��r�enants and ag��ees vvi�h L.ender, it5 SUGC�SSD�'S and a55ignS,as fo��a-,us: <br /> Perfarmance af �bligations. Grantor promis�s �a perform all terms, conditions, and �oWenan�s �f this <br /> Security Instrument and Re�ated�Jocumen�s in accordance v��ith the terms contained therein. <br /> Def�nse ai�d Tifle to Property. At�he�ime of execu�ian and deliv�ry of�his instrumen�, �ran�or is Iavsrfu�l� <br /> seised of�he estare hereby �onveyed and has �he �xclusive r�gh� to m�r��age, g�-an�, con�ey and ass�bn th� <br /> Proper�y. �rantor ca�enants�hat the P�aper�y�s unencumbered and free of all l�ens, excep�f�r�ncumbrances� <br /> of reeord acceptable �� Lende�. Fur�h�r, Grantor �o�enan�s �hat �rantor- will �arran� and def�nd generaliy <br /> th� title �a �he Praperty agains� any and a1I claims and demands vvha�soe�er, sub�ect to the easerr�ents, <br /> restrictions, or other encumbrances af rec�rd a�c�ptab�e to Lender, a� ma� be l�s�ed in the schedule tif <br /> exceptians �o c�verage in any abs�ract of t��l� or title insurance poiicy �nsurin� Lender's inter�s� in �he <br /> Propet-�y. <br /> Condit�on af Proper�y. �ran�or pr�mises at al� times to pr�ser�e and :o maintain �he P�oper�y and every <br /> part �here4f�n good repair, workzng �rder, and c�ndi�ian and wili from t�m.e �o time, make ali needfu� and <br /> proper repa�rs so tha�the value of the Praper�y sha��not in any�vay be in��aired. <br /> Remflval of any Par� of�he Proper�y. �ran�ar promises nQt to remo�e any part af the Proper�y from its <br /> present �acation,except for r�placemen�,maintenance and relaca�ion in tre ord�nary e�urs�of business. <br /> Al�era�iflns to �he proper�y. Gran�or prornises �o abstain from �he commiss��n of any was�e on flr ir� <br /> connection wi�h the Fraperry. Fur�her, Gran�or shal� make n�mater-ial alt�ratians, addi�ians ar impro�ement� <br /> of any type wha�soever �o the Proper�y, r�gardless of whether su�h al��rations, additions or impraven�.ents <br /> would increase the vatu� of the Proper�, n�r perm�t anyane �o do so except fo�- fenan� impr�vements and <br /> Completion of items pursuant �o appro�ed plans and specifcat�ons, �vi�r out Lender's pr�or writ�en �onsen�, <br /> whi�h consent may be �ithheld by Lender in its sole discretion. Grant�r vviil comply with a�I lav�rs and <br /> rebula�ions of all public au�hori�ies having�urisdiction over the Properry inc�ud�nb, wi�hou� limi�ation, �hose <br /> relatinb �o th� use, o�cupancy and ma�n�enance thereof and shali upon request prompt�y submit �o �end�r <br /> ev�denee of sueh canlp�ian�e. <br /> �]ue an Sale-Lenderts Cansenf. Gran�or shall not se�l, fur�her�ncumber ar o�h�rwise dispose of, excep�as <br /> herein prov�ded, any or all af i�s int�res� in any par� of or a�� nf the Properry wi�hou� first ob�ainin�, the <br /> writ�en eonsen� of Len�er. �f any encumbrance, Iien, transfer or sa�e �r agreemen� for ��ese zs �rea�ed, <br /> Lender may declare��m.mediately due and payable,th�entire balance of t�e �ndeb��dn��s. <br /> �nsurance. Grantor promises t� k�ep the Propez�ty insured agains�such r�sks and �i.n such form as�nay wi�hin <br /> �he soie dis�reti�n of Lender b� ac��ptabi�, causing L�ender �a be nam�d as Ioss payee �r �f requested by <br /> �,ender, as mor�gabee. The insuranc� eompany shal� be chasen by Gr�n��r subject tfl L�nder's approval, <br /> which shail na� be unreasonably withhe�d. All insurance po�icies mu�t provide that Lender �rill ge� a <br /> min�mum of��days na�zc�prior ta cancel�ation. A�L�nder's discr�tion, �rantar may b�re�u�red to pr�duce <br /> rec�ipts Qf paid premiums and renewa�policies. If Grantor fai�s to obtain the required co�era�e, �ender may <br /> do so at Grar�tor's expense. Grantor h�reby d�re�ts�ach and e�ery insurer af th�Property to make payment of <br /> �oss�a Lender with�he proceeds to be appl�ed, only a� Lender's apt�an, t}� �he r�pa�r and rep�acement of the <br /> damage ar loss or to be appli�d�o th� �ndebtedness wi�h�h�suiplus, �f an_,�,to be paid by Lender to Grant�r. <br /> Payment of Taxes and �ther Applicabie Charges. Grantor promis�s ta pay and �� d�s�harge I�ens, <br /> encumbrances, taxes, assessments, lease paym�nts and any o�her charges re�ating�o the Praper�y when levied <br /> or assess�d aaa�nst Grantar ar the Frop�rry. <br /> Enviranmental �aws and Hazardflus or Toxic Materia�s. �ran�or and every tenan� have been, are <br /> present�y and shall continue to be in s�r�ct compliance vtri�h any a�plicab�� �ocal, s�a�e and f�derai <br /> en��ronmen�al laws and r�gu�a�ions. Fur�her, n�i�her�rantor nor any�enant shal�manufac�ure, s��re, hand�e, <br /> discharbe or dispose of ha�ardous or t�xiG ma�erials as may be def ned by any s�ate or federa� la� on �he <br /> Property, excep� to the ex��nt th� existence of su�h materials has beel� presen��y disclos�d in �ri��ng �o <br /> L�nder. Grantor�vi�l immedia�ely nfltxfy Lender�n writing�f any assert�an or c�a�n�mad�by any par�y as to <br /> the poss�ble v�o�afian of applicable state and federal �nv�ronmen�al ldws inc�uding �he �oca�zon of any <br /> hazar�ous or toxic�na��rials on or abaut the Proper�. Grantar indemnifi�s and halds Lender harmless fron�, <br /> withou� �imitation, any liabiii�y or e�p�nse af�nrha�saev�r na�ure incurr�;d directly or ind�rec��y ou� of or in <br /> connection v�rith: �a�any environm�n�al laws affect�ng all or any par��f�h�e Property or�rantor}�b�th�pas�, <br /> pr�sen� or future e�istence of any hazardous ma�erials �n, on, under, ab�u�, or emanating from or passina <br /> through �he Property or any par� thereof or any proper�y adjac�nt �he�•E�o; �c} any pas�, present or future <br /> hazardous acti�v�ty a� or in car�nec�ion w��h �he Property flr any par� �her�of; and �d} the nancampl�ance by <br /> Grantor ar�rantor's failure t��ampiy fully and��m.eiy wi�h environmen�a�laws. <br /> Financial Informa��on. Grantor agrees�o suppiy Lender su�h f�nancia� a�d o�her information c�ncerning i�s <br /> affairs and the sta�us af any of its ass��s as Lender, fram time �� time, may reasonab�y reques�. Grant�r <br /> further agrees �o perm�� Lender to ��rify ac�ounts as �eli as �� inspec�, copy and �fl examine the b�oks, <br /> re�ords and f Ies of Gran�or. <br /> Lender's Right t� Enter. Lender or Lender's agents shall have the right and access to inspect the Proper�y at <br /> aIl reasonable times in order �o at�end to L�nder's interests and ensure �ompliance wifh �he t�rm�s af this <br /> Security �ns�rumen�, zf the Pr�per�y, or any part th�reof, sha�l requ�•e �nspection, repair nr main�enance <br /> which �rantor has fa�Ied �o pra��de, Lender, after reasonable nofice, ma.,� enter upan the Property �fl effec� <br /> �?�44-2�15 Cor�ipliance Sysc�it�s,Iric.G8�9-2 i 5C-24 t 5.i 1,3,i425 <br /> Cofnmercial Real Estate Security�r�struizient-DL���7 Pa�e 2 of 5 <br />