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urzder��ectzon 9,Lender daes nv#have fn do sa and is n�� <br /> under any du� or abl�gatiaz�to da �a, I�i�agreed that L�nder zn�urs na lzabiiz�far nof�aking any or a11 acti.ans <br /> au�hon�ed under�hzs 5ectxon�. <br /> Any am�u.nts d.isbursed b�Lender u.nd�r this 5ecfzon 9 shall bec�me adc�i�i�nal r1e�a�of Borr�vver secuxed by th�� <br /> Sec�trzty�ns�rument.Th�se amaunfs s�al�bear infi�rest a�the No�e ra.�e fram�he dafe of dishursernenf an�.shalI be <br /> payable,�u�h interesf,upan no�i.ce fram L�nder fo��rrawer requ�stzng paymen�. <br /> If�his S�curit�Instrumenfi zs on a Zeas�hald,B orrolver sha11 camply wz�h al�th�:pravisi�ns of�he�ease.If Sarra�er <br /> acquzres fee tx��e�a�h��roperiry,lrhe Ieasehald an�.th.�fee fitie shaxl no�mexge unless Lender agre�s�a the merger zn <br /> wri��ng. <br /> 1�_Mox--�gage�n�urance.�f�ender re�u�red Martgage�nsurance�s a cond'ztzon af ma�zng ir�e Lvan,Bozxower shall • <br /> . pay fihe prem�ums requ�rec�ta mazn�ain the Mortgag�znsuranc�in�f'Fee�.Zf,f�r any reasan,th�Martgage�nsuranc� <br /> �overage required by�.en�er cease�tv be avazlabl�frflm�h�martgage xnsuz-�r�a�pr�viously pr�vxded such�nsuranc� <br /> and B orro��ver�,�as requzzed to make separa�ely des�gnafed�a�ments toward fhe prem�ums fc�r Mor�gage Znsurance, <br /> Sorr�wer shaXZ pay�he premi�.ms r�quir�d to o�fain caverage su�astan�.aliy equiwa�ent�o �ae Moz�gag� �nsurance <br /> previously zn effec�,af a cost substanfiai�y equzvalen�tQ t�e cost fa Barx��►er of the I1�ortgage Ynsurance prevxtiu�iy in <br /> effee#,fram an a�ferna�e ma�gage xnsurer sele���d by Lender,if substantially equi�ralen�Mgrtgage Znsuran�e�overage is <br /> not a�ax�able,B orr�w'er shall continu�to pay�+a Lender the amoun�of�he separa��Xy d�si�m.a�ed paym�nfs tha�w�re ciue <br /> �vhen the znsuranc� eo�erage c�;ased fia be in ef�`ecf, Lendez-v�ill a�cept, us� and r�fain�hese payxaaen�s as a non- <br /> �refundable Xoss reserve�n lzeu�f Mar�gag��r�su�.ce,5u�h Iass reserve sha1l�e non-refundable,notw�.�h�anding fh.e facf <br /> thaf the Loan is u�tzma�ely paid xn fu�l,a�.d Lender sha�l n��h�required to pay Barrower any�n�er�sf or�arrzing�on s�.ch <br /> Zoss res�rve.Lendex caxY no long�r x�quzre I�$s reserve payment�if 1VIoz-�gag�In�urance coverage�in the am�un#�and for <br /> �he period tha��ender r�qu�res}provided by an insurer se�ected by�.end�r again becam�s avaiiab�e,is ob�axned,�nd <br /> �ender requires separa�eiy des�gn.ateri paym�nts f�warti�e premiums far Martga�e �nsurance, �f L�ender�d <br /> M�rEgag�Znsurance as a�andxtian af mak7ing�h�Laan anr� Sorr�wer was r�qu��red to ma1�e s�parate��designated <br /> payments toward�i�premiums for Mor�gag�Insuran��,Borr�wer shall pa�the premiums requu-ed fa maintain.Mortgage <br /> Znsuranc�in effec�,flr tv prvvzde a non--refundabXe�oss reserv�,untiil L�nder's requi.rezrzen�f4r Martgage�nsuranG�ends <br /> in accardance�vith� an� �vr%�ten agreemerz� �ei-�v�en Bonrov�er and Lena�r provzd�n,g f4r such te�nin.a��on or un�il <br /> �ermina�zon is required by App�icab�e Law I��thing zn thrs 5ect��n�.a affe��s$arrawer's obliga�ion to pay znte�rest a�th� <br /> z-ate prav�ded xn th e No�e. <br /> Mortgage Znsurance are�mburses Len�er�ar any en�i�ty#hafi purchases fh�Nofe}far eertaXn Iasses�t may i.ncur if <br /> Barrower doe�no�re��y t�-ie Lo�.n as agreed.$orrawer is no��part}r�a th�Mar�gage�nsuraxzc�, <br /> Martgage�nsurers evalua�e the�r ta�al nsk on a�1 such insuranc�zn force fram.�ime�o time,�nd may�nter x��v � <br /> agr�emez��s wzth �th�z�parti�s�hat share or mad�f�F their risk, or redu��Ios��s.Thes�a�,reements ar�❑n �erms and <br /> c4ndxt�ans�hat are sa�isfacfory ta�he mortgage�nsu��r and fhe ��h�r par���ar par�i�s}�❑these a�.-e�m�n�s�T�es� <br /> agreemen��may require the mortgag��n�urer ta ma�e paym�nts using an�saurce�f funds�hat the mortga�e insurez-may _ <br /> have avazlab�e�which may znc�ude funds flbta�nec�from Mar�gage Insurane���emi�ms�. <br /> As a result af�hese agreemen�s,Lenders any purchasex of fhe nate,ano�her znsurer,any r�insur�r,any o�her enlaty,�r <br /> affi�iat�of any of th�f�a��going,ma�recerve�direct�y or indirectly�amaun�s�ha�derive from�ar might be c�arac�enzec� <br /> as}a partian of�orrawer's payrnen�s for Martgage ZnsuY-ance, in exc�ange fflr sharing or modifying fhe mor�g�.ge <br /> xnsurer's risk,or r�ducing�osses.�f suCh agreeme�zt pr�vx ded#ha��n affi]i at�of�end�r�ake�a share of�he i�surer's nsk <br /> in exchange far a share of fhe pr�m�ums paid t❑the i�.surer,the arrangement is aften�ermed"c�p#�ve reinsuran�e," <br /> Further: <br /> NEBRAS�CA-�ir�gle Family-Fan�ie Mae�Fr�die Mac UN1FaRM INSTRUMENT Forrr�3Q�8 �IQ� <br /> Page 7 of�3 <br /> �os,�nc.-s�s� Borro�rer�s}I n i�ials <br />� <br />