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� <br /> .,.� �.ri.,..-...�.�,..��__.._;--..�..-�-..�.__..�...Y�-......-.___._._-.....-...._.... ��.-.�..-......�..��_..,.-.., _..__.___ ._....... _._.. .... _._. .. <br /> 2� 1 ��4383 <br />� <br />� <br /> fully �fF�ctzve a� zf n❑ acce�e�-a�it�n had ac�unred. However, �h�s righf�o reinsta�� �hal� no� app�y in fhe case of . <br /> accelerat��n und�r Sec�ion 1$, <br /> Z�.�a�.e 4f�Ivte; �hange af Lo�a Se.rv�.�er;I�Iat.�.c� of Gr�evar�ce.The�Co�e or a par�ia� infer�s�in the No�e <br /> ��ogether wi�h�hzs Securz�y�nstrumen�}can be�o�d ane ar more t�mes�uxthau�priar n�tice to Barrower,A sale n-�i.ght <br /> result in a�hange in th�ez��ity�kna��n a,�fh�"Loan Se�vzeer"}fha#ca��ec�s F�ria�zc Payments due under�he Not�an� <br /> this Sect�r%�y Znsi�rument an�i p�rfarms o�er mortgage�aan servx�ing o�a�igatiQns under the�[at�,fh�5 SeCun�y ZnStrl.�m.en�, � <br /> and�.pplicable Law.There also mzgh�he one or moz-e changes�f�h�L�an S�rvicer unz-elated�v a sale afih�No�e.xf <br /> fhere�s a change of�he L�an 5ez-�ricer,B orra�.��r wi.]I be giv�n wriiten na�zce of#h�change which will stafe th�name and <br /> addr�ss of fh�new Laan Sez vicer,the address ta�hich paym�n�s shauld be made and any ofher znfarnna�ian RESPA,. <br /> requires in cannec�zon w�th a nafxce af�iran�fer of s�rvicing.If th.e Nc��e�s soid and thereaf��r f.he Loan xs serviced by a <br /> Laan Servi�r a�er t�iax��h�gurchaser ofth.e Nate,f�.e�gage Ioan ob�igafiions to B�rrflvver wilY z-�main wi�h <br /> �he L�an 5ervicer ar he transferr��o a successar L�a.xa S�rvzcer and are naf assum�d by irhe Note purchaser unless <br /> other��vise p�ro�ri.d�d by th�No�e purchaser. <br /> . I�lezf�aer Barra�v�r nor�ender may commenGe,j oin,ar h�jozned fa any judicxa�ac�.on�as e�fher�n x.ndi-�idual�.ztigant <br /> or�e mernber�f a c�as�}�hat arises fr�m�he a�her parfy�s aci�ons pursuan�tti thi�Securi�y Znstrumen�or t�.at alleges tha� <br />� th�afher�ar�has brea.c�e�any�arovxsion af, ar any d�t-�owec�hy reason af,t�h�s S�curity�n��rumen�, un#�� such <br /> �Sar-zawer or Lender has n��ified.�he Qthex par�y�wi,th.such nQtice given zn camp��ance w�th fhe x�quiz-emen��Qf 5ectian <br /> 1.5�❑f such all�g�d brea�h an�afforded the ofher party hez-efo a z-easonable penod af�er�he giving❑f such xzQt�ce�o tak� <br /> carrec�ive action,If Applzcab�e�,aw provides a time perivd wh���must elapse before eertain ac�ion can be taken,�hat ' <br /> tzm�per'z�d�vzll i�e d�emed�o be reasona��e f�r purpases af this paragra�h.The notice of accelerat�Qr�and oppoz-fun.i�y�c� <br /> cure gzven to Borro�v�r pursuant�a�ection�2 atx�the�ofiice�f acc��eza��an given to Borraw�r pursuan�fo Secfian 18 <br /> shal�be d�em�d ta satisfy�he nofx�e ant�ap�oxi�xaity t�take�orrec�ive ac�ion provis�flns of��s SeGtion�Q. <br />; 21.�a.zar�ou��ul�s�an��s.As us�d�n�his S ection 2l.;�a�"Hazardaus Substa�ces"are thos��ubsta.nces def n�d as <br /> j �axYe vr hazard�us subs��nces,po�l�xtan�s, ar was�es by Envzronmen�ai Law and the f�l�aiving subs�tances:gasolin�, <br /> kerasene, ath�r flammabl�or�axxc p�tr��eux,n.p�-oduc�s,�axzc p�s�icid�s and hexbxczd�s, vola�ile solven�s, materials <br /> cvnfaxxa.�,ng asb�s�as or farmaldehyde,and ra��oacti�e maferials;�b�"Envzronmen��.x La��"me�ns f�dera��aws and Iaws <br /> af �� juris�.ictxon whexe the �'raperty i� �gca��� fha� relafie t� �ealth, safety or environmen�al ��o������n; <br /> �c��`Enviranmenfal �leanup" �na�ud�s any respons� ac�ian, remedia� a�tion, ar remaval ac�tzon, as de�Zn�d in <br /> �nvzrvnrn�n�aI Law;and��}an"Environm�n�al Conditiony'means a cnnd�t�on fhaf ean cause,�on�.ri�ute�Q,�r a�h�z-wise <br /> �rigg�r an Envircanmenta��leanup. <br /> $orrower sl�axl no�ca�us�ar�ernut the presence,use,dispasal,sforag�,or re�ease gf any Hazar�.ous Subsfan��s,ar <br /> threa�en�o release an�r Hazard�us Substances,on or zn th�pxoperty.Barz-ower shalt ng�do,nor allow anyon�else to do, <br /> anythxng a�ect�ng the P.roperty�a}�hat zs�n vio�afii�n v�any�nvironment�.l�,aw,�h}which cxea�es an�nviranmen�al <br /> G�ndifian,or�c}��hYch,due�o�he pr�sen�e,us�,or r�lease�f a Hazardau.s Subs�anee,cr�ates a cc�ndition�ha�adversely <br /> af�e��s,the��alue❑f the Prop�rfi�,Th�gr�ced'zng�wo sen�ences sha�l�not apply�o�he pr�s�n�e, use,o�storage fln fhe <br /> Pz-opezty af sma��quantit�es of�azardau�Subsfances�ha�are generall����agnized fo be appro�na��to narrnal r�sidenfia� <br /> uses and fo maxn�enan�e Qf th�Prop�rty�in�l.uding,but not limited�a,hazardous su�as#ances in consumer�ara�.u�ts�. <br /> B onr�wer shal��roznp�ly gi�ve Lend�r written n��ice vf�a}a,r�y�nves��gatzan,clazm,demand,�awsuz�c ar Qfiher action <br /> by a�y governmex��a1 ar reg�iafory agency or�rivate party involving the F�r�rperty anti any Hazardaus�ubstance or � <br /> Envzronrn�z�ta� Law�f v�hich B�arro�ver ha.�S ac�ua] knawledge, �b} any Envir�nmental Conditzan,inc�uding�au�nc�� <br /> Iimi�ed fo,an�spxlZing,I�a.�czn�,discharge,re�ease ar�hreaf of rel�ase�f ari.�Hazardc�u�5ubstance,and���any�r�ndition <br /> caused h��he presence,use or release of a H�zar�ous Subs#anc��vhi�h adve�sely affect�the value of th�Pr�perty,�f <br /> Borro�er Zeams,oar is nvtifzed hy an�r go�ernmen�al�r regu.�afiary aufhQri�y,flz axxy priva�e par�y,�h��any zezxzoval o� <br /> �th�r remed�atiQn of an��a�ardaus Subs�ar�ce afFecting fhe�raperty is neeessary,B�rro�ver sha11 pram.pfly fake a].I <br /> n�cessary remed�ai ac�ic�ns in accardance wi�h Environmen�a�Law.No�hing hex�iza.shall creat�any c�hligati� Lender <br /> for an Ent�zronmen��I Ciea�xup, <br /> NE�RASI�A-5i�gle Famiiy-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac�JNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �orm 3Q28 �f0�[ <br /> Page��i o��3 <br /> . �05,inc.-31639 . Borrowe�s�initials <br />