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2� 1 ��4384 <br /> 3. The I�eas� con�.�nen�ed on or about Januar.� 1, ���3. Assurning the �xerc�s� by <br /> T�1�1�A1�T of a�� rene�va� opt��r�s contained �n the L�as�, the f�nal e���rat�on date of <br /> the L�ase �r�u�d be I�ecem�er �1, ���?'. ��tw�thstand�ng the foreg�ing, �n no event <br /> shai��T�I�TA1�T b�required to exerc�se any �pt��n to ren�v�the terrn of t�e Lease. <br /> 4. A�l nati�es �.ust h� sent in th�e �nazzner and t� the pa.rtie� and �acat�ons as ��t forth in <br /> the Lease. Add�t�anal�y, al� natices to T'�NAI��T rr�ust inc�ude a co�y t�: AT� <br /> Se�uoia LL�, 1 D P�es�dent�ai �a�, �Vaburn, �IIIA Q 1$��, Attn: Land�Iana�ement. <br /> S. ��"NEl� hereb� grants th� rig�it to TENANT to c�n�.p�ete ar�d execut� ❑n beha�f of <br /> ��L�i1�NER an� government or transf�r ta� far�ms r�e�essar� for t�e r�cording �f thi� <br /> �Ilern�randun�. Th�s r�g�.t sha��t�rrninate up�n rec�rd�ng �f t�is Nl�rnorandum. <br /> �. This 1Vlen�orandurn �s not a c�rrzpiete su.rnrn.ary of th� terrns and cond�t�ons contained <br /> �n the Lease. In the event of a c�nfl.ict b�tween th�s �1�Iern�randurn and t�e Lease, the <br /> Lease�ri�� cantrai. <br /> �. The terrns of t�ie L�ase ar� �nc�rporated �nto th�s Nlernorandurn. by reference. <br /> �api�a��zed terms used an� not def�ned herein have t�e respective rnean�n�s ascribed - <br /> t� thern in th� L��se. <br /> 8. Th��s l�err�arar�duxn may be e�ecute� �r�- an� nu�m�er af c�unterparts, each such <br /> �ounterpart being deerr�.ed t� b� an ar��inal �nstru�nent, ar�d a�� su��counterpar�s shai� <br /> � t�geth�r�or�st�tute the sanze agree�n�nt. <br /> 9, �ach of th� und�rsignec� parties a�kr�owledges that such party �as t�e autharit� to <br /> �xe�ute thi� �1�Ier�.orandurn. <br /> �RE�VIAIND�R�F T�II� PA�� INT�NTI�I�ALLY� L��T BLAI�I�� <br /> F -�- ATC Si�e Number:41945$ <br /> V��Site Number:�294�0 <br />