- - � 2� 1 ��4289
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> r�ar�el 1: 'T�e �1�r�b �Ia�f a€the I�Forth�est �uaFter �1 f�N'�X j4� af��ct�nn Twen#�r�'ive ����, '�'�wnship
<br /> ,T�a {I�} Nor#h, �an�e '�+ve�ve �1�}, �est vf th� 6th P.�., Hali �aun�y, ��hr�.ska �n� �orth of tb�
<br /> Hi��wa�l�g�t af�a�
<br /> _ �� ,�
<br /> The S��.th I�alf a#'#ixe N�rth���� ��xar�er ��1�Z�'�f�� �f�e��o� �►�nty �ive �Z�, T�wn�hjp '�'�n �1a�
<br /> . N`arth, Range ']�w�lv� ��2���est a�the 6t1� 1�,�,, I-�ai� ��unt�, �T���ka exr�pting Railroad I�i�ht of��y
<br /> a�d a trac�m�re�a�rti�ul�rl�d�s�ribe�in.Boal�I�B��a�e���
<br /> - �'��`�e� �� '�� Saut'� �i�� �f #h� �ax�t#� �a� �f ��he �a���� �u�rt�r �5�.J������TE���4} ax�� ��
<br /> �vuth�t.Qua�rt�r �5�1 f 4� �f Sectz�n '�en�.y Five ��a}, 'Y'ov�nshxp T�en {�0} North, �an�e 'I�el�e �1��,
<br /> ��st of �h� ��h �.M., I�a�i ��unty, 1�Iebrask.aE ex�eptxng a �erfa�in �ra�t m��re parti�u��r��► desrr�bed �n
<br /> l�ool�78,I�a�e�7� . .
<br /> �Parc+� 3; '�`he N��rth Ha�f of �h� ���th HaYf af th� �ortheast Q�arter ��C�����f��El��� of Secti�n
<br /> - � �ntr�-Five ����, 'I'awa�b�p Ten �1�� �orth� R.an�� 'I�we�ve ���� ��st �f the �th l�.h�,? �s.���Caun�3'',
<br /> i���r�sk�a�+ex�e�t�ng a cer�n tra�t n�ore�articular�y descrx��d in Bo�k 7�?Pag����
<br /> ��rrcel �; The �.ast �a�f af #h� 5a�utheast �uarter ��1 f����.f�) of ��ction Twe�ty-seven [27�f Town�lxxg
<br /> T�n���}�1'a�-tk�,��.n��T�Iv������Ye�t af tl�e�th 1'�;�������Liil�����x L7��i
<br /> �a.r�ei �: 'Th� �ast H�lf �i#h� �Quthvrrest �t�rt�r (�I�2S�1 f�4� �f ���ctian T]�ree �3�} `�'�wnshig �Ieveg
<br /> {11� �Tor�, R�ua�e T�m �1Q� �Yest of tbr� 6th P.�Vi., H��� �o�.t�, �ebra��a �x�epti�g fh.eraefr�a� t�a�s af
<br /> Iand m�re p.ar#icuiar�y c�escri�ed �a �Iat �f �T�r�h Fark Subd.��isian �-e��rde� as Da�umen� h�o,
<br /> 55-10�'���.� pxat �� �Iorth F�r� Se�vn� �ubd.x�ision r�c�rd�d as Da�ument �1n. ���403�1� and T��te�'s
<br /> Deed r�c�rded a�Dacu��nt�a.�6�1����7
<br /> .Part�l. �: Th�e�Vest H�1��f��e ��uut�wes� ��artjer (�'1�2SW1�4� af�ectian fihx�ee� �3�, Towaahip E�e��n
<br /> {11� �Inr#�, Ran�e T�n ���� West of tbe �th F.�1�i.� �a�l ���aty, �'ebraska �ac�e�taing therefroxn tr��ts of
<br /> � Xand �aare part�c��ar�iy ��sr.ri�e�. in �arr��y I�eed recvrded as I�ocument N�. �7�-Q��.�7?9 and �lat nf
<br /> N'arth Fc�rk.��st SU�divi�ian re�orded as�ocument�Sa.��43�}46�
<br /> � ��Par��I �': A tract af l�n,d e�mpris�u� a part a�'#I�e �outh�es� �uarter ���1/4� �f�e�io� �w�nt,� �'i.�re
<br /> . {�5�� Ta�wjaship Ten ��.U� �?vr#�r Ran�� T�exve �12� '�'est �f �h� �t.Iz P.�VI., I�a� �aun�t�r►� ���r�ska s.n�
<br /> - mor� p�rti���.r�y d�scrY�ed a�s �'allow�: g�g�n��ng at th� ��ut��as� �orr��r �f saxc� Sou�hw�st �o�urter
<br /> ��'�.j4�; th�nc� runnin� we���rI� slan� and upan t�� s�u#b Zin� of sa�x� ��uthw�st �u�rter �S'�1�4�,
<br /> a distance of�3ae Thous�nd Twa Ht�ndr�d Sixty and F�rt� T�i�e� �ne Hundredtbs ��.�S�.d��� �'ee�; thex.��e
<br /> def�ect�ng xnght S�� �2' 39" and r�anin� nvr#hw�e���r�y, a di�tance o� �ne T6ous�nd �arty-F�ve and
<br /> Saixty-�1'i�e �3�.e Hu�dred�hs �1,�4�.�9) �ee�; th��xc� �d�ect�ng ri�ht �Q° 35' 12" an�. runnin�nar�h�ast�r�y
<br /> � �ist,a.uce of �3r�e Hun�red Twa and �ne �n� �t�ndre�.ths �1��.��� f�t; t��mce d�fle��ing ��ft an,d
<br /> �xnn�ng �o�her�y parauel waith the �w�st line �f s�i� Sa�#hw��t �ua�rtear ��1.f 4}, a dis�ce of �e
<br /> �ousa�n��i.v� Hu�dre+d Thirty�l�iae �1,�39.�� �`e�t t� a p�rnt �n th� nor�h x�ne �f Said S�u�hw�s��uar��r
<br /> _ �S'�'1 J��; then�e ��fl��tu� rig�t ax�d �una���xg ea�t�rx�, a�an� and upat� th� a�rth �ine of s�id S�uth�s�
<br /> �uart�r ���1���, a� d.i�ta�ce of �ne 'Thflus�bd T�►a I��nd,�ed �n� S�ven�r-�ne �n� Hu�dredths
<br /> ��,2��.'��.� �eet ta the ao�h�ast �ot-n�r �f sa��. S�uth�+est �uaar�er �5�1 f 4�; t�en�e de#lectia� ri�►t an.c�
<br /> . r�r�nir�� s��#�erry alan� �� �tpan tT�� �as� L�n� �f�ai� �authwest �u$x�ter �S�Y J��, a d.i�tan�e af '�►�
<br /> Thovs�n.d �i� I�un�.r�ed Tbi�-Eight �n�. E��ven �ne I�undred�hs ��,��,��� fe�t tu the point �f
<br /> �eg�nn�d� r�
<br /> ��'a�cel S: 'Tb� �e�t Hat�'of�e �Iortheast ��arter �'1���f �� af ���tx�n '1'h�'� Five �� T��s�i
<br /> � "`'J ` �3 �
<br /> Ten �1 D��I�o�th,�ange'I�ve�v��12����s t af#�e 6�h F��'I�i.�Ha�1 C�unty,111'ebraska,
<br /> �arc� 9: 'T�� �auth �a�F,af the Sou�Jx�as� �nar�e�r ��1 f����f 4} o� 5e�txo� ��nt� Six ����, T�wn�h��
<br /> ��n �14}I�ax�h,R,ange'�v���e�12]���t o�th�ft�a P.1�..,Ha����x�.�at,���Tebraska�
<br /> �. �
<br />