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2� 1 ��4199 <br /> DEED C�F TRUS`f <br /> Lvan No: ����9G468 {Contir�ued� Page 8 <br /> Merger. There shafl b� no m�rger of th� infierest❑r es�ate cr�at�d by this Deed of Trust with any other interest or <br /> estate in the Properfy a�any�ime held by or for the benefit o�f Lender in any capaCity, without the writt�n consent <br /> �f Lender. <br /> �haice v# V�nue. If �here is a fawsuit, Trustvr agr�es upon Lender's request to su�mit to the juri�diction o� the <br /> c�urts af HALL Caunty, Sta�e ot N�braska. <br /> Joint and Several Liability. A!I �bli�atEons o� Trustor under this Deed of Trus� shall be joint and s�v�ra1, and all <br /> re�er�n�es �a Trustar shail mean each and every Trus�ar. This means �ha� each Trustor signing belov�r is <br /> responsible for all ob�igations in this aeed of Trust. <br /> IVo VIla��er by Lender. Trustor understands Lender wi11 no�giWe up any of Lender's rights under this Deed of Trust <br /> unless Lender does so in writing. The fact �that Lender delays or omi�s to exercise any right will not mean that <br /> Lender has g�ven up that righfi. lf Lender does agree in writing to give up ❑ne of Lender's rights, that daes not <br /> mean Trustar will not ha�e to camp[y with the other pravisions vf this Deed of Trust. Trustor a[sa unders�ands <br /> that if Lender do�s consent to a request� that does no� mean that Trustor will not ha�e to g��t Lender's �vns�nt <br /> again i�f the si�tuation happens again. Trustor further und�rstands�hat jusf becaus� Lender cansents ta�ne ar more <br /> of Trustor's requests, tha�daes not mean Lender ►n►ill be requir�d ta consent ta any af Trustar's �utur� requests. <br /> Trustar wa�ves presentment, demand f�r payment, pratest, and notice of d�shonvr. <br /> Severability, If a cour� finds fha�t any prvvision of this Deed o�F Trust is nat valid or shou[d no� be enfarced, tha� <br /> �act by itself will not m�an�hat�he r�st of this Deed af Trust wil! no� �e �alid or enforced. Therefor�, a court vuill <br /> enfarce the rest afi the pr�visivns of this Deed o�Trust eWen if a pr�vision of this Deed �f Trust may be found to be <br /> invalid ar unenfvrceable. <br /> Successors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations stated in this Deed of Trust on frans�er �f T�ustvr's interest, <br /> this Deed af Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of th� parties, th�i� successors and assigns. If <br /> ownership of�he Prop�rty becames �ested in a pers�n v�her than Trustar, Lender, withoufi notice tv Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustor's suc�esso�s wi#h referen�e t�this Deed o�Trus�and the Indebtedness by way of for�earance ar <br /> ext�nsi�n without releasing Trustor frvm th�obligations af this Deed of Trusf or�iabElity under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is a�the Essen��. Time is�f the essence in the perf�rmance af this Deed of Trust= <br /> Wa�ver of H�mestead Exemption. Trus�or hereby releases and waiWes all rights and benefits vf the homestead <br /> exemption laws of the 5ta�e of Nebraska as to all lndeb�edness secured �y this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The fvllowing wards shall haWe the foll�win� meanings when used in this Deed of Trust: <br /> �en�ficiary. The wvrd "Ben�ficiary" rneans F��e Poin�s Bank, and its succ�ssvrs and assigns. <br /> Borro►rver. The ward "6orrower" means J�HN F SP�TAN5K1 and DEL�RES A SP�TAiVSKI and includes all <br /> ��-sign�rs and co-makers signing the Note and all their suc�essars and assigns. <br /> De�d of Tru�t. The w�rds "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed o� Trust among Trus�or,� L�nder, and Trustee, and <br /> inc[udes withnut limita�tion af I assignm�nt and security interest pr�visions refa�ting to �the Persvnal Proper�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> EnvirQnmentai Laws. The wvrds "Enviranmental Laws" mean any and al1 state, federal and local sfiatutes, <br /> regula�ions and ordinances ��lating to th� pratec�tion of human h�alth ar �the en�ironment, including w�thout <br /> limitation the Comprehensive Envir�nrnental Response, C�mpensation, and Liability Act af 198�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. 5ection 3��1, et s�q. t"�ERCLA"}, the 5up�rfund Amendments and Reauthorizafiion Act af �9$5, Pub. L. <br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"}, the Hazardous Materials Transportatian Act. �9 U.S.�. S�ctEon 18�1, e�seq., the Resaur�e <br /> Conser�ati�n and RecvWery Act. 42 U.S.C. Secti�n G9��, et seq., �r ather applicabi� state or federal laws, rules, <br /> ar reguiations adopted pursuan�thereto. <br /> Event nf D�fau[t. The words "E�ent of Default" mean any af the e�ents��default set fvrth in th�s �eed a�Trust in <br /> th�e�ents of default se�tion of this D�ed af Trust. <br /> Hazardous Substances. The wards "Ha�ardaus Substances" mean materials that. becaus� of �heir quantity, <br /> concentration o� physical, chemical or infecfiaus �haracteris�ics, may cause or pose a present ar pfltential ha�ard <br /> �o human health or the environm�nt when imp�aperly used, treated, s��red, disposed v�, gen�rat�d, manu�actured, <br /> transpc�rted or atherwise handled. The words "Ha�ardaus 5ubs�an�es" are used in their very �roadest sense and <br /> include without limitafion any and all hazard�us vr toxic substances� materia[s ar waste as defiined by or listed <br /> under�he EnWironmentaf Laws. The�erm "Hazardous Substances" a�so incfudes, without limitation, petraleum and <br /> petroleum by-prvduc�s or any fraction therevf and as�estvs. <br /> fmpro►rements. The word "Impr�vemen�s" means a!I existing and future impro�emenfs, buildings, structures, <br /> mo�il� h�mes affixed �n th� Real Proper�y, facilities, additi�ns� r�placements and oth�r �ons�ruc�ion on the Real <br /> Property. <br /> lndebtedness, The word "lndehtedness" means all principal, inte�est. and other amoun�s, costs and expenses <br /> payab�e under the Note �r Relate� Docum�n�ts, together with a11 renewals �f, extensions afi, modi�Fications of, <br /> �Qnsolidativns �f and substitutions for the hlote nr Related DoGuments and any amounts expended ar advanced b}� <br /> Lender tv discharge Trustar's ab[igativns or expens�s incurred �y Trustee or Lender to enforce Trustvr's <br /> abligati�ns under this Deed vf Trust, together with interest an such amounts as pro�ided in this Deed �f Trusfi. <br /> � <br />