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<br /> DEED �F TRU�T
<br /> ��antinued� pag�4
<br /> incurred in �ecgrdin�� pB�f8�xil�g or ��ntinuing thts De�d of Trust, in��uding without limitation al� t�xes, f��s,
<br /> dacumentary stamps,and ot�rer charges far r���rdir�or registering this ae�of Trust.
<br /> T�xas. The f�#I�wing shsl� �ansti#ute taxes to which #his sec'tion �pplies: �1 y a apeci�i� tax u�on this type af
<br /> D�ed af Trust�r upon e�l or�ny part af the Endebtedne�s secured hy this Deed Qf Trust; {�� a spe�ific tax on
<br /> Trustor which Truatar is auth�ri�ed�r���uired to d�duct irorn paymen�s�n the Indebtedness secur�d by this typa �
<br /> af Deed o�Trust; �3y a tax on this type o#D�ed of Trust chargeable against the L�ndsr or the hokler�f the Note;
<br /> �nd (�#} a specific tsx on�II or�ny po�tion flf the Indabtedness or on payme�rt�of principal and interest med� by
<br /> Tru�tar.
<br /> Subssquent 7sx�s. If any tsx #Q whi�h this section applies is en�ct�d subsequent to #he dste �# this Qe�d �f
<br /> Trust, this �uerrt �ha�l ha��� t#�e ssme effect a� an E��nt af ❑�#au�t, �nd Lender ma� exer�ise an� ar all a� it�
<br /> ��raila�ble remedies f�r an Event of Default �s prouided I�elow unless Trustor either I1 f p��s the t�x befare it
<br /> becornes d�iin�uen#, or {�y corrtests#h�#ax �s prav�ded aba�e in th�T�xes and Liens sect+�n and�epa��#s with
<br /> Lentler essh or a sufficient Gorpor�te surety bond or�ther security setisfact�ry to Lenc�er.
<br /> SECURITY AL�REEMENT; �INANC�N� STATEMENTS. The foll�wing prar�isians �els�ting to this Deed o� Trust as �
<br /> security a�r�ement are a part of thi$De�d�f Trust:
<br /> Se�unt� Agre�ement. This ir�trument shail �anstitute a Securi#y Agreament to thg extent eny �f the �raperty
<br /> canstitutes fixtur$�, �nd L�nder ahs�l he�e a!I�f the rights ai a se�u�ed party under the Uniform Commerc�e!Ca�le
<br /> as�rn�nded fram#ime to time.
<br /> Sscurit� Ints�s�t. Upon tequest by Lsnder, Trustor sh�ll tske whatever a�tion is requested by Lender t� pe�ts�t
<br /> and cont�nue Lend��'s securyty inter�st in the Ren#s ar�d Personal Rr��erty. �n addition to rec�rdin� th�s Deed af
<br /> Trust in the ��el property re��rds� Ler�der m�y� �t any tirrie and wi#h�ut furth�r euthoriaattan from Trust�r, file
<br /> executad �Qunterparts. capies �r reproductian� of this a�ed of TrUst �s a f�n�ncing stat�ment. Tru�tat si�all
<br /> reirnburse Lend�r#o�r 811 expenses incurred in perfect}ng or c�ntinu�ng this se�urity irrt�rest. Upon d�f�ult, Trustar
<br /> �h�l� nat rerr��e, se�er o� detach the Persansi Property from the Praperty. Upon def�uft. Trustor shall assem��e �
<br /> anY P�r�an�i Property not affixed t�th�Praper#y in a manner and at a pl�c�reasonably con��nient to Trus#or and �
<br /> Lender snd mak� it s�sil�b�e to Lender within three i3f d�ys after receip# of writt�n demsnd �rorfi L�nde�#o the
<br /> extant permitted�y spplicable law.
<br /> A�Id�r�ssas. The mailing a�ddrasses af Tn�st�r �debtor� and Lender tsecured party3 frorn which inforrr�ati�n
<br /> conce�ning #F�e security interes�t gran#�c! !�y#his[�eed af Trust m�y b�abta}ned ��ach as requir�d by th� Un�farm
<br /> Gammerci��Ca���re�s�#eted on the first page of th�s aeed af Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURAN�ES; ATTDRNEY-IN-FA�T. The �allawing proWisions rsl�ting #a fu�ther a��urances end
<br /> attorney-in-fa�t are a part of#his Dead of Trust:
<br /> Furth�r Assurenc�s. A#any time, and from t�me ta time, upon r�quest of Lend�r.Trust�r wiil make, execut�and
<br /> deli��f,or wi11 c�use t�b�m�e.exeGuted ar d�li��r��l, to Lender ar to Lerrder'�d�sign�e, end when requ�sted by
<br /> Lendar, caus�to b� filed. r��orded, re�iled, pr rerecorded, ss the cese may bs. st such times�nd in au�h affices
<br /> er�d plac$s as Len�er may�#eem appraprist�. arry�nd �II such mortgages, ds�da of trus#, security cie��i�. security
<br /> a�r�em�nts, finenGing $tatements! cantir�uation st�temant�� instruments of furth�r assur�nce. cer#ifi�cat��, and
<br /> oth�r dacume�ts as m�y, in the sole opinion t�f Lender, be nec�ssary ar�esir�a�e in ord�r t�eff�ctuate� complete,
<br /> �er�ect, c�nti�rue, ar preser�$ {�� Tru�tar's �bligat�ona und�r the Nate, #his Dsed o� TrUat, and the Related
<br /> D��uments, arrd ��f the,ii�ns snd s��urit� interests cre8ted by this Deed a#Trust a�first and prior liens on th�
<br /> Pr�perty,whether nQw awned�r herea#t�r scquired ay Trustar. lln�ess prahil�ited by taw or Ler�er agrees to the
<br /> c�ntrary in wciting� Trustor shall re�rnburse Lender for all ��sta and ex�enses in�u�r�d in ctinne�tian w�th the
<br /> matters referr�d to in this psr$graph.
<br /> AttQmay-in-Fa�t. If Trt�tar fails to do any a�the things referr�� t� in the preceding p�ragraph. Lender rrray dt�ea
<br /> for and in the n�me of Trustor and at Trus#ar's expensa. For such pu�p�se�, T�ustor hereb�l ir�evoC�r�y app��nt�
<br /> Lender as Trustar's attorn�y-in•f�ct far the purpose of msking,ex�cuting,delir►e��ng� �ilin�, recordin+�.and�l�ing�II
<br /> other thin+gs ss may bQ r�cess�ry or de�ireble, in Lender's safe apinion, to accomplish the m�tt�rs �ef+erred t�in
<br /> #he preceding paragrs�ph.
<br /> FL�LL�ERF�RMANCE. �f Trustor Rays aii the Ind�atadness.in�lud�ng without limtt�tian all futw�e�d�ance�, when�lUe�
<br /> and otherwise per�arrr►s all the obligatians imposed upon Trustar �nder this Deed vf Trust, Lende�r shall e�cecut� �nd
<br /> deli�er t� TrUs�ee a reque�t f�r full recanve�sn�� end sh�ll execut� end d�liver to Trustar suit�ble �t�tements of
<br /> termin�t�or� at any financing �t�teme�# on f��e evidenc�n� Lender's security int�rast in the Rents end th� �ersonal
<br /> Rraperty. Any reconvey�nce fee required h�iaw sha�l be psid by Trustor,if p�rmitted by appli��bie I�w.
<br /> EVE1IlTS �F QEFAULT. EBch tif the following� �t Len�ler's aption, sh�l�constitUte$n E�ent of�e��ult undsr this �eer!
<br /> �f Trust:
<br /> P�yrn�t��feuit. Trustor fai��to mak��ny payment when due under the Indsbtedness.
<br /> �th�r D�fauks. Trustor iaiis #o Gamp�y with or to perform any oth�r term, obl�gation, ca�rer►ant or c�nditian
<br /> �antained in thi� De�d af Trus# ar in �ny of#he Relsted Documents or tv comply wi#h 4r t� perfarm any term,
<br /> obligatian, co�enant a�c�ndition cant�ined in any other sgreem�nt between L�nd�r and Truator.
<br /> Comp�ance D�fault. Failure to comply with �ny ather t�rm, obli�atian, �or►ena�nt ar canditi�n cont�ined in this
<br /> D$ed af Trust�th�Note�r in any�f the R�lat��Dacuments.
<br /> Defauit an��ther Payms�s. Failure af TrUstor within th�time required by thia Qe�d vf Tru�t to m�ke�ny p�ryrr�ent
<br /> far ta�t�s or insuranc�,or any a#her payment nac�ss�ry to pr��snt filing af or to effect disch��e�f sny lien.
<br /> Dsfsult in F�vor of Third Rarti�s. Should Gr�nt�r def�ult under any Iosn, ex#ensi�n o�credit, se�urity 8gre�m�nt,
<br /> pUr�hase or sales a�reem�nt�or any other agneement, in�e�or of�ny at�er credit�r or persvn that may mste�el�r
<br /> a�f�ct any �f Grantor's pr�perty vr Grant�r's �bility #o rep�y tha Indebt�dne�s �r C�ir�ntar's sbili#y to p�r�orm
<br /> � �r�ntar's abl�g�#i�ns unc�ar this Deed oi Tru�t�r anY�f�h�Relat�d Qocuments.
<br /> �aise S#aterr�nts. Any w�rrenty, reprasentat�n ar st�temen# made or tu�n�ahetl to Lend�� by Trustar or on
<br /> Trustor`$hehelf undsr thi�Q��d sf Trust or the Re��#ed aocuments i�fa�$�nr mis#eading in eny m�ta►iai reapect�
<br /> �ither n�w or at tlie#ime m�rde ar�umi$h�d�r be�ornes�al�e ar misl�ading et any tim�ther�eeftvr.
<br /> Defect�we �vMa�terali:atiorr. This �ssd o� 7ru$t or any of the Rel�ted �ocumenta ceases ta be in full ��rr� and
<br /> �fifect �inciuding fa�ilur�of any co11�#era!document to cr�ate a ���i�l and �erf�cted s��ur��y inter��t or I�en� et�ny
<br /> tim�and�or�ny reas�n.
<br /> Daa�th or�etsof�errcy. The dea�fi vf Trustor,the insol�ency of Trustor,th�app�aintmgnt af�recei�er f�r any p�rt of
<br /> Trustor's property, �ny �ssignm�nt for the bensfit af credi#ors, any type of cced#tor warkout� �r the
<br /> comm�rrcement a��r�y p�ocee��ng under any b�nkruptcy or ina�l�rency Isw$by Qr a���nst Truet�r.
<br /> �reditar or Forf�iture Pro�aadings. Commenc�rr�ent of foreclasure ar forfsiture proceedings� whe#I�r b� �udi�iel
<br /> proceedirrg, selt-he�p,r�pos��ssivn�r an�other methvd, �y any�reditar af Tru�to�or by any ga�arnmente�agency
<br /> against any pra�ert� securin� the �ndebtQcine��. TF�is includ�s a g��ni�hment �f any vi TrUstor'$ �ccvunts.
<br /> including depasi� �Gcounts� with Lentler, Hawever. �h�s Eaent of Def�u�t shell nvt spply if ther� is a gaad #aith
<br /> �
<br /> dispute by Trus#�r as t�the�e�id�ty ar reasanaateness of the c�aim whi�h ia the bssis afi the cr�ditar or for�eiture j
<br />