2� 1 ��4124
<br /> Tr�nsfer of the Pr�per�y or a Sene�cia�Inter�s�in Borrov��er. If a�I or any par�of�he Pr�pert,y ar a����nterest
<br /> �n �� �s sold or transferred �or if a benef�c�a� int�res� �n Borr{�wer is sold �r tra�sferred a�d Borra�ver is no� a
<br /> natura� persan} w��hou� Lender's pri�r writ�en ��nsen�, Lender may, at its opti�n, requ�re �mm�d�a�e pa�nen� in
<br /> fu�l of al� sums secured by th�� Securi�.y ��strunnent. H�v�ev�r, �his �p��on sha�� no� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> ex�rcise is prohib��ed by f�deral law as�f th�dat��f this Securi�y Instrum�e�t. ;
<br /> If Lender �xercises �his op�iari, Lender shall g��e Borr�w�r �otice �f acceleration. The n�tic:e shall pr�vide a
<br /> per�od of no� i�ss �than �he minimum numb�r of days es�abl�s��ed by .�pp��ca�1e La`nr from the date �h� notice is
<br /> de��vered or ma�led wi�hin whic�h Barrovs�er mus� pay a�i sum�� secu�ed �y�his Securi�y �nstruxnen�. �f Borrower
<br /> fails to pay th�se sums prior �o �he exp�ati�n �f�his periad, l�ender may inv�ke an�remedies p�rmit��d by this
<br /> Security Ins�ru�nent���hout fur�l�er noti�e�r demand on Borr���er.
<br /> Borrower's Right �o Reinstate. �if Borro�ver �nee�s certa�n �.o��ditions, Borrower shal� have �the rigr�t ta haWe
<br /> enf�rcernent�f�his �ecuri�y �ns�trumen� dis�on��r�ued a� any�i�ne prior�fl��e ear�i�r of: (a} 5 d�,ys �or �uch other
<br /> period as Applicab�e Law may spec�fy f�r reinstafiem�rit�befor�sale of�he Prvp�rty pursuant t� any povver of sale
<br /> con�a�ned in this S�curi�y �nst�rumen�; or �b� en�ry �f a ju�:gmen� enfar�ing th�s Securit�y �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> condi�ions are �ha� ��rr�wer: �a} pays Lender al� sums wvhich then wou�d be due under this S��ur�ty �nstrumen�
<br /> and th�Con�ract as�f no acce�lera�ion had�ccurred;�b�cures a�ly default�f any other c�venan�s�r agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays a�l�xpenses incurred in en�orcing this Securi�y��s�rum�n�., includzng,but no�lim��ed�o,redsanable attorneys'
<br /> fees��the extent per�nit�ed b� �aw; and�d}takes such acti�n��s�ender may reas�nabiy requir�:�o assu�re�ha�the
<br /> l�en of this Security�ns�rume��, Lender's rights i�.the Proper�y and�orrav�rer's ob�igation��pay�-�he sums securec�
<br /> by this Security �nstrumen� shali ��n�inue unchanged. Up�n r+��ns�a��ment by B�rrower, this S�curi�y �nstrument
<br /> and the o�bl�ga�ions secured her�l�y sha�l rernain fu1�y effectiv�: as �f x�o acce�era��o��had occurred. Hav��ever, th�s
<br /> r�ght to�einstate sha�l no�apply�n the case�f accelera�ion und�r t�e section tit�ed Transfer af�he Prvperty or a
<br /> �Qneficial InterQst in Borror�ver.
<br /> Ha�ardou�SubStances. Borro��er shal�nQ�caus��r permit�h e presence,use, disposa�, storag�, ❑r rele��.se of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances an�r�n�he Prt�p�rty.Borr��ver shall not do,nor a�1ow anyone�lse�o do,anythin�;affec�ing
<br /> the Property tha� is �n viala�ion of any Envir�n�ental Law. The pr�ced�ng �wo senten�es shal� na� apply t� the
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage on the�ProperCy of sma1�quan�i�ies of:�3azardous Substances that are ge�eral�y recogn��ed
<br /> t�be appropria�e to normal residen�ial uses and�a lna�n�enance of th��'roper�y.
<br /> Borrower shali pr�mptly give L�nder�ri�te�no�i�e of an�in��;s��gat��n,clai.m, demand, �a,tnrsuit nr�the��aCt�an by
<br /> an� go�ernrnenta� or regu�atory agency or pr��ate pa� inv�l��r�ng the Praper�y and an� Hazar�ous Su�ns�ance or
<br /> En�ironmenta� Law of �hich Borr�v�er has ac�ual knowl��dge. �f Borr�wer �earns, or i� no��f�ed by any
<br /> g��ernmenta�ar regulatory au�hority,that any rem�val or o�he:�rexnediation of any Hazardous �ubs�anc�affec�ing
<br /> �he Property i� necessary, Bol�rower sha�l promp�ly �ake a:�l �ec�s�ary remedial acti�ns ix� aCc�rdance �vith
<br /> Environm�nta�La�.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazard�us Substances" are�h�se �7ubstances def�ned as toxi� or ha�ard�us ,�ubs�ances
<br /> by Envir�nmen�al L�a� and thf� fo�Iaw�ng su�stances: gasol�ne, ker�sene, a�her flammable c�r ��x�C �etroleu�m
<br /> produc�s, t�xic pes�icides and �herbicides, vo�atile solven�s, n�a�erials con�aining asbest�s flr tormaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oactx�e materials.As used in�his paragraphy {qEn�ironmenta�Lav�"means federal la�s and laws�f tlhe state of
<br /> Nebras�a�ha�relate t�hea�th,safe�y or�n��rQnm�n�al pro�ect�s�n.
<br /> Acce�erati�n; R�medie�. Lender shal� give na�i�e to Sorr��wer prior �o acce�era�ion fol�awing B{nrr�wer's
<br /> breach of any c��enant�r agr•eement in�his S�curity Instrum�n��r the�antract under v�hich acre�eratian
<br /> is permi�ted �bu� not prior to acc��er��i�n und�r the sect�a}n titl�d� Transfer af t��e 1'r�per#y or a :Benef�cial
<br /> Int�res� �n Borrow�r, unless .�.pplicable Law prn�ides oth+Yrwis��. The notice shal� specif�: �a� the defauit;
<br /> [�} the ac��on requ�red to cure �he default; �c� a dat�„ r�ot l�ss �han the minimum num�e�• of days
<br /> establ��hed by �ppl��ab�e Lav�from the dat�the notice is�,iven �o Borrower, by wh�ch th�default must b�
<br /> cured; a�d �d� �haf fai�ure to cure the defau�t vn ar befa�e the �ate specifed in the not�ce r�aay� resu�� �n
<br /> a�celerat�on af �he sum� sec�ured �� th�s ���ur��y Instr��ment and sale of the Property. To the extent
<br /> permitted by �arv, �he notice �hal� fu�ther infor�n �orrawe r �f t�� right �o reinstate after acceleratinn and
<br /> �he right t�b�ring a court action ta as�er�the nvn-exi�tence of��l�fau�t or any ather defen�e❑f Borrower tn
<br /> acceleratian and sale. If�he defau�t f� n��cur�� on ur b�f��re th�date spec�f�ed �n the no�i�e, Ler�der at �ts
<br /> opt�an may requir� immed��lte paymen� in fi�i� of all sun:�s secured by this Security Instrur�ent wi�h�ut
<br /> further d�mand and may inv�l�e the p�►�v�r af sale and an:y ��h�r remedies permitted hy Applic�ble Law.
<br /> To the e�t�nt permi�ted by ���v�v, Lemder shai� be en���l�d ta �����ct ��1 e�penses i�curr�d in pu�•su�ng �he
<br /> remedie� pro�ided in this Sec��io�, inc�uding, bu�not l�m�te d �o, measo�ahle attorneys' fee� and ca;�ts of tit�e
<br /> e�iden�e.
<br /> If the pov��r Qf sal� �s invoke��,TruSt�e shall record a nvti+vQ�f default in �ach cou�ty in�hiCh aa�y part of
<br /> the Pro�er�y i� �oc���� and s��all mai�copies of�such notice in th� manner prescribed by�ppli�able I�aw to
<br /> B��rower and to the �ther p�rsans prescribed by Appl�ca:b�� L�w. Af�er the time required by ��pplicable
<br /> Law, '�'ru��ee shail gi�e publ��c no��c� af sa�e �n the persa ns and in the manner pr�scr�b�d by A�pplicab�e
<br /> Law. Trus�ee,,c�v�th�ut demand on B�rr�wer, sha�i�e��the P�roperty at pub�ic aucti�n t� ��e��gh�st bidder
<br /> at�he�im�and �lac�and under the t�rms designated in th+�n�txce�f sa�e in�ne or more parcels and in any
<br /> vrder Trustee de�ermines. 'Trustee ma� pos�p�ne sal� of a1I mr any parcel of �he Pr�perty :by pub��c
<br /> ann�uncemer�t a�the t�m�and p�ace�f any pr�viausly sch��du�e� sale.L�nder�r it�des�gr�ee may purchase
<br /> the Property at any sa��.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment af�lhe price bid, 'I'rustee �ha�i d�;liver �o �h� purchaser Trustee's de�d ron�ey�ng
<br /> �he Property. The recitai� in 1;he Trustee'� dee�d sha�� be p���ma f��ie ev�dence af th�truth of th�statemen�s
<br /> C�2b04-2a15 C�mplia�ce Systems,Inc.8C54-8EDC-201 S.l 1.3.1�9$
<br /> Cons�mer Reai Estate-Securi�y Instrument DL2fl36 Pa�e 4 af 5 www.cflmpl:�ancesystems.com
<br />