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<br /> H�me F�dera�Sa�ings&Lvan Assoc�a��on of Home Federa�Sa��ngs� Loan A�soc�at�on of
<br /> �rand Isiand �rand Is�and
<br /> Z21 South Locust Street ZZ I Sou�h Locust S�r�e�
<br /> �Space Abo�e This Line Far Recording Da�a}
<br /> L�AN�RIGINAT�R C4M.�'ANY NAME: Home Fed�ra�Sa��ngs& Loan Assac�a�iv� �f Grand �sland
<br /> NMLS ��MPANY�DENT�IFIER: 44f443
<br /> LC)AN�R�GINAT�R NAIV�E: Lisa Nlay�r .
<br /> NN�LS C)R��INAT�R�DENT�FIER: 494�69
<br /> I]EE� �F '�'1�IJ��'
<br /> B�TI�IS D�ED �F T'RUST)
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"SeGur�ty Instrument"� zs made an June l3, 2U�G. The gran�ors ar� GARY C
<br /> R�SENBA�CH and�USAN J R�SENBA�'H, hu�band and wife, whflse add.ress is 4D4 H'UVY ��, Dannebrog,
<br /> Nebraska f S$3I-44Uf �T'Borrower"}. Barr�v�er is not necessar�l�the same as �he Person ar P�rsons w�a s�gn the
<br /> Home Equity lLine�f Cred��Agreement, dated June 1.3,��15 �"��n�ract"}. The abi�ga��ans �f Borrowers vv}�o
<br /> d�d no� sign the �antrac� are expla�ned fur�her �.n the sect�on ���led Successors and Assigns �aund; Joint and
<br /> Sev�ral Liabi��ty; Accomm�da��an S�gners. The �rus�ee is ,Are�d R. Baac�, Attorne� �vhflse address �s P.�.
<br /> Bo� 79U, Grand Is�and, Nebras�a �$8U� �"Trus�e�"}. The benef�c�ary is Home Fed�ral Savings & Lflan
<br /> Assac�ation of�rand �s�and, v�hich�s organ�zed and ex�s�ing under�he�aws af�he Un��ed S�a�es of Amer�ca and
<br /> vvhose address �s ��1 Sau�h Locus� Stree�, Grand Island, Nebraska 68S�I �"Lender"�. �ARY C
<br /> R�SENBA�H and �USAN J RUSENBA�H ha�e en�ered �nto a �on�rac� �vi_�h Lender as flf JunQ �3, Z��6,
<br /> under the �erms of wh�ch Borrawer may, fram ��me tfl ��me, abtain advances no� �o e��eed, a� any ��me, a
<br /> Thousand and QUIIUU Du�lars �U.S. $4D,��4.UU} �"�red�t Lim��"}. Any par�y �n�eres�ed �n the deta�ls rela�ed �o
<br /> � LenderTs c�ntinu�ng ohliga�i�n �a make ad�ances �� B�rro�u�r �s ad�ised �o c�nsul� dire�tly v��th Lender. �f not
<br /> pa�d earlier, the sums ow�ng under B�rr��er's �on�ract w�_th Lender u���� be due an June 1.5, 2U2�. T.his Secur�ty
<br /> �pstrumen� s�cures �o Lender: �a} �he repayment af�he deht under �he �fln�ract, w�t�� int�res�, �nc�uding future
<br /> ad�ances, and al� renewals, extensions and mod�f��a��ans of th� Can�ra��; �b� �he paymen�af al� ��her sums, v�i�h
<br /> �nterest, ad�anced ta pro�e�� �he secur��y of�his Securi�y �nstrumen� under the provis�ans of�he secti�n �it�ed
<br /> Protection of Lender's R�gh�s�n the Property; and�c}th�performance of Borrawer's��venan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> under thx� Secur�ty Ins�rumen� and the �ontract. For�h�s purpose, Borrower, �n consideration of the d�b� and.�he
<br /> �rus�here�n crea��d, �rre�acab�y grat��s and c�nveys�o Trus�ee, �n trus�,with power�f sale,�he foll��ving described
<br /> praper�y loca��d xn�he C�i]�NTY of HALL, State of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 124 W ASHT�N, �RAND�SI.�ANU,Nebraska 5�84�
<br /> Lega� Descr�p��on: TH� S�U'�`H HAL�' �F L�T TEN �l D), BL�CK TW� �Z�, LAKEV�E'W
<br /> T�GETHER ��TH al� �he �mprovements na� �r hereafter erec�ed on �he property, and a11 easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and fx�ures no� ar hereafter a par� of the pro�erty. A�l replacernen�s and additions sha�� a�sa be
<br /> covered by �h�s Security �nstrument. .�.1� af the f�regoing is ref.erred �a �n th�s Secur�� Instrumen� as �he
<br /> "Property."
<br /> B�RR�W�R��VENANTS �ha�Borravver �s Iawfu�ly sexsed �f�he esta�e hereby con�eyed and has �he r�ght to
<br /> grant and con�ey �he Pr�per�� and that the Praper-ty �s unencumbered, except for encumbrances af record.
<br /> B arrower vvarran�s and v�i I l defen d gen era��y the �i��e to ��e k'raper�y aga�n st a�� �l a�ms an d deman d s, sub�ec� to
<br /> any encum�rances of record.
<br /> B�rro�ver and Lender cavenan�and agr�e as fol�o�vs:
<br /> 0 2fl�4-2�1 S Complianc�Systems,Ir�c.SC.54-8�17G-�015,t 1.3.1 d98
<br /> C�nsumer Reai Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2035 Page 1 vf 5 www.cvmpiiancesystems.com
<br />