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<br /> Prep�rrecf b and Re�crrr��o: �
<br /> W..,.,,��.,.,,������.����..�,�..�.�,__..�..Y. .�.....^
<br /> American TQwer
<br /> 10 P�resid�ntial 11Vay
<br /> V1laburn, MA a1��1 Privr ReeQr�ed Leas�Referenc�:
<br /> At�n: Land Mana�em�n�jAlexandra A. Nichals, Esq. Soak , Pa��
<br /> ATC Si�e N a:41946� Dvcu m�n� N�; �D15D6�aU
<br /> AT�5i�e N�me:�rand Island-Sto�ley Pa�k NE 5ta�e of N���aska
<br /> ►�I55E'SSDt"'S Pal"C�I IV�45�:���143�0�'❑ ��unty�f H�l�
<br /> ME111�C]RANDuiI��F LEASE
<br /> �
<br /> Y��s Memflrandum�f Lea�e�the"f'�lem�rran�um"} is ente�ed�nto vn the day�f
<br /> •. ��1�by and �etween Alpha Cvrporati�n, a Neb�-aska c�rparation �"Lcrr�dlvr�d"}and
<br /> Veri� n �reie�s�VA11���.��dJ�/a 11�r��on 1lVireless{�`�'enant"}.
<br /> N�7T�CE is he�-�by giW�n�f�the�.ease�as d�f�ne�and de�cribed ��IQw}far the purpase flf recardin�an�g�ving
<br /> �vtice af�h�exist�n�e of said Leas�. To the ext�nt th�t notice of such �ease has previ�usly been re�ordedf
<br /> then this i1l��mor�ndurn sh�ll cons��tu��an amendrnent of any such prior re�orded n�tice�s}.
<br /> 1. �arent Par�e[and LeasQ. Landlard is the awner of certain rea� proper�y b��ng describ�d �n Exhib��►4
<br /> attached hereto and by th�s referen�e mad�a part he�-evf��he "Par€rr�Pcrrcel"}. Landlord�ar i�s
<br /> pr�decess��-�in�in�erest}and Tenan�4or its p�-edecessv�--in-�n�erest}en�e�ed ir��a that cer�air�
<br /> ��rnmunicativns 5ite�ptian and Land L�ase Agr��ment da�ed Ju�y 9,�DD3 �as th�same may have been
<br /> amend�d, renew�d,extended, r�estated, andJvr mod�fied from time t❑time�ca�l�ectiv��y,�ne"te�rse"},
<br /> pursuant tv wh�ch the Tenant�eases a partion �f�he Parent Par�e�and is the b�nef�ciary of c�rtain
<br /> �a5ements far access and pub��c uti�ities, al�as rnore partiGularly desct�ib�d �n the�eas� �su�h leaseh��d
<br /> and�asemen�ri�nts and inte�es�s,�o�lective�y,the"Leased Premises"},vuhi�h L�ased Premises is alsa
<br /> descr�b�d an Exhib�t A attached �ereta and by th�s reference m�d�a part h�reaf.
<br /> �. J4m�rican Tvwer. Tenant,V��i�vn�omrnunicatiQns Inc.,a �elaEnrare carporatE�n,and other part�es
<br /> id�n�ified therein,en�ered in�o a Manag�m�nt Agr�ement and a �Vlaster Prepaid �ease� b�th w�th an
<br /> effe�tive date vf March Z7,��15�nd both w�th AT�Sequ�ia LL�,a D�iavvare lim�t�d liabili�y c�mpany
<br /> �"�rr��ri�a►n�'ow�r�'}, pursuan��t��h�ch Ameri��n Tower su�le���sr manages,vp��ates and rnain��ins, as
<br /> ap�licable,the �eased Pr�mis�s,aI�as m�r� par�i�ularly desrrib�d therein. In conne��ian with the�e
<br /> r�sponsibilit�es,Tenant has als�granted Am�rican Tower a lir�ited pawer af at�orney�the"PC�A"}�o,
<br /> among ather things, prepare, neg�tEate,�xecu�e,de�i�er,recard and�v�-f��e certain dacumen�s on behaif
<br /> of Tenan�,all as mare particu�arly set farth in the P�a.
<br /> 3. Exp�ra#ivn Date. Subject�o the terms, pro��si�ns,and c�nditions�f the L�as�,and assum�ng the exercise
<br /> by Tenant of al� renewa�aptiQns conta�ned in the Leas�,the final exp�ratian dat�af the�ease wvuld be
<br /> 5eptember 3�, �D�B. Notwithstanding the foreg�ing, in nv event sha��Tenant be required t�e�tercise
<br /> ATC Si'�e No:�194�6
<br /> V�1N Site No:�2�3�3
<br /> S�te Name:Grand !sland-S�a�i�y Parl�NE
<br />