<br /> 2� 1 ��4�87
<br /> �G�"Loan"means�he debt e�iden�ed by the No�e,plus in�erest,an�r pr�payment charges and la�e charges due under the
<br /> No�e,and all sums due under this Security�nstrument,plus inter�s�.
<br /> �H�"Riders"means ali Riders to�his Securi�y�nstrumen��ha�are execu�ed by Borrower.The following Riders are to be
<br /> �xecu��d by BorrovWer[check box as applicable]:
<br /> ❑ Adjus�abie Ra�e R�der ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ Second Home Rider
<br /> ❑ Balloon Rider [,�X Planned Un��Deve�opment Rider ❑ VA Rider
<br /> ❑ I-4 F ami Iy Rider ❑ B iwe�kly P ayment Ri der
<br /> ❑ �ther�Spec�fy]
<br /> �I}"Applicab�e Law"means a�i c�ntrolling appli�able federal, state and ioca� s�atutes,regulat�ans, ardinances and
<br /> adm�n�s�rati�e ru�es and orders �tha�have the effec� af law} as vWeli as all applicable fnal, non-appealable judicial
<br /> opinians.
<br /> �J)"Cammunity A�svc�at��n Dues,Fees,and Assessments"means all dues,fees,assessmen�s and other charges�ha�
<br /> axe�mposed on Bflrrt�wer or�he Proper�y by a condominium assoc�atian,homeowners associa�ifln or simi�ar organiza��on.
<br /> �K}"Electron�c Fund�Transfer"m�ans any transfer�f funds,other than a transaction arzg�nated by check,draft,or
<br /> simi�ar paper instrument,which is in�tiated through an electronic�erm�nal,telephonic�nstrument,compu�er,or magne��c
<br /> tape sn as�o order,�nstruct,ar authorize a f nancial inst��ution to debit�r credit an accaunt.Such term includes,but is no�
<br /> limited�o,point-of sa�e transfers,au�omated teller machine trax�.sact�ons,trans fers�ni�iate d by te lep hone,wzre�rans fers,
<br /> and automa��d clearinghfluse�ransfers.
<br /> �L}"Escrow I�ems"means those i�erns tha�are described in Sec�ion 3.
<br /> �M�"M�scellane�us Proce�ds"means any compensatian,sett�emen�,award af damages,or proceeds paid�y any�hird
<br /> par�y�a�her�han�nsuran�e proceeds pa�d under th�coverages described in Section 5�fnr:�i�damage�o,ar destruction
<br /> of, the Proper�y; �i�}�andemnatifln ar oth�r �aking of a�i ar any part of th� Property; �ii��conv�yance in l�eu of
<br /> condemnatian;�r�i�}misrepr�seri�a�ions of,Qr om�ssi�ns as to,the value andlor conditian of the Praper�y.
<br /> �N}"Murtgage Insurance"means�nsurance prote���ng Lend�r aga�nst�he nonpayment of,or d�fault on,the L�an.
<br /> ���i�Period�c Payment"means�he regularly scheduled amoun�due for�i�principal and��a�erest under the No�e,p�us
<br /> �ii}an�amounts under Section 3 af this S�curity Instrument.
<br /> �P�`�RESPA" means the Real Es�ate Set�lemen�Pr�cedu�res Act t�2 U.S.C. § ���� et seq.} and �ts implemen�ing
<br /> regu�a�ifln, Re�ulation X ��� G.F.R. Paxt 1 a24�, as�hey m�gh�be amended fram time to time, ar any addi�ional or
<br /> succ�ssor 1eg�sXa�ion or regulation�hat g�verns�he sa.me subject mat�er.As used in th�s Secur�ty Ins�rum�nt,"RESPA"
<br /> refers ta a�l requzremen�s and res�ric�ions that are imposed�n regaxd�o a"federally related mortgage loan"e�en if the
<br /> Loan does no�qual�fy as a"federa�ly re�a�ed mor�gage laan"under RESPA.
<br /> ���"Successor in Interest of E�rrower"means any party�ha�has�aken t�tle�to�he Praperty,whether or not�hat par�y
<br /> has assumed Borrovver"s ab�igat�ons under the Note andlar this Security�nst�ument.
<br /> This Security Znstrument secures to Lender: ��� �he repayment of the Laan, and a�I renewals, extensians and
<br /> modifica��ons af the N�te; and ��i} the performance of Borrov�er's co�enan�s and agreements under this Securi�y
<br /> �nstrum�nt and the�o�e.Far this purpose,Borrower ir�evacab�y grants and con�eys to Trustee,�n trust,vWith pow�r of
<br /> sale,the fo�lavving described property located in�he�ounty of Ha��:
<br /> Lvt Faurteen �14�, Capper Creek Es�a�es Fif�h Subdivision in the �ity of Grand Island,Ha�I Coun�y,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Parcel ID Number:44043G647
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UN{F�RM INSTRU�IIENT Fa�m 30�8 �10�
<br /> Page 2 ot 13 - �
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<br /> ios,���.-��s�g Borr�we��s3 lni�ials
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