2� 1 ��4� 18
<br /> '��.�I�At�''I'�ES. Gran�ar, for itself, i�s hei�s, personal represen�a�i��s, 5�.1CC�.'SS�I'Sy and assi�ns, r�presen�s,
<br /> war�-an�s, co�enan�s and aarees wi�h Lender, i�s s��ccessars and ass�bzas,as folla��vs:
<br /> Perfvrmance nf �btiga�ions. Gran�or promises �o perfoi-m ali terms, conditions, and co�enants of this
<br /> Securi�Ins�rument and Rela�ed I�ocumen�s in accordance�vi�h�he terms can�ained�her��n,
<br /> Defense and Title to Property. At the�ime of�xecu�ion and de�ivery of�his instrument, Grantor is Iawfully
<br /> se�sed �f the es�ate hereb}� cfln�eyed and has the exctusive right ta mor��ab�, gran�, conWey and assign the
<br /> Property. �rantor co�enants that�he Property is unencumber�d and free of a�l �iens,excep�for encumbran�es
<br /> of r�cord a�cep�able ta Lender. Furth�r, Gran�or cov�nan�s that �ran�or will warran� and defend genera��y
<br /> the title �a the Properry a�a�ns� any and al� ciaims and demands v�ha��aever, subjec� to the easemen�s,
<br /> res�ric�ions, or other encumbrances af record accep�able to Lender, as may be l�s�ed �n the schedule of
<br /> exceptions to coWerage in any abs�ract of ����e or ���le insurance policy insuring Lender's znteres� in the
<br /> Pr�perty.
<br /> C�ndit�vn of Proper��. Gran�or pr�m�ses a� a�I �irnes to pr�serve an�. fio main�ain the Properry and e�er�
<br /> par� thereof in gaod �repa�r, work�ng ord�r, arid cand��ion and will from �i�ne �o time, make al� needfu� and
<br /> proper repa�rs so tha��he value of�he�Property sha�I na�in any�vay be impa�red.
<br /> �emo�ai of an� Par� of t��� Proper�y, Gran�ror promises no� �o r�move any part of the Proper� from ifs
<br /> present loca�ion,except for rep�acement,main�enan�e and reloca�ian in the ordinar�course of business.
<br /> ,Alterafions �ti th� pr�p�r�y. Gran�or promzses to abs�ain fi•om the comrn�ss�an of any was�e on or in
<br /> connection wi�h�he Propezfiy. Fur�her, Grantor sha11 make no material alt�ra�ians, additi�ns ar imprn�em�n�s
<br /> of an� �pe whatsoe�er �o the Proper�y, regardless �f v�he�her such al�era�ions, additi�ns ar impro�ements
<br /> w�u�d increase �he �alue af t�e Fr�perty, nar permiti anyone �o da so excep� far �enant improwemen�s and
<br /> completion �f i�ems pursuan� to approWed p�ans and specif ea�ions, wi�h�u� Lender's prior written consent,
<br /> �vhich c�nsen� may be w��hh��d by L�nder in i�s sa�e dzscre�ion. Grantor vv�I� camply v�ith all �aws and
<br /> regulatians of a�l public au�ho����es ha�ing jurisd�ct�an over the Properry inciuding, without limi�ation, th�se
<br /> relating �o �he us�, occupancy and nc�aintenan�e thereof and �ha�l upan reques� pramp��y submi� �a Lender
<br /> e�iden�e of such compliance.
<br /> Due on Sa�e-Lender's Cansen�. �rantor shal�no�se��, further encum�e�•or o�herwis�dispose of, excep�as
<br /> herein provided, any or a11 of its interes� �n an� par� of or ai� of�he Proper�y w��hout frst obtainzng the
<br /> wri�t�n consent of Lender. If any en�umbran�e, lien, �ransfer �r sal� or agreement f�r fhese is �reated,
<br /> Lender may de��are immediat�ty due and payabie,�he�nt�re balance af the Indeb�edness.
<br /> Insurance. �ran��r promises�o k�ep the Praperty insured against such rfsk� and in such fflrm as may w�tihin
<br /> �he sole d�scretian of Lender be acceptab�e, �aus�ng Lender to be named as �oss payee or �f requested by
<br /> Lend�r, as mortgagee. The insurance campany shall be chosen b� Gran�or sub�ect to �,ender's appro�al,
<br /> Wvhich shall not be unreasonab�y �v�fihheid. All insuran�e poiicies mus� provide �hat �ender will ge� a
<br /> min�.mum of 1� days natice pri�r�o cancel�a�ion. A�L�nder's d�scre�ion, Gran�ar may be required ro produ�e
<br /> rec�ipts of paid prem�ums and renewai po�iczes. �f Grantar fa��s�fl o�ta�n�he requ�red coverage, Lend�r may
<br /> dti so a���antor's�xpense. Grantar hereby direc�s ea�h and every�nsurer of�he Pr�perfiy ta rnake paymen�af
<br /> Ioss �o Lender v�ith the p��ceeds �o be applied, only a�Lender's opt�on, to �he repair and rep�acemen��f�h�
<br /> �amage�r loss o��fl�e appl�ed�fl�he Zndeb��dn�ss wi�h�he surplus, if any,�o be paid by Lender�o Grantor.
<br /> Paym�n� of 7`axes and U�her Applicable Charges. Gran�or promises to pay and to d�s�harge liens,
<br /> encumbrances,�axes, assessm�nts, Iease paymen�s and any other charbes re�ating to the Property v�hen �ewied
<br /> or assessed a;ainst�ran�or or the Properry.
<br /> Envir�nmenta� Laws and Ha2ardous ar T�xic Ma�erials. Grantar and every �enant have �een, are
<br /> pr�sen��y and shail con�inue to be in s�rict camp�ianc� with any applica��e local, sta�e and federal
<br /> en�vironmenta� lavvs and regula�ians. Further, ne��her Grantar nor any�enant shall m.anufac�ure, s�ore, handle,
<br /> d�scharb� or dispose af hazardous or �oxic ma�eria�s as ma� be defn�d by any sfa�e or federa� �aWv on �he
<br /> Property, ex��p� �o the ex�e�.t �he exis�ence of such ma�er�a�s has been presentl� d�sc�osed in wr��ing ta
<br /> Lender. Gran�or wi�l �arimed�a��Iy no�ify Lender�n wri�ing�f an� a�ser�ian ar claim made by any party as�o
<br /> the possib�e violation af app�icable state and fed�ral en�irflnmen�al Iaws inc�udir�g the I�ca��on of an�
<br /> hazardaus ar toxic ma�erials on or abau�the Proper�y. �rantar indemni�es and halds Lender harmless from,
<br /> withau� limitatian, any liab�li�y ar �xpense af vvha�soe�er na�ur� �ncurred di�•ec�ly or indirec�ly ou� af or in
<br /> cnnnect�on with: ta�any en�ironmen�ai�a�s aff�c�ing all or any par�of the Prap�r�y or Gran�ar; tb}the past,
<br /> present flr fu�ure existence of any ha�ardous ma�erials in, on, under, ab�uf, or emana�ing from or passinb
<br /> thr�ugh �he Property ar any par� thezeof ar any proper�y adj acent �here�o; ��} any pas�, present or future
<br /> hazardous activi�y a� ar �n cannection vv�fih the Property ar any part �her��f; and �d} the nancompi�anc� by
<br /> Grantor or�ran�or's failure�a co�nply fuiiy and�imely�vi�h environmen�al laws.
<br /> F�naneia� �nformation. Grantor agrees�o supply I,�nder such f�nanciai and o�h�r inforrnati�n concernin� its
<br /> affazrs and the sta�us flf any of i�s �sse�s as Lender, from ��me to time, may reasonab ly reques�. Gran�ar
<br /> further agrees �a permi� Lender to �erify accoun�s as tn�e�l as �o �nspec�, copy and to examine the boaks,
<br /> records and f les of Grantor.
<br /> �ender's Righ��o Enter. L�nder or Lend�r's agents shall have�h��r�ght and ac�ess to inspect the Proper�y a�
<br /> al� r�asonab�e times �n order �o at��nd to Lender's in��rests and ensure comp�iance Wvith the �erms of this
<br /> Secur��y �ns�rumen�. �f�he �'rop�rry, or an� part �hereof, sha1� require inspect�on, repa��- flr main�enance
<br /> vvh�ch Grantor has fai�ed �� pro��de, L�nd�r, after reasonable nat�ce, may en��r upon �he Praperty to effect
<br /> Q 2t]��4-2415 Campliance Systems,Inc.�8�'9-3BF6-201�.t t.3.l 025
<br /> Ca�'��ncr�i�i Rca!Estatc Security Instrumcnt-DL40�7 Page 2 0€5 www.com�liar��esystems.com
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