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2� 1 ��4� 17 <br /> Bvrrovver} under all insuranc�palicies co�ering the Prvperty, insofar as such r�ghts are applica�le�a the <br /> cnverage af�he Propert�. Lender ma�use �he insurance proceeds either t�repair or res�ore the Prapert� <br /> or�o pay amounts unpaid under th�Nvte vr th�s 5e�uri�y Instrument, vvhether ar nat�hen due. <br /> �. �ccu pancy. Barrawer shall occupy, establish, and use�h�Prvperty as Bvrrower's principai residence <br /> �vithin�� days after�he execution of this Secur��Instrument and shall cvn�nue�a❑ccupy the Prvpert,� <br /> as Borrower's principal res�dence for at.least nne year after#he date of occupan��, unless Lender <br /> det�rmi.nes tha�thi.s requirement shall cause undue hardship for the Borr❑�rer or unless extenuating <br /> �ircumstances exis#whi�h are beyond Borro�er's contr�l. <br /> ?'. Preservation, Maintenance�nd Pro�ect�on of the Property; lnspections. Borrovver shall no� <br /> destroy, damage❑r impair�he Propert�, allo�th�Praperty to deferiarate or commi��vaste❑n the <br /> Propert3r. Borrawer shall maintain the Proper�iri ord�r ta prevent the Propert�r from det�rinrating or <br /> de�reasing in�alue due tn its cvnd��on. Unless it is determined gursuant ta Section 5 tha�repai.r or <br /> � restaration is not economY�all�feasible, Borrawer shall promp��r repair the Propert��if damaged�v <br /> avaid further deterioration or damage. if insurance ar cond�mnation proceeds are paid in cvnnection <br /> �vith damage ta th�P�-apert�, Barro�ver shali be respvnsible for repairing or restvring the Froperty only <br /> if Lender has r�IeaSed proceeds far su�h purposes. Lender ma�r dis�urse praceeds f�r#he r�pairs and <br /> restvra#ion in a sing�e payment or in a series of pragress payments as the work is completed. If the <br /> insurance or condemna�ivn proceeds ar�not sufficient�n repair or restore the Property, Borrovver is not <br /> relieved af Bvrro�ver's vbligatian fnr the completion of such repaur❑r r�s#oration. <br /> If candexnnativn proceeds ar�paid in connec�ian v�ri�h the taking af the propert�, Lender shall apply such <br /> pro�eeds to the reduction vf the indeh�edness under the Nate and�his Se�urity rnstrum�nf, �'irst ta any <br /> delinquen�amounts, and then ta pa�ment of princxpal. An�applicatian of the praceeds to the principal <br /> shall nof extend ar pvstpvne the due date of the monthly payments or change the amaunt of such <br /> paymen�s. � <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upan and in5pections of fhe Prapert�. �f it has <br /> reasonable cause, Lender ma�inspect the interior vf th��mprovements an the Praperhy. Lender shall give <br /> Sorro�ver natice at#he time vf or prior ta su�h an interior in�pec�ion specifying such r�asvnable cause. <br /> $. Borrower's Laan Applica�ion. Borrvwer shall�e in default if, dur�ng#he Lvan appli�a�ion pracess, <br /> Barrovver or an�p�rsons or entities acting a�the directinn af Sorrawer or vvith Barrow�r's I�n�wledge❑r <br /> consent gave mat�rially false, mis�eading, ar inaccurate information or statements tv Lender (or failed ta <br /> prnvide Lender with mat�rial informa�ion} in connectian with the Loan. Material repres�nta�ions include, <br /> 1�u�are not ' 'ted�o, repres�nta�i�ns cvncertung Borravver's accupanc�af fhe Propert�as Barrower's <br /> principa�resxdence. <br /> 9. Protec�ian af Lender's lnt�res� in the Property and R�ghts Und�r this 5�ur�ty lnstrum�nt. If <br /> �a} Borrawer faiis#�perfarm the ca�enants and agreements contained xn�us Securi�ry Instrument, �b� <br /> there is a legal proceeding that might signi�i�an#1y affect Lender's interest in the Property andlvr right� <br /> under th;s Securiiy Ins�rument �such as a proceeding in�ankrup��y, prabate, for condemnation or <br /> fnrfei�ure, far enforcemen��f a lien which may atfai.n pr�orit�o�er this Securi�Instrumen�ar to enforce <br /> lavvs or regula�ivns}, vr�c} Bvrrower has abandnned the Prvperty, �hen Lender ma�da an d pa�f�r <br /> whatever is reasvnable or appropri.ate to prnt�ct Lender's in�erest in the Property and righ�s under this <br /> Security Insi�rument, including prate�ting andlor a�sessing the�alue❑f�he Propert�, and securing andlvr <br /> repairing the Prvperty. Lender's actions can include, but are nat l�xrut�d�o: �a} pa�ing any sums s�cured <br /> 193�66959 ��95152344 <br /> FHA❑eed�f Tr�st With MERS-NE 9f3�12D94 <br /> Bankers SystemsT�+ VMP� VMP4N[NE)('�5�fij.0❑ <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fnancial Services Page 8 af'�T <br />