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2� 1 ��4� 17 <br /> The Funds shall be held in an ins�itution whose depas�ts are insured�y a federal agency, instrumen�ali�, <br /> or�ntit� (in�luding Lender, if Lender is an ins#itutivn whose deposits are so insured} or in any F�deral <br /> Hame Loan Bank. Lender shall appl�the Funds ta pay#he Escr�vv Items na�ater than the taume specifiied <br /> un�er RESPA. Lender shall not charge B�rrovcier far hnlcling and appl,ying the Funds, annually ana�yzxng <br /> the escrow account, or�erif�ing th�Escrnw I�emS, unless Lender pa�s Borrower interest❑n the Funds <br /> and Applicable Law permi�s Lender tv make su�h a charge. i�niess an agreement is made in writing or <br /> Applxcal�le Lavv requires in��rest ta�e paid vn the Funds, Lender shall n�t be required ta pay Borrawer <br /> any int�rest or earrungs on the Funds. Borr�vver and Lender�an agree in�vriting, however, fhat interest <br /> shall be paid on�h�Funds. Lender shall gi�e to Bvrraw�r, vvithout charge, an annual accounting�f the <br /> Funds as required 1�y RESPA. <br /> If#here is a surplus of Funds held in escrv�v, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender shall ac�ount to Borrvwer <br /> for the excess funds in accvrdan�e v�rith RESPA. If#here is a shnrtage�f Funds held�.n escrvw, as defined <br /> under RESPA, Lender shall notif�Borrawer as required by RESPA, and Barrower shall pay ta Lender <br /> the amaun�necessary to make up the shortage in accardance�nri�h RESPA, �uf ian no mare than 12 <br /> monthl�r payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in e�crovv, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender <br /> shall nv�ify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Barro�nrer shall pay to Lender the amvunt necessary tu <br /> make up the de�cien�y in ac�ordance�i#h RESPA, but in nn mare than 1�manthly payments. <br /> Upvn payment in full vf all sums secured by this Securit�y Instru�ment, Lender shall pramp#ly refund to <br /> Barrower an�r Funds he�d by L�nder. <br /> �4. Gharges; Liens. Barrovver shall pay aI1 taxes, assessments, charges,fines, and impvsitions at�ributable <br /> to the Praperty whuch can a�ta�n privrit�over this Security�ns�rument, leasehald payments or groun�i <br /> ren�s on�he Properfy, if an�, and CommuYuty Associa�ian Dues, Fees, and Assessments, i.f an�. Tn the <br /> ext�nt that these ifems are Escro�v Items, Borrovver shall pay them in the manner pravided in 5ectivn 3. <br /> Borrnvver shall promptly discharge an�l�en which has pr�vrity��er th�s Security Insfrument unl.�ss <br /> Borrawer: �a� agr�es in writing ta the payment af the vbligation secured b�the Iien in a manner <br /> accep�ai�Ie to Lender, �ut�nly so�ong as Borrovver is perfarming such agreem�nt; �b} contes#s the lien in <br /> �ood faith by, ar defends aga�ns�enfvr�ement of the lien in, l�ga1 pr�ce�dings which in Lender's opuuon <br /> operate�o prevent the�nf�r�ement of the lien�th�le those proceedings are pending, hut only un�il such <br /> praceedings are concluded; or t�� secures frvm the halder of#he I�en an agreemenf sa#isfactnry ta Lender <br /> 5ubvrdinating the li�n ta this 5ecurity Instrurnen�. If Len�er determines that an�par�of the Pr�pert�is <br /> subject to a lien which can atta�n pr�or�ty o�er this Security Ins�rument, Lender ma�give Borrovver a <br /> n�tice iden#if�ing the lien. VL��thin l�day5 of#he date on�r h ic h t hat no t i�e is given, Sorrovver s h a ll <br /> sa�isfy the lien or ta1{e one ar mare of the actians se#forth above in this Sectivn�. <br /> 5. Pr�o�erty I nsu rance. Borrovver shall keep the unpravements no�r existing ar hereafter erected�n the <br /> Proper�insured against loss by fire, hazards includ�d within the term "ex�ended caverage," and any <br /> ather hazards including, �ut nvt li.mited#o, �ar�hquakes and floods, far vvhich Lend�r requires insurance. <br /> This i�risurance shall�e maintained in the amounts �including deductihle Ievels} and for the periods that <br /> Lender requires. 'L�haf Lender requires pursuan�to the preceding sentences can change during the term of <br /> the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall he chosen by Borrawer sui�je�t to Lender's <br /> righf tv disappro�e Borro,t�ver's�horce, ri.ght shall nat�e exercis�d unreasonal�l.y. Lender ma� <br /> require Barrvvver to pay, i.n cunnect�on vvrth this Loan, either: �a} a one-time Gharge for flaad zane <br /> determinatian, cert�f'�ca�ion and#racking services; or �b} a one��harge for flavd�one determinativn <br /> and��rtifi�atian services and suhsequent char es�a�h t�me remappin s or s' 'ar chan �s o�cur vvhich <br /> 193G6�959 0�9515�344 <br /> FHA❑eed vf Trust Wlth MERS-NE 913al��'I4 <br /> Bankers 5ystemsTM VMP C� VMP4N(NE]�'i 506j.0❑ <br /> Wolters 1{luwer Fnancia!5ervi�es Page fi of 17 <br />