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2� 1 ��3973 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrower sha�� pay ta L�nder�he amount necessary to make up �h�defic�en�y i� <br /> ac�ordance tivxth RESPA, but �n nn rn�re than ��monthly payments. <br /> Upon paym�nt in fu11 of all sums secured by thzs Secur��y �nstrument, Lend�r shal� prompt�y refund �o <br /> Borrower any Funds h��d by Lender. <br /> 4. Cha�g�s; L��ns, Borrow�r sha�l pay a�� taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes, and impos�t�ons attr�butabl�to <br /> the Praperty wh�ch�an attain priority o�er th�s Secur��y�nstrumen�, �easeho�d paymen�s or�roun�re�ts on <br /> the Praper�y, if any, and�ammunity Assoc�at�on Dues, Fees, an.d Assessments, �f any. Ta the extent that <br /> these i�ems are Es�r�w ���ms, Barr�wer sha�l pay them in the manner pro�zded �n Section�. <br /> Borr�w�r sha�l promp�l�discharge any lien which has priar�ty over th�s Se�uri�y Instrumen�un�ess <br /> Borr�wer: �a} agrees �n wr��ing�o the paymen�of the�bligation�ecured by the�ien in a manner accep�ab�e <br /> t� Lender, bu�an�y sfl �ong as B�rrower is perfarming such agreemen�; �b} c�r�tests t.he�ien in gofld fa��h by, <br /> or defends against enforcement of�he lien in, �e�al pr�ceed�ngs �hich in L�nder's opin�an operat�to preven� <br /> the enforcement�f�he lzen�vh��e th�s�pr�ceedings are pending, �ut�nly until such proceed�ngs are <br /> ��ncluded; or�c} secures from the h��der of�he��en an agreement sat�sfac�ory to Lender subord�natzng the <br /> lien to this �ecur�ty �nstrument. If Lend�r de��rmznes tha�any par��f th� Proper�y is subject to a lien whi�h <br /> can attain prior��y over this S�curity Instrum.�nt, Lender may g���Borrawer a natxce zdent�fy�ng the �ieri, <br /> �ithin ��days of the date an which that n�tice is gi�en, Borra�v�r shal� satzsfy the�ien�r take one or mare <br /> of the actions set forth abn�e in�his Se�tion 4. <br /> Lender may require Barrower to pa�a one-tim�charge f�r a real �state�ax veri�cation andlnr repor��ng <br /> s�rvice used by Lender in connect��n�ith this L�an. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Borrower sha11 keep the impravemen�s now existing or hereafter erect�d an the <br /> Pr�pertx insured against loss by fire, hazards �nc�uded within the term "extended c�verage," and any other <br /> hazards �ncluding, but not l�mited to, �arthquak�s and floads, for�vhich Lender requires insurance. Thxs <br /> �nsurance shall b�maintained�n the amaunts �including deductibl�Ievels} and for the periods that Lender <br /> requires. Wha�L�nder r�quires pursuant t� the precedxng sentences can change during �he�erm af the Loan. <br /> Th�insuranc�carri�r pr�viding the�nsurance sha��be chosen by Borrow�r subject t� Lender's right to <br /> disapprov�Borrower's cho�ce, wh�ch right shall no�.be exerc�sed unreasonab��. Lender may require <br /> Barrower�o pay, in connec�xon with this Loan, eith�r: �a} a o�ae-time charg�f�r fl�od z�ne determr�.nat��n, <br /> cer���cat�an and tracking serv�ces; or�b} a�ne-��me�harge for f���d z�n�determ�natznn and certif�ca�ian <br /> ser�ic�s and subsequent charges each��me remapp�ngs�r s�mi�ar chang�s aCcur�vh�ch reasanably might <br /> aff���such det�rmination�r cer�i�ca�ian. Borrawer shall a�so he responsib�e f�r the payment�f any fees <br /> �mp�sed by �h� F�deral Emergency Management Agenc� in cannection wi�h the review of any flaod z�ne <br /> determ�.nati��resu��zng fr�m an obj ection by Borrovv�r. <br /> �f Borrower fa�is �a maintain any�f the coverages d�s�r�bed above, Lender�na��bta�n�nsurance coverage} <br /> a�Lender's option and B�rrovver's expens�. Lender�s under no ob�zga�xon to pur�hase any par�icular type or <br /> amaur�t af coverage. Therefare, such cflverage shal� cover Lender, but muigh�or m�gh�nat protec�Borra�er, <br /> Borrower's�quity �n the Pr�per�y, or the c�ntents of the Proper��, aga�nst any rzsk, hazard ar liabilit� and <br /> mi�ht pro�vide greater nr�esser co�erage than Was previous�y in effect. Borrawer acknowledges tha��he cas� <br /> af th� �nsurance coverage s� obtained migh� significant�y exceed the cos�of insurance that Bnrrower cauld <br /> ha�e�bta�ned. Any amounts disburs�d by Le�der under this �e�tion S sha�l become a�idi�ianal deb�af <br /> Barrower se�ured by �his Securi�y Ins�rumen�. These amoun�s sha�l bear�n��rest at�he Note ra�e frnm the <br /> date of d�sbursement and sha11 be payable, w�th such inter�st, upan notice from Lender�o Borrovver <br /> req�esting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�ami#y-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFflRM 1NSTRUM�NT �arm 302$1101 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE�(13�2) <br /> Walters Kluwer FinanGia�5er�ices Page 6 of i 7 <br />