2� 1 ��3973
<br /> in the Propert� and r�ghts under th�s Security �nstrumen�; and �d}�akes such a�tion as Lender may
<br /> reasonab�y requ�re to assure�hat Lender's int�rest�n�he Property and r�ghts under�his Security Instrum�n�,
<br /> and Borrower's obligation to pa�the sums secured b�this 5ecur�ty �nstrument, sha�l con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require�hat Borrower pay such re�ns�atement sums and expenses �n ane ar more of�he f��lawing
<br /> forms, as �elect�d by Lender: �a}ca�h; �b}money arder; �c} c�r�i��d check, bank check, �reasurer's�heck�r
<br /> cashier's check, pro�ided any such check�s drawn upan ar�insti�u�ion whose depas�ts are insured b� a
<br /> f�deral agency, ins�rumenta�ity or en�ity; or�d} E�ec�ran�c Funds Transfer. Upon reins�.atement by B�rrov�er,
<br /> this Secur�ty Ins�rument and obl�gations secured hereby sha�� remain fu��y effec���e as if n� accelera��on had
<br /> �ccurred. �owe�ver, th�s right to re�nstate sha11 no�apply �n�h�case of acce�era�ian under S�eti�n I8.
<br /> �U. Sale �f Note; Ghange of Laan Servicer; Notice of G�ieWance. The Note ar a par�xal in��res��n the
<br /> Nate��oge�her w��h th�� Securx�y�nstrument}�an be so�d one ar more times wi�hou�pr�or notice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale might resul��n a chang�in�he ent�ty ��nown as�he "Loan Seruicer"} that�o��ec�s Periodi�
<br /> Payments due under�he N�te and this Security �ns�rumen�and perf�rms other mortgage l�an ser�icing
<br /> ob�iga�ions under�he Not�, �his Securi�y �ns�rum.ent, and App�icable Law. There alsfl mzght be one or more
<br /> changes of the Loan Ser��c�r unrela�ed�o a sa�e of the Nate. If�here is a change af the Loan Ser�icer,
<br /> Borrower wixl be g��en wr�tten notice of the change whi�h�r��� state the name and address af the new Loan
<br /> Servicer, the address�a wh�ch pa�ments shou�d b�mad�and any o�her informat�on RESPA requires in
<br /> connect�on wi�h a notice af�ransfer of s�r�i��ng. �f�he Not�is sold and thereafter t�ae Loan is serviced by a
<br /> L�an Ser�icer ather�han the purchas�r af the l�Iote, �he mar�gage Ioan serv�cing�biigations to Borrower v��X�
<br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or�e transferred ta a successnr Loan 5er��cer and ar�not assumed by the
<br /> Nafe pur�haser un�ess otherv�r�se pro�ided t�y �he Note purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borro�ver nnr Lender may�ommence,�o�n, or be joined to an�judicial ac�ion�as e�ther an
<br /> ind��idua� l���gant ar�he member af a class}�ha�arises from�he other party's actions pursuant t� this
<br /> Security Instrument or�hat alleges tha�the other�ar�y has breached any provision of, ar any duty owed by
<br /> reasan of, this Securi�y Instrument, until such Borr�wer or Lender has n��ified the other party �with such
<br /> nat�ce gi�en in compliance with�he requ�remen�s of Section l.�}of such ai�eg�d breach and afforded the
<br /> �ther par�y hereta a reasonab�e periad after the g�ving of suc�.not����o take correct�ve ac��on. If Appl�cable
<br /> Law pravides a t�m�period vvh�ch naust e�aps�befor�cer�a�n action�an be�aken, �hat t�me peri�d wi11 be
<br /> d�eme�i��be reasonab��for purposes af this paragraph. Th�notice of accelerat�on and opportun�ty�o cure
<br /> giv�n�o Borrower pursuant�a Se�tion 22 and the no��ce af acce�erat�on gi�en to B�rraw�r pursuant�o
<br /> Sec�i�n �8 shal�be deemed t� sat�sfy the not�ce and�ppor�un�ty ta take corr��tive act��n pravisi�ns af this
<br /> Sect�on�0.
<br /> Z�. �azardvus Suhstances. As us�d�n this Sec�ion ZI: �a� "I�a�Qrdous Substances"are��os�substances
<br /> def�ned as�oxic ar hazardous substances, po��utants, or wastes�y En�irnnmental La�v and th�fo��ow�ng
<br /> subs�ances: gasaline, k�ros�ne, ��her�.an�mab�e or taxic pe�roleum product�, �o�.ic p�sti�ides and h�r�icides,
<br /> vala�i�e solvent�, mat�ria�s containing a�b�s�os or formaldeh�de, and radi�active materials; �b}
<br /> "Er�virarzmer�tal�w"means f�dera� �aws and laws�f�he�urisdiction�vhere the Pi•flp�rty is l�cated tha�
<br /> rela�e ta health, safety ar env�ronmental prat�ct�on; �c} ".�'rtvirortrnental C�eanup" includes any respo�se
<br /> action, remed�a� ac�ion, or remo�a� ac�ion, as def�ned �n En�r�r�nrnental Lav�; and �d} an "�nvironmert�al
<br /> Condi�ion"means a conditian�hat can cause, contribu�e ta, or o�herwise trigger an Enviranmental C�eanup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause ar permit�he�r�sen�e, use, disp�sal, storage, or rel�ase of any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstances, vr threa�en to rel�ase any Hazardous Substan�es, on Qr�n the Prop�rty. Borrawer shall na�do,
<br /> nor al�ow any�ne e�se�o do, anything affecting the Proper�y �a}that is in��o�a�ion of any En��r�nmenta�
<br /> Law, �b� vwhich�reates an En��ronm�nta� Condi�ion, ar�c} which, due to�he pres�nce, use, or re�ea�e af a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances �reat�s a cond�t�an tha�ad�ersel� affec�s �he value of th� Proper�y. The preceding tw�
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFQRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3fl28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfi(NEy t13Q2�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 13❑f 17
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