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2� 1 ��3972 <br /> required by RESPA, arad Bflrrawer sha�i pay t� Lender�he amount necessary to make up the d�f ci�ncy in <br /> accordance wi�h RESFA, bu� in no m�re than 12 monthly payments. <br /> Upon pa�ment in fu�X flf al� sums se�ured by �his Securit� �ns�rum�nt, Lender sha�� promptly r�fund�o <br /> B�rrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borra�er shal�pa�r al� tax�s, ass�ssments, charges, �n�s, and imposi��ons attribu�abie t� <br /> the Pr�per�y�vhich can attain pr�arit�over�h�s Security �nstrument, �easehold payments ar g�oun�ren�s on <br /> �he Pr�per�y, �f any, and Community Asso�iation Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. Ta the e�ten� �ha� <br /> �h�se itexns are Escro�v �tems, Barrower shall pay them in the mann�r provided in Sect�on 3. <br /> Borrower sha�l prompt�y d�scharge any��en wh��h has pr��r�ty a�er this S�cur�ty �nstrument un�ess <br /> Barr�wer: �a}agr�es �n wr��ing to �he payment nf th��b��gati�n s�cur�d b��he l��n zn a manner accep�able <br /> �o Lend�r, but�nly so lang as Barrower�s perform�.ng su�h agreemen�; �b}�on�ests �he lien in�ood fa�th by., <br /> ar d�fends aga�nst enforcemen�of the lien xn, lega� pr�c��dzngs wh��h xn L�nder's�pinian operate to prevent <br /> the enforc�ment of the Iien vvhi�e those proceeding� are pending, bu�oniy until such proceed�ngs are <br /> c�n��uded; or�c} s�cures fram the halder of the lien an agreement sat�sfac�ory�o Lender subard�nat�ng th� <br /> �ien�o�his S�curi�y Instrumen�. �f Lender determines�hat any part of the Property is su�ject to a l�en which <br /> can attain priority over�his Security Instrument, L�nder may give Barrower a no�ic�identifying the��en. <br /> W�thzn ��da�s of the da�e on vvhi�h that notice is gi�en, Barrov�er sha�� satisfy the lien or take one or more <br /> of th�ac�ion� set forth aba�e in�his S�ction 4. <br /> L�nder ma�requxre Borr�wer�o pay a on�-time charge f�r a rea� esta�e�ax verif�cat�on andlor repor�ing <br /> service used by Lender in cnnnec�xon v�ith this Loan, <br /> 5. Prvperty Insurance. Borro�ver sha�� keep �he�mpro�emen�s now ex�sting or her�af�er erected an the <br /> Pr�perty �nsured agarnst loss by fire, hazards �ncluded vvithin th��erm "extended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards �nc�uding, but not limi�ed��, �ar�hquakes and floods, for which L�nder requires xnsurance. This <br /> insurance sha�l be main�ained in the amounts ��ncluding d��uctible leve�s} and f�r the periads that Lender <br /> requires. �Vhat Lender requxre�pursua.r�.t to th��rec�ding sent�n��s�an�hange during th�term of the L�an. <br /> The insurance carri�r pr�v�d�ng the�nsurance sha��be chos�n by B�rrower sub�ec�ta L�nder's right to <br /> disappro��Barrower's choice, �vhich righ�shal� nat be exercised unr�asonab�y. L�nder may requ�re <br /> Borrower to pay, in cannect�an with th�s Loan, eit�er: �a} a one-time charge for flood z�ne det�rm�natian, <br /> cer���ica�i�n and tracking serv�ces; or�b} a ane�time charge for flaod zane determination and ce�.ifi�atian <br /> s�r�i��s and subs�quent charg�s each time remapp�ngs�r similar changes occur�hzch reasonably might <br /> affect su�h d�termuna�ion or cer�i�cation. Barrower shal� als�be responsi��e for the paymen�of any fees <br /> impased by the F�dera� Emergen�y Management Agency �n cflnnect�on�vith�he re�z�w of a.r�y flaod zQne <br /> det�rm�nati�n resulting from an ab�e�tion b�r Borrower. <br /> �f Barrawer fails t�maintain an�of the�ov�rages descri�ed above, Lender may obtain insurance ca�erage, <br /> a� Lend�r's�p�ion and B�rraw�r's e�pens�. Len�er is under no ob�igation to purchase any par��cu�ar type ar <br /> amount of�overage, Theref�re, su�h coverage shall cover Lend�r, but might or m�gh�not pro�ec�B�rr��ver, <br /> Borr�w�r's equi�y in the Praperty, or�he contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or��abi�ity and <br /> mzght pro��de greater or lesser cnwerage�han was prev�ously in effect. Borrower acl�no�vledges that th�cost <br /> af the insurance cov�rage sa abtained m�ght sign����an��y exceed the cost of insuranc�that B�rrower c�uld <br /> ha�e�b�ain�d. An� amounts d�sbursed b� Lender under this Sec�ion 5 sha11 became additional debt of <br /> Borrower secured b� this 5ecur�t� �nstrumen�. These amoun�s shall bear�n�erest at the Note ra�e from the <br /> date�f disbursemen�and sha�l be pa�able, with such interest, upon n�tiCe fr�m Lender to Barrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Farr�iEy-Fannie MaeJFreddie Mac UNI�aRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�28'#!�1 <br /> VMP(p VMPfi�NE]�Z 3a2y <br /> Walte�s Kt�wer�inanciaf Ser�ices Page 6 of 9 7 <br />
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