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2� 1 ��3972 <br /> sa��sfact�on, provided�hat such inspec�ion sha��be undertaken promptiy. Lender may pay for the repairs <br /> and res�orat�on �n a sing�e d��bursem�nt or in a s�r�es�f progress payments as th�work �s completed. <br /> LJnless an agreement is made in writing or Appl�cab�e Law requires inter�s��a be paid on such <br /> Misce�laneous Proceeds, Lender sha�� n��be r�qu�red�o pay Barrawer any �nterest or�arnings an such <br /> Miscel�aneous Praceeds. If the rest�ra��an ar r�pazr�s nat�conoamically feasible ar L�nder's security would <br /> be�essened, �he Miscel�aneous Proceeds sha��be appl�ed ta th�sums s�cured by �his 5ecuri�y Ins�rument, <br /> whe�her or na�then due, wzth �he ex�ess, �f any, pa�d to Borrower. Such Mis�ellane�us Prflceeds shal� �e <br /> app��ed�n the order pra�ided f�r in Sec��on 2. <br /> �n the e�en�of a total taking, destruc�ion, or��ss �n va�ue o�the Property, the M�s�ellan�aus Pra���ds sha�1 <br /> b�app�i�d t� th�sums secured by th�s Se�ur��y �nstruments wh�ther or no��her�du�, with�he e��ess, if any, <br /> pa�d to Borrou�er. <br /> �n the e��n�of a par�ia� taking, destruction, or�os� �n�alu�of�h�Property �n�h�ch �he fair marke�value of <br /> �he Pr�perty �mmedia�e��b�fore the par�ia� taking, des�ruct�an, or��ss in�a�ue is equal to or great�r than�he <br /> amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately bef�re th�partia� �aking, destruction, �r <br /> loss in va�ue, un�ess Borra�ver and L�nder otherwise agree in writ�ng, the sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �nstrument sha�i be reduced by the amount of the Miscel�an�ous Proceeds mul�ipl�ed by the follovving <br /> fractian: �a} �he tota� amount of�he sums secured immediately before�he part�al �akzng, des�ruction, ar�oss <br /> in va�u�div�ded by �b} �he fair marke�value of the Pr�per�y immedia�ely before the part�a� taking, <br /> destructi�n, or�oss in�alue. Any balance shall be pa�d�a B�rrov�er. <br /> �n the event of a partial taking, destructxon, or�o�s �n va�ue of the Property in which�he fair market �a�ue of <br /> th�Pr�p�rty �mmed�at��y befor��he partia� �aking, destruction, ar lass in value is less than the amoun� of the <br /> sums s��ured immediate�y b�f�r�the partial taking, destru�tion, or loss in�a1u�, unless Borrawer and <br /> L�nder�therwise agree�n writing, th� Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds sha�l be applied to the sums secured by th�s <br /> Securi�y Instrument wheth�r ar nat�he sums are then due. <br /> If�he Proper�y is abandoned by Barr�vver, or if, af�er natice by Lender to Borrower�hat the�ppos�ng Par�y <br /> �as de�in�d �n�he�ext s�n�ence} offers ta make an avvard to settle a cla�m for damages, Borrower fails to <br /> respond to Lender wi�hin 3fl days after the dat��he not�c�is given, Lender is authorized to co�lee�and apply <br /> �he Miscellane�us Froceeds either�o restaration or repair of the Proper�y or to�he sums secured by th�s <br /> Securi�y �nstrum�nt, tivhe�her or not then du�. "�pposing Par�y" means the th�rd party that owes Barrnwer <br /> M��ce��aneaus Proceeds�r the par��r against v�rh�m Barr�wer has a r�ght of act�on in r�gard to M��ce��aneou� <br /> Pro�eeds. <br /> Barrower sha�l be �n default if ar�y ac�i�n�r praceeding, whether civil or crimina�, is begun�ha�, in L�nder's <br /> �udgment, could result in farfeiture of�he Proper�y or other ma�erial impairrnent of Lender's �nterest in the <br /> Prap�rty�r rights under th�s Securi���ns�rument. Borrower Can cure such a defau��and, if accelerat��n has <br /> occurre�., reins�ate as prov�ded�n Sec�inn 19, by causing�he ac�ion or proc�ed�ng to be d�sm�ss�d v�r�th a <br /> ru��ng tha�, in Lend�r's judgment, prec�udes forfei�ure nf�he Proper�y or��her materia� impairment af <br /> Lend�r's �nterest in the Property or r�gh�s under this Securz�y �nstrument. The pra�eeds of any award or <br /> cia�m for damages �hat ar�attr�butab�e t��he zmpa�rment of Lender's �n�erest �n the Property are her�by <br /> ass�gned and shall be paid to L�nd�r. <br /> Al� M�s�e��aneaus Proceeds that are not applzed tfl re��oration or repair af the Proper�y sha11 be app��ed in th� <br /> arder provided for �n 5ec�ian Z. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam�ly-�anr►ie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �arm 3ti28 1!01 <br /> VMP Q VMPB{NEf�13d2y <br /> Wolters KEuwer�inan�ia�Ser�ices Page�Q of�7 <br />