2� 1 ��3912
<br /> �E} "Note" �neai�s t��e promissory �1ote s��n�d by Borrower ax�d dated J��iie 17, 2�16. Tl�e Note
<br /> states that Borrower o�ves Le��der eighty s��e1�t��ausat�d ot�e liu��dred and ��1��� Doltars�t].S.
<br /> $87,1��.��� p�us interest. Borro�ver��as pro��ised to pay t��is deb� it� reg�i�ar Periodi� Payt��e��ts a��d
<br /> to pay the debt �n ful 1 no� later than.l�z ly 1, 2�31,
<br /> �F} "�roperty"means tl�e property that is described be�o�v E�nder rhe heading "Transf�r of Rigl�ts in
<br /> the Proper�y."
<br /> {G} ``Loan"means the debf e�idenced by the Note, plus interest, at�y prepayment cl�arges and late
<br /> charges due under�he Nate, and all sums due ��i�der this Security It�str��ment, plus interest.
<br /> �H} "Rid�rs" ineans al� Riders t�this Secur�ty Ins�rume��t t��at are e��ec��ted by �3orrower, rl�l�e
<br /> fol�owing Riders are to be e�ec��ted by Borror�ver [c��eck box as a�plicable�:
<br /> ❑ Adjustable Rate �Zider ❑ C.Ot1C�UIY]1t71L1I`I7 ��.���I' ❑ Seco��d Hot�ie Ride�
<br /> ❑ Ba�loon Rider ❑ P�antled Unit De�e�opment R�der ❑ 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> ❑ VA Rider ❑ B iweekly Payi��e��t Rider ❑ �t��er�s} [specify�
<br /> �I} "�ppliccr�le La�v" rneans a�l con�ro�lii�g applicable federal, state atld �ocal stat�ites, reg��la�ior�s,
<br /> ordinances and admit�istrative rules ai�d �rders �that ha��tl�e�ffect �f law}as �vel� as all applicable
<br /> final, non-appealable�udicra� opin�o��s.
<br /> �J} "Ca��z������i�y�lssocrutio�Dzr�s, Fc�es, a�2d�4sses�sj��e�zts" meat�s a11 d�.�es, fees, assess�nents
<br /> a��d othet•charges that are i�r�posed o�� Borrovver or t��e Proper�y by a condomi��i��m associatiot�,
<br /> ho�neowners assflciatio�� �r similar organizat�on.
<br /> �K} "Elec���onic Ftrnds• Tr•cr�zsfer�" �neans ar�y�ra��sfer of funds, other tl�an a�ransactio�� origi��ated
<br /> by cl�eck, draft, or si�nilar paper instruinei��, w��icl� is �nitiated tl�r��igl� an electro��ic terininal,
<br /> teleph�nic instrument, camputer, ar magne�ic tape s�as to�rder, ���struct, �r authorize a#ina��cial
<br /> institut�o��ta debit or cred it at� account. Su�h ter�n ir�cl udes, but i s no# 1 im ited to, p�i nt-of-sa�e
<br /> t�ansfers, autama�ed tel�er i7�achipe tra��sa�tior�s, trat�sfez-s i��itia�ed by t�le�l�ane, �vire�ransfers, ai�d
<br /> auto�nated clearing���use tra��sfers.
<br /> �L} "Esc��ow Itej��s" means thase itetns tl�at are described in Secti�n 3.
<br /> �M} ``�.liscella��ozes P�•�ceec�s" �near�s a�zy cfl�npensatiot�, settle�ne��t, award of da�na�es, or
<br /> proceeds paid by ar�y t��ird party��tl�er t�za�� ii�surance proceeds paid ��nder the co�era�es described
<br /> in Section 5} for: �i� da�r�age to, or dest�•��ctio�� c�f, tl�e Property; �ii} coi�dem��ation or otl�er taking af
<br /> all or any part of tl�e Pr�per�y; �ili}cai��eya���e �n lie�� of�andern�zdtic���; or�i�} inisreprese��tat�ot�s
<br /> of, or omissi�ns as tfl, tl�e�alu� and1U��coz�ditian oFthe �'r�pet�y.
<br /> �N} "Mo�•�gage �ns2t��anc�" ineatzs insurai�ce protecti��g Le��der-a�aitzst t��e no��payinet�t af, ar
<br /> default on, the L�an.
<br /> ��} "Pe��iodic Paymejzt"means ti�e regularly scheduled amount du�f�r�i� pri��cipal ax�d iil�erest
<br /> under the Nat�,plus �ii�a��y amounts under Section 3 af this Sec��rity I��s�ruir�ent.
<br /> �P} ``1'�ESP14"means tl��Rec�l Es�ate Scttle���e�2��j�oc��cl2rr�es��1c+t�I? U.S.C. Sec�ion 2�D 1 et
<br /> seq.�a��d i�s itnplemei�ti��g reg��lation, I�e�ulatior� � �12 �'.F.R, Part 1424}, as tl�ey might be
<br /> a�nended fram tiir�e to time, or a��y additional �r s��ccessar legis�ation or reguIatiot7 that go�eri�s
<br /> the sa�ne subject tnatter. A5 US�d lp��715 S�CLlt�ity [nstr�i�nent, �ZESPA refers to all req�rirernet�ts aizd
<br /> z�a�a�o�aa
<br /> NE6RASKA-5ingi�Famaly-Fann��MaelFreddie Mac UNfFDRM INSTRUMENT Form 3fl28 11�1
<br /> V M P� 1�12015
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Services �41�061�16 1 1 3555-N2�16�1�6N Page 2 of 16
<br />