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� , 2� 1 ��389� <br /> Lender has agreed to pastpone the cotlection of any autstanding Fees and �osts that <br /> are not pald in ad�ance or tha� are not included in the Modifed Principal Baiance. Fees <br /> and �osts na� included in �he Mod�fed Principal Balance rema�n due and owing as part <br /> af fihe debt secured by the Loan Documents to #he ex�ent prov�ded in the Loan <br /> Documents and as otherw�se permissible under applicable law. The outsfianding Fees <br /> and Costs remain due and payable ta Lender and sha11 be paid by B�rrower, w��h <br /> int�rest as perm�tted by the Loan Qocuments. Furthermore, autstanding Fees and �osts <br /> sha!! be payable to Lender vn demand of Lender and shall be secured by the Securi#y <br /> �nstrument #a tne extent provided in the Security lnstrument and othen►vise permissible <br /> under appficabfe iaws and requirements. <br /> 3. Int�rest Calculation: <br /> In�erest w�11 be calculated at a fixed year�y interest rate of 4:Z��°/o <br /> 4. Ravment Am�unts Time of Pavments And i�latur� Date: <br /> :_ .�.^.,s. _ . - � <br /> a. �orro�nrer acknow�edges and agrees that Barrow�r shall, beg�nning on G1�1���6 <br /> through the Maturity Date, make monthIy payments of U.S. $�52,2�1 for principal and <br /> interest and sha�l continue to make such payments in accordance with the�erms and <br /> conditions s�t forth in the Loan Dvcum�nts untii the Mod�fied Principa! Balance �s <br /> paid in full. <br /> b. An escrow account has been estabI�shed under th�t�rms and canditions �f the Loan <br /> aocuments. Bnrrow�r �vi11 make an escrow �ayment each manth on each payment <br /> due date. The escrvw payment current�y is $379,93 per month, wh�ch is subject ta <br /> change depending on the amounts attributable to taxes, �nsurance and other escrow <br /> items. The present comb�ned �onthly Payment and Escrow Payment wil! be <br /> $�32.�4. The escrow paym�nt w��l be re-analyzed from time to t�me in accordance <br /> �rvith the terms of�he Loan Do�umen�s to d�termine�he appropriate escrow paymen� <br /> amaunt so �hat taxes, insurance and other escro►nr items may be paid appropriately. <br /> The escrow payment wil� be camb�ned with fhe mnnthly principal and infe�-est <br /> payment amount. <br /> c. The Maturity Date af �he Loan is extended to 51'i12�46. lf Borrower stiil owes <br /> amounts�o Lender nn the ne�nr Maturity Date, Borrov�er wil� pay these amounts in full <br /> an the Matur��y Dafe. <br /> d. Borr�wer acknov�r�edges that any monies paid in excess of the payment amounts set <br /> forkh in the Payment Schedule under#he Loan Madification Trial Plan Agreement vv�i! <br /> not be appiied to the �oan until affier �his Loan Modification Agreement becom�s <br /> effecfiive, at which time any monies paid in excess of the payment amaunts requ�red <br /> �o be pa�d as se� forth in the Loan Modification Trial Plan Agreemen� will be appl�ed <br /> to�he loan in accordance with the Laan Dacuments. <br /> 5. Acknow�ed ment of Pre-Exist�n Conditions to Loan Modification: <br /> The Bor�o►rver acknow�edges and agr�es th�s Loan Mad�ficat�on Agreemen� is sub�ect <br /> to the following, cond�tions, which mus� ex�s� at the t�me the Laan Modification <br /> Agreement is executed: <br /> Borrower�nitia�Lines <br /> �.� <br /> Page 3 of the Loan Mad�f�c2�tivn Agreement �Pleas�add the appropria�e number❑f initiallines for each <br /> �rder Number:'�D(�?803'! signatory o�er 4 <br />