, 2� 1 ��38�8
<br /> Payr�ent of Pr�n�ipa�and Inter�st; �ther G�arg�s.Barrawer sha�l prQm�atly pay vvhen due���e princ�pa�of and
<br /> in�erest�n�he d�ebt o�ved under th� �ontrac�and late charges ar any ather fees and charges due ux�der�he��n�ract.
<br /> Applicab�e �a��. As used in �his 5ecuri�y Ins�rument, �he term "Appl�cable Lativ" shall mean ��� cfln�.rolling
<br /> appl�cabl� f�dex�a�, s�ate and �o�a1 s�a.tutes, regulations, ordinances and adm�nis�rative ru�es and orders �tha�have
<br /> �he effec�of�aw3 as w�ll as a�I applicab�e fnal,nan�appealable jud�c�a.�ap�n��ns.
<br /> �'harges; Lien:�. Borrov5rer shall pay a�i taxes, assessments, charg�s, f nes and zmpos��ions at�rxbu�a.ble to the
<br /> Pr�per�y Which may atta�n przarit�j�ver th�s Se�ur��y�ns�ru�nent, and leaseho�d payments ar ground rents, if any.
<br /> At the request o:E Lender,��rrower sha�l promp�l�furnish to Lender receipts evzdencing the paymen�s.
<br /> Borr�vver sha�� ��romp�ly discharg� any lien vvhich has prxority over�his Secur��y Ins�rument unless Borrower: �a}
<br /> agrees in writin.g to the payment of the obliga��an secured by �the �zen in a manner accep�at��e �� Lender; �b}
<br /> �an�ests in good fai�h �h� li�n by, �r defends agains� enforcement �f the �i�n �n, 1ega1 �raceed�ngs v►Thich i� the
<br /> Lender's opzn.ifl�� operate �a prev�nt �he er�for�e�nen� af t�a.e ���n; or ��} se�ures from the ho�der of�he l�en an
<br /> agreement sa�is�:actnry�o Lender subard�na�ing�he �ien�o �hzs S�curity Ins�rument. If Lender d��errnines �hat any
<br /> par� af the Prnperty is subj ec�to a ��en vvh�ch may attain priarity aver �his Security�nstrumen�. Lender may give
<br /> BQrrotiver a notic� �dentifying the ��en. B�rro�wer shall satisfy�he �ien�r tak� ane or more of the ac��ons set forth
<br /> ab�ve u��thin �.4 days�f�he giving❑f n�tice.
<br /> Hazard or Prv.pert�InSurance. Boz-rav�er sha1l ke�p the impra�ements now e�.�sting Qr herea�er er�c�ed flr��he
<br /> Praperty insurec�against Ioss by fire,ha2ards�ncluded within th��erm"ex�ended coverage" and�ny�ther hazards,
<br /> includi.n.g floada ar f�oading, f�r wh�ch Lender re�uires insurance. This �nsurance shall be main�ained in �he
<br /> amoun�s and f�r��he periods tha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier prov�ding the insuran�e sha�I be�h�ser�by
<br /> Borro�ver subje��� �o Lender's appr�val which sha�I n�� be unreasonab�y �withheld. If Barra�wer fa�ls t� mair�tain
<br /> covera�;e d�scrib e d abave, Lend�r may, at Lender's �ption, �b�ain �average �o pra�ect Lender's rights �n �he
<br /> Property in accc�rdance v,�z�h sectxan tit�ed Pr�tectiorn of Lender's Ri�hts in the Prop�rty.
<br /> A�� �nsurance pc��icies and rene�vals sha11 be acceptable �o Lender a�d shall include a s�andard m�rtgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall ha��e the righ�ta hoXd�ae policies and rene�rva�s. Zf Lender requires, Borra�wer shall prornpt�y g�ve to
<br /> Lender a�I recei:p�ts�f paxd premiums and rene�ral no��ces. In the event of loss, Borrov�rer sha1l give prompt notice
<br /> �o the�n.sura�ce carrxer and Lende�.Lender may m.ake prQ�f�f Ioss if not made pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender �and Barrower otherw�se agree in vvri�i�g, insurance proceeds shal� be app�ied to res�flrati�� or
<br /> repair of�he Pr�flperty darnag�d, if, in Len�er's sole discretion, �he restora��on or repair is economically feasible
<br /> and Lender`s serurity is nat Iessened. �f, �n Lender's sale discre�iori, the res�aratifln ar repair�s not ecanomi�ally
<br /> feasi�le ar Lend.er's securi�y would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shal�be app�ied�a the sums s�cured by�his
<br /> Securi� �ns�rumen�, vvhether flr no� then d�e, wzth any excess paid tfl Borr��ver. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Prop�rty, or dae�s no�answer vvithin�he number of days prescr�bed by Applicab�e La�v as se�f�r�h in a notice frorn
<br /> Lender�� Borrc�vver tha�the znsur�nc� carr�er has offered�o se�tl� a c�a�m, then Lender may c��Xec�th� insuran�e
<br /> praceeds. L�ndE:r may use the proceeds to rep�xr ar rest�re �he Property or�a pay sums secured b�th�s Security
<br /> �ns�rurnen�,u�hether or not then du.e.The p�r�od af t�me for Borravver�o ansva�r a�set far�h in the no�ice wz��b�gin
<br /> vvhen the nflt�c��s gzve�x.
<br /> Unless Lender�nd Barro�rer otherwise agree in�urit�ng, a�.y appl�ca��on of proceeds�o princ�pal sha��not ex�end
<br /> or pos�pane�he due date af the payments due�.nder the �an�raG�or change�he amount of the�ayn�ents. �f under
<br /> the sectzon tzt�eci Acce�eration; Remed�es, the PraperCy is acquired��Lender, Borrovv�r's righ��o any insurance
<br /> policies and prc�ceeds resul��ng fr�m damage to �he Prapert�r priar t� �he a�qu�sition shall pass ta Len�ier to �he
<br /> extent of the sums secured by�his Security�nstrume�.t immedia�ely prior ta the acquisi�ion.
<br /> Pres�rvation, TVlair�tenance andl Protect�on af the Proper�y; Borrovver's Loan ApplxCat�on; L�aseh��ds.
<br /> B�rrovver sha�� no�des�roy, damage or impair t�e�Prnper�y, a�Iov��he Proper�y to deteriara��, or commat vvaste on
<br /> �he Praperty.Bcrrrower sha��be in default if an�f�rfeitu�e action or pro�eeding,v�rhether�iv��nr cr�m�na�,is begun
<br /> tha� in L�nder's g��d faith j udgm�n� could resu�� in forfei�u.re of th� Prtip erfiy ar atherwise ma�erially�mp air the
<br /> ��en created by this Secur�t� Ins�rument or Lender's security inter�st. Borrov�er may cure such a defau�� and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pra��ded�n se��ion��t�ed Bflrrovv�r's l�xgh� �o Reins�a�e, by caus�ng the acti�n�r proc��ding ta be
<br /> d�smiss�d vvith�.ruling�hat,in Lender's go�d fa�t��d�termination,precludes��rfe�ture of�he Borrawer's interest in
<br /> the Prap�r�y ar o�her material impa�rment af�he l�en crea�ed by this Security �nstrument or Lender's secur��y
<br /> interest.Borrov��er sha�l a�sa be�n defaul��f Borr�vver, during�he�oan app��cat�on process,gave materially false or
<br /> znaccu.rate informa�ti�n or sta�emen�s ta Lender ��r fa��ed to pravide Lender vvith any ma�er�a� �nform.a�ion} in
<br /> connec�ion with the Ioan evidenc�d by the �antract. If th�s Securifiy�ns�rumen�is on a leasehold, ��rro�ver shall
<br /> comply v,���h al�the prov�sions�f�he lease. �f��rro�wer acquires fee ti�le to t.�e Property,the�easeho�d and�he fee
<br /> t���e shaX�nfl�m��rge unless Lender agrees��the merger�n wrz��ng.
<br /> Pr�t��t��n of I��nder's Rights in �he Property. �f Borrower fa��s �o perform the cflvenants and agreemen�s
<br /> contained in thi�� Secur��y�ns�rum�n�, or�here is a legal proceeding�hat may significantl�affect Lender's righ�s in
<br /> �he Properry �sU�Gh as a p�-oceeding �n ban�rupte�y, probate, far candemnation or forfeitiure or �� enforce Iav�rs �r
<br /> regu�ations}, th�,n Lender may do and pay for wha�ever is necessary �a pro�ec� �he �alue of the Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Property. Lender's actions may include pay�ng any sums�ecuared by a li en�hxch has pr�ar�ty
<br /> aver�h�s Securil.y Instrument, app�aring in cour�,paying reasonable a�tarneys`fees ar�d en�ering�n�he Property��
<br /> rnake repa�rs.A;l�hough Lender m�y�ake act�on under�his section,Lender does no�have�o do sa.
<br /> Any amo�n�s �isbursed by Lender under this sectian shall bec�rne addit�onal debt of Borrower secured by �hxs
<br /> S e curity �nstrunzen�. Unies� B orr�wer and Len�er agre e to other terms o f payment, these amoun�s shall b ear
<br /> 9 2004-2015 Cornpliance:�ystems,Inc,8G54-F�46-2015,11.3.�fl98
<br /> Cvnsumer Rea�Estate-Security�nstr�.ament DL2�35 Pa�e 2 of 5 w-ww.cc�rripliancesysterr�s.com
<br />