2� 1 ��38��
<br /> Lender ma�r,at any txme,cvlle�t and hold Funds in an am�unt�a}sufficien#tv p�rmit Lender to apply fhe Funds
<br /> at the time spec�fied under RESPA, and �b) not to exceed�he xnaximum amount a lender can require under RESPA.
<br /> Lend�r shal�es�imate�he amoun#of Funds due an the�asis nf�urrent data and reasana�Ie estima�es of expendifures
<br /> of future Escraw I�ems or o#her��se �n accordari�e wi�h App�icable La�nr.
<br /> The Funds sha11 �e held �n an ins��tu�ion �hase deposits are insured hy a federal agenc�, instrumenta�it�r, or
<br /> entity �inc�uding Lender, �f Lend�r is an ins�itution whase depos��s are so in�ured} or in any Federa�Hame Loan
<br /> Bank. Lender sha11 app�y t�ae Funds �o pay�he Escrv�r�te�ns n❑later than the�ime speci�ed under RESPA. Lender
<br /> sha��not charge Barro�er f�r ho�ding and applying fhe Furids, annua�ly analyz�ng �he�scro�v account, or�erif��ng
<br /> �he Escro�nr�tems, un�ess Lender pays Borrov�er xnteres� �n the Funds and App�icab�e La�permi�s Lender to make
<br /> such a charge. Unless an agreemen�is made�n�r�ting or App��ca�1e La�v requires in#erest to be paid on the Funds,
<br /> Lender shal�nvt�e required t❑pay Bvrro�er any�nteres�vr earnings vn the Funds. B�rrv�ver and Lender can agree
<br /> in�rrit�ng,ho�ever,�hat in�ere��s�all b�paid vn the Funds. Lender sha�l gi�re to Borrov�er,�nrifhout charge,an anrival
<br /> ac�oun�ing of the Funds as requ�red�y RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in escrv�, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha�l account �o Borro�nrer for
<br /> �he excess funds in accordance�vith RESPA. �f�here is a shar�age af Funds he�d in escro�r,as defined under RESFA,
<br /> Lender sha��no�if�r Barro�ver as required by RESPA,and B�rrovver sha��pay to Lender the amount necessa�tv make
<br /> up the shor�age in accordance vvith RESPA, but xn no mor�than 1� mvn�hl� payments. If�here is a defic�ency of
<br /> Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA, Lender shall nofif�Borrovv�r as required by RESPA, and Bvrrov�rer
<br /> shall pa��o Lender�he amvunt necessar�r to make up�he deficienc��n ac�ordance v�ith RESPA, �u�in r�a mvre fhan
<br /> 12 manthly payments.
<br /> Upan paymen�in full of all�uams secured by th�s Securi�y�nstrument, Lender sha11 prompt�y refund�o Borrovver
<br /> any Funds held�y Lender.
<br /> 4. �harges; Liens. Borro,v�rer sha�l pa�r a��taxes, assessments, charges,fines, and imp�sxtions attr�buta�le �o
<br /> �he Praperty which can attain pr�ority aWer this Securit� Ins�rument, leasehv�d payments vr graund ren�s on th�
<br /> Praperty, if any,and Community Assvciatxon Dues, Fees}and Assessmen�s,if any.Tv the exten��ha#these items are
<br /> Escro��#ems, Barro�ver sha��pa��hem in the manner pra�rided in 5ec�ion 3.
<br /> Borra�ver sha�l prvmp���discharge any l�en�nrhich has prinrit�r��rer�his 5ecuri�Instrument un�ess Barro�ver:
<br /> �a} agrees in writing fv�he payment vf the abligation secured by�he ixen in a manner acceptab�e ta Lender, bu�an��
<br /> so �vng as Borra�er is performing such agreemen�; �b� cvn�ests fhe ��en in good fa�th by, vr defends agains�
<br /> enforcement❑f�he lien�n, legal prv�eedings�v�rhich in Lender's opin�vn aperate to prevent fhe enforcemen�of the l�en
<br /> �rhile thase proceed�n�s are pendirig, but on�y un�il such pro�eedings are concluded; or �c} secures from�h� hv�der
<br /> of the�ien an agreemen�sa�isfac�or��o Lender su�vrdina��ng the�ien ta this Securi��nstrument.�f Lender determ�nes
<br /> tha�any part of the Proper�is suhject to a�ien which can attain priority over this Securi#y Instrument, Lender may
<br /> gi�e Borro�rer a no�ice�dent�fying the��en. �LTithin lU days of the date an�nrhich that na��ce is gi�en, Barro�ver sha11
<br /> satisfy the lien or tak� one nr mare of the ac�ivns set farth aba�v� iri this Sec�ion 4.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Barro�er shall keep �he improvemenfs nov� ex�sting vr hereaf�er erected on the
<br /> Prvperty insured against loss b�r fire, hazards incXuded v�ith�n �he �erm "extended caverage," and any other ha2ards
<br /> including, �ut not��m��ed to, ear�hquakes and floods, fvr v�hich Lender requires insurance. Th�s�nsurance shal�be
<br /> maintained�n the amaunts�includ�n�deductib�e�e�rels�and for�he perivds that Lend�r requires.�LThat Lerider requires
<br /> pursuant �v the preceding sentences can �hange during fhe term of the Laan. The insurance carrier pra�iding �he
<br /> insurance shall be�hvsen b�Bvrro�ver sub,�ec�to Lender's righ� t� disapprove Sorro�ver's ch�ice,�vhi�h r�ght shall
<br /> not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Bvrrnwer tv pay, in connec�ion �v��h this Loan, ei#her: �a} a
<br /> one-time charge for flovd znne de�erm�nativn, certificativn ar�d tracking ser�ices; or ��} a one-�ime charge fvr flood
<br /> zone determinativn and certification ser�ices and subsequent charges each tim�remappings ar similar�hanges accur
<br /> �h�ch reasonab�y migh#affect such determ�nation or certifica��on. Borrv�rer shall a�so 1ae responsi��e fvr the pa�ment
<br /> of any fees imposed by the Federa�Emergency Management Agenc�r in cvnnecf�on�ith the re�riev�r of any flood zone
<br /> determina�ion resulting from an vbjec��an by Borro�nrer.
<br /> If Borrvwer fa�ls�o maintain an�of the cnverages de�cribed ahove, Lender ma�a�tain�nsurance co�rerage, af
<br /> Lender's �pfinn and Borrov�rer's expense. Lender is under nv obl�gafion t❑purchase any par�icular t�rp� vr amount
<br /> N E D�TZ Z.F HA �91'i 41'�5 Pa e 5 of'I 3 Dvc►VlagiC a
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