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2� 1 ��38�� <br /> Iristrument. MERS is❑rgan�zed and existing under the 1a�nrs of Dela�rare,and has an address and te�ephvne number <br /> ❑f P.�. Box ����, Flint, MI 485�1-2�2�, tel. �888} G7�WMERS. <br /> �F} "Nate" means the promissory note signed by Bvrrov�rer and dated JU N E 14, Z�1� . <br /> The No�e states that Borrv�nrer v�es Lender T�� H CJ N D R E D :�I G H T T H D U S AN D E I G H T <br /> HUNDRED SI�TY-�SE�TEN AND D�Il�� Do�lars �U.S. $ �OS, 8�7 . �� } <br /> plus interest. Borrfl�nrer has prom�sed ta pa�th�s de�t in regular Periodic Payments and tv pa�r the debt�n fu11 not later <br /> �har� JULY l. ��46 . <br /> �G} "Prnperty"means�he property that is described be�a�under�he heading '"Transfer af Rights in�he Property." <br /> (H} "Laan" means the deb�e�idenced�b�the Note, p�us interes�, late char�es due under the Nate, and a1�sums due <br /> ur�der this Securi�Instrument, p�us��terest. <br /> �I} "Riders"means a��Riders to�his Securi���ns�rumen�tha�are executed by Borro�er. The fvl�owing Riders are <br /> t❑be executed b�Svrro�ver �check bax as applicabXe]: <br /> [] Adj u�table Rate Rider [] P�anned Unit D evelvpment Rider <br /> � �o�.dnminium R.ider � �ther�s} [specif�r� <br /> €J} "App�icah�e Lavv"means a�l con�rvlling appi�ca�le federax,state and Ivca�stafutes, regulations, ardinar�ces and <br /> administratxve ru�es and arders ��hat ha�e the �ffect of lav�r� as v�re11 as a�� applicable f�nal, non-appealable,�udicial <br /> opinions. <br /> �I{) "Commu�r�ity Associatian Dues, Fees,and Assessments"means aI�dues, fees,assessmen�s and a�her charge� <br /> �ha� are impvsed on Borro�ver�r �he Prnperty by a condom�nium associativn, homeo�nrners assaciatian vr sirnilar <br /> argan�zativn. <br /> (L� "Electronic Funds Transfer"means an�r�ransfer af funds, other than a transaction originated��check, draft, <br /> ar s�mi�ar paper ins�rument, �hiCh is init�a��d through an e�ec�ron�c terminal, te�ephanic�nsfrumen�, c�mputer, vr <br /> magnet�c �ape so as to order, �ns�ruc�, or autharXz� a financial institutivn ta de�it or cred�t an acc�unt. Such term <br /> inc�udes, �ut is no� limxted to, paint-of-�aie �ransfers, autvmated �e�ler machine transact�vns, transfers ini�iated b� <br /> telephvne, w�re transfers, and automated clear�nghouse transfers. <br /> �M} "Escraw Items" means#h�se i�ems �ha�are descri�ed in Sec�ivn 3. <br /> �N} "Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds" means an�r ��mpensa��on, sett�ement, av�rard of damages, �r praceeds paid b�an�r <br /> third par�y �o�her than insurance proceeds paid under�he �vverages descr�bed in 5ec��vn 5} for: �i� damage #o, or <br /> destructian of, �he Propert�r; �ii} condemnation or a�her tak�ng of a��ar an�r par�of the Praperty; ����} conve�ance in <br /> ��eu af candemnat�vn; or ��v� misrepresen�at�vns nf, or omiss�aris as �o, the value a�dlor condition of the Praper�. <br /> ��} "Mortgage Insurance"means insurance prvtecting Lender against�he nonpaymen�of, or defaul�on, the Loan. <br /> �P} "Periodic Paynnent" means the r�gular�y schedu�ed amoun�due far �i} principal and interes� und�r the Note, <br /> plus ��i} any amounts under Sec�ion 3 of this Securi��r Instrurnen�. <br /> (Q} "RESPA" means the Real Esta�e Set�lemen� Procedures Act �l� IJ.S.�. §���1 et seq.} and its implementing <br /> regulation, Regu�ation� �1� C.F.R. Part 1 D24}, a� the�r m�ght be amended frvm time to time, or an�addit��na� or <br /> successor legi��ation or regula��vn tha�go�erns�he same subject ma�ter.As used in this Securi�y�nstrumen�, "RESPA" <br /> refers t�al�requ�rements and restric#ians that are�mposed�n regard to a"federally rela�ed mortgage lvan" e��n if#he <br /> Lvan daes nat qua�if�as a "federa�ly re�ated martgage loan" under RESPA. <br /> �R} "Secretary" means the Secreta�-�r of the Un��ed States Depar�men�of Hausing and Urban De�elopxnent vr his <br /> designee. <br /> �S} "5uc�essar in Inter�st nf Borrvvver"means any par��tha�has �aken �xtle �o �he Prvperty, �h�ther or n�t�hat <br /> part�has assumed B�rro�er's a�l�ga�ians under#he Note andlor thi� 5ecuri��nstrument. <br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEED DF TRUST M MERS DoGI'V1agi� � <br /> NE�3DT22.FHA �91'141�5 Page� of�3 www.docmagic.cvm <br /> Vedvt��.fl�a.xml <br />