2� 1 ��3817
<br /> �E�� �F�'���T
<br /> L��n N�: ��I���I 14�' ���r�ti n u��� P�ge�
<br /> �ffeak�in�lu�lin�f�il�r��f�ny��Ilateral da�urr��nt t��r�a��a v�li��nd��rfe�t���a��rif�r Int�r�st�r li�n��t any
<br /> tim��r��f�r an�r�a��rr,
<br /> Ins�lv�n�y. Th��iss�lutiQn�r t�rr�inatl�n�f��rrow��'��r T�u�tar'��xisf�r�r.��s�g�in+�I���fn���,fh�ins�lr+�ncy
<br /> �f��rrawer or Tru�t�r, fh$ �����r�trl���tt �f� r���i��r fQr �n�r �art �f e�rr�w�r's �r Trust�r's �r�p�r��, any
<br /> a�signm�nt��r th� b�n�fit �f c���itors, �ny typ�❑f�r��it❑r v�r�rk❑�#, �r th��omm�nc�m�ni��any p�oc���IFng
<br /> und�r eny��n krupk�y�r ir���lr��r�cy law�hy Qr�gain�t B�rr�wer or Trust�r.
<br /> �r�dltQr�r F�rf�i�ure pr���edin��. ��mm�n��m�r�t��f������su�e❑r f�rt�it�r�pro�eedin�s,wl��th�r by judi�iel
<br /> �r�c���in�, �I�h���� r�p��s�s�i�r, ❑r� �ny ath�r m��h4�, �y an�r �redit�r �f B��r�v��r �r Tr►����� �r �y ��y
<br /> ��v�rnmental ag�r�cy a�ainst a��r pr�perty ���urlr�� tY�� Ind�b#e�fn�s�. This In�lud�s a ��rnishrr��nt �f any af
<br /> Borr�wer'�ar Tru�t❑�'s��c�un#s, in���aolin��1�p�sit a���unts,wi11� Ler�dar. H�v�er���,#f�i�E�r�nt�f a�fault�hall
<br /> r��t��ply if there is a�aad f�it���sp�t�by��rr�w�r Qr Tr��t�r as��the�alidit��r r$�s�r�$bl�r��s�a##�e�I�im
<br /> vti►hi�h l�tl��pa�is of kh��r��rt�r or f���itu r�proc�edir��an�it B�rr�v��r ar T��s#o�giv��L�r�d�r writ��n notl�e�f
<br /> fh��r��itar ar f�rf�itur��r���e�lr���r�d�e��sit��ith Land�r manles or�sur�ty��nd far#h��r��i#�r��f�rF�it+�r+�
<br /> ��flceedin�,ir��n�m��nt��t�rm�n$d b�r Len�er,in it�s�l��is�re#iar�,�s��ir��an ac�equ���r���rve�r bond far tF��
<br /> disput��
<br /> Br����h���#h�r Agr��m�n�. An��r��ch��+��maw�r�r Trust�r ur��e�tl�e terrns�f�ny�tt��r$gr��m�nt b�iw��n
<br /> E��rr�w�r or Trust�r an��.ender ff��t i�r��t t�iri��ied v+�ithin�ny+��a��p�r��d pr��id�d th�r�inr includEn�witho�t
<br /> limk�a#i�n ar�y �gr��r�ent ��nc�rning any ir���bt�dness �r �th�� ��li��tiflr� �f ��rr�vu�r �r Trua#or t� Lend�r,
<br /> wh�th�r e�i�tin�n�w or lat�r.
<br /> Ev�r�ts�qif��#Rn� Cu�rantar. Any�f th� �r�c��in� ever�ts��curs�nrith re�p��:#ta�ny��ara�nt�r�f�ny �f tFte
<br /> Ind�btedt�r�as�r an�r ��ara�#�r�i�s ar��c�m�� ir���rr���t�n#� ar r�v�k�� ��-dlaput�s the �alidity crf, or liebility
<br /> unde�,�ny�ua��nty❑f th�In���t�dn�ss.
<br /> Ad�r�r�� �hange. A m�t�riaf adv�rs��h�r�g� �c�u�� ir� g❑rmv��r'��r Tru�tar's fin�nci�l c�n�Jition, �r Lar�d�r�
<br /> b�li�v��th�prasp��t��p�yrr7�nt�r�perfQrrn�n�Qf th�In�i��tednes�is im�aired.
<br /> In���u riky. Len��r in g����aith beli�v�s it��lf ins��ur�.
<br /> F�f�HT'S AN[�F��I�EC�I�S�N a�Fi�IILT. If�n��r�nt af a�f�ult����rs�n��r this��ed�f Trust,at a�ny tim�thar��ft�r,
<br /> Tru�t��ar L�r�d�r m�y�xer�i��any�n�Qr mar���th�f�ll�in�ri�hts and r�m�di��:
<br /> A�a�l�ra#i�n ll#�n��F�u It;�►�l�i�l�r��l R�m�di��. If arly�ven#�f a�fa�lt��c�ars as��r the t�rms�f tha N�fe
<br /> ���ur�d h�r��y,Lerr��r rrr�r�de�l�r�all I nd��te�n�ss�e�ur���y thi���d�f Tru�t to��due ar��payabl��nd
<br /> the�am�shall th�r�upar�b�r.�me due arr����r��l�v�rithaut�r�y pr�s�rrk�nent,�l�rr�and,�ar�test�r n�tic��f�nyr
<br /> kir�d. Th�reaft�r,L�r���r rri�y:
<br /> �a� Eikh�r in ��r$Qn or�y ag�nt,v+rith�r with�ut bringir�� �r����fi�rr�r pr���e�ing, �r k�y a r��iv�r
<br /> a�p�inte��y a c�urt�nd with�ut���g�r�#�th��d�����y��its���uri#�,enter���n arr�t�ke��s��ssi�n �
<br /> ❑f#h�Pr❑perty,�r�ny p�rt ih�r��f,in it��wn nam��r ir�th�r��rr��of Tru����F�nd�I�any a�ts wni�h it
<br /> d��m�r��c��s�ry or de�l���le#�pr�s�nr�th�r��l��,mark�tability�r r�r�t�t�ili�y af tl��F�r��erty,❑r�par#�f
<br /> ih��raperly❑r int�r��t in th�Pr�p�rty;inc�as�th�in�rr��fr�rn t���r❑perty or pr�#��t th�s��urit��f
<br /> fh� Pr��erty;�nd,v�rith a��i#h�u##�king R�s��s�ion �f th� �ra�ert�, su�f�r�r�tf��rrlvise c�lle�#th�
<br /> rert��,is�ue�ar�� prQfita�f th�I�r�p�rt�,including fh�s�pes#�u��nd ur�pai�,�n�app�y th��am�,I�ss
<br /> ��sts and e�c��n�a��f���r�tian�n�r�ll��ti�n att�rr��y�'f�es,t�any ind�k���dn���s��ur�d by thi��ee�
<br /> �f Tr��t��11 in�u�h �r��r�s L�nd�r ma����t�rmir��, TI���r�tering up�n and taking ��ssession �f#he
<br /> Rrop�r#y,tf����Jd��ti�n�f�u�h r�r�t�, i�su��and �a�afits, and th�ep�lic�tl�r�th�reaf shall n�#�ur��r
<br /> v��iv��r�y��f��It�r n�fic��F���auik und�r th�i�d���l af�r��t�r inv�lid�t��n�r a�t����ir�r�s�on�e t�
<br /> such d�F�uft�r��r�u��#�����h n�ti���f�1�fauit;�n�,notwitl�s#�n�lir��th��rrtlr�uar��e in poss���i�n�f
<br /> th�Prap�rty Qr th���Il�cti�n,re�eipf�nd�pplic�ti�n of r-ent�,issu�s ar pr�fit�,Tr�a�#�or Le�r�er shall
<br /> b��r�titl�d t��x�r�ls���r�ry right pr�v�d�d���ir�th�N�#e or th�R�I�t$d a���rr��r�t�or�#y law���n th�
<br /> ���rr�n���f�ny��r�nt�f def�u It,in�lu�i ir��tf��right f❑�xer�i��th�p�w�r�f s�l�;
<br /> {�} �amm�n��ar���ti�r�t�f�r�e�l���thi�[�����F Trust as a mo�t�a��,a���int�r���iv�r�r���cifi��ll�r
<br /> �nf�r�e�ny Qf th��v�n�nfs h�reaf;and
<br /> ��� a�li�r�r t�Trust���wrikk�r�d��larati�n�f d�f�ult�rrd d�rr��n�f�r�al�an�a writt�r�noti�e�f�J�fault
<br /> an�e���:ti❑n t��au��Tr��#�r's lni�r�si in th�Prap�rty tc�b�s�ld,whi�h r��tice Tr�s#��sh�ll�au��t�b�
<br /> d�ly fll��f�r r��ord in th���prapriaf��ffic�s�f th����unty in�r�i�h th�Pr�p��#y is loca#ed;an�
<br /> ��� W�th r����ct t�all ar an�r part�f the F��rs�n�l pr���rty,L.�nd�r�I���I h�v���I t�e righ��ar�d r�m�di��
<br /> of a s��ur��part�und�r th�N�bra�k�Ur�if�r���m r���i�l��d�.
<br /> Fara�losur�hy F��vu�r�f��l�. If L�n����le�t�#❑f�r�Gl����3r�x�r�f��of the Power�f�al�h�r$Ir�c�r�t�ln��,
<br /> l,�nd�r�half n�tifjf Tr�sf��and��all depasit v�rith Trust��thi�C}e�d�f Tr�i�t�n�tha P��#�and�uch r�c�ipts
<br /> and��i�en�:���x��n�itur�s m�d��r�d���ur���y�hi�[�����f Tr�st a�7`ru�t��may r�quir�.
<br /> ��� l���n r���i�t�f���h n�#i��fr�m L.�nd�r�Trust��shal!caus�t��e recor���,pu�li�h��an���liver�d
<br /> #�Truatar su�h Nati��❑f a�f�uit�nd N�ti���f Sal��s th�n r��uir��b�+I$wv�r�d k��r tl�is a�d�f Trust,
<br /> Tru�f���h�k�, with��t d�mar�� ��Tru�t�r, �fter�u�}� time as rn�y th�n b� r��uired b�+ I�w�nd �ft�r
<br /> r�c�r��ti�n�f s��h N�tJ��❑f��fauif�r���ft�r N�ti���f�ale h�virr���er,�iv�n��r��ul��b�r lav�r,�ell
<br /> th� pr�perly at fh�tirr��and pl��s����I�fix�d�y it ii�s�ch �Ioti���f S$I�, �ilher a�a v�rf��l�, �r in
<br /> s�par�k�'�#�ar��r��l��r iterr��as Tru�t��sf���l���m�xp�e�i�ni,an�in�u�h a�el�t�s f�may d�t�rmin�,
<br /> ��p�k�li�a��iar�t�th�higi���t�idd�r For�a�f�in I��vf�l m�ney�f th�1.1r��f�d�t�tes p�yaf�l��f th�tim�
<br /> �f s�f�. T�u�f���l�all d�liwer t����h p�ir�has�r�r purcha��r�th�r��f i1s�a�d ar�d �uffi�i�nt d��d Qr
<br /> de�ds�onv�yin�tf��pr�party s���I�1, �ut with��t any�v�n�r�t�r uv�rran#y,�x�r�ss�r impli��. The
<br /> recit�l�Rn�u��d����f any matt�rs�r f��t�s�all��car��lusi���r��f of lhe�ru#h#�In���th�r�Qf. �ny .
<br /> p�rsan,in�ludir��w�thout Iimitati4n Trus#�r,Tr�afe�,or L�nder,may pur�f��s�at su�h sale,
<br /> �b� f��r�ay�e permitt�� k��law, afk�r dedu�tin�all c��ts, f����r��i�x�enses af Tr��t�a and��this
<br /> �'na�k,In�ludin��o�ts�f��ri��r����f titl�in��r�r���ti❑i�v�ith sal�,Tr�st��shall apply th�pm�e�is�f��I�
<br /> #�paym�nt�f {i��II s��ns��c}�en�ed under tl��t�rms�f thi���d of Trus#vr�nd�r th�t�rrr���f fh�N�te
<br /> r��#lh�n re��id, in�lu�irr�bu�na#limMt�d t�a��ru�d int�r�st an�lat�char���, �ii��II�th�r s�rn�lhen
<br /> s��ur�al h�r��y,an� �iii�tf��r�ir��Ir��1�r,If�ny,ta th���rsan�r p�r��n�I�gall}r entitled th�r�to.
<br /> {�� Trustee rn�y ir�tha rrr�rtr��r pr�vi���k��i�w po�t��n��ale�f all�r an�+par#i�n��th$Pr�p�rly.
<br /> Rem�c�i�s N�t Ex�l�siv$. Tr�rSl�� and L�nder, ar�� �acl� af tY��m. shall �� �r�tifl�d t� enf�r�� �a�y�nn�n# and
<br /> p�rforrr��n�e�f ar��in���l��ln�s�or�bli��fi�ns s��u���y#�i�a��€�af�`rust arrd#��x�r�is$�Il ri�#�t�ar�d p�wer�
<br /> u�r��r this���d�f`f"rust,ur��l�r th�Not�,u�der�r�y�f tl��R�I�t�d a��urnen#�,�r�n�l�r an�r ot��r a�r�emer�t�r
<br /> �nyr laws n❑w�r h�r��ft�r ir�f�r�;n�lwithstan�ir��,s�m��r�I��f such in��bt�dr��s�and��li��#i�n�s���r�d by
<br /> thi����d��Tr�st ma}nQw�r�er��ft�r���t��rwls���Gu��d,wh�th�r�y m��tgage,€1ee��f krust,pl�d��,li�n,
<br /> assFgnir��n#�r�therwi��. ��ith�r fh�ac�e�tan��af thi� d���flf T�u��r��r i#s �nf�rc�rn�nt,uvh�tl��r��+caurt
<br /> a�ti�n ar��ars�ant t�the p�wer�f s�l����#17�r��wers��nlain�d in thi���ed af Trust,shall�Or�ju�i���r ir�ar�y
<br /> m�nr��r�ff��t Tr�st��'s�r L�nde�'s ri�ht��r��li�����r����nforr.��ny vth�r���urft�r now�r her�aft�r h�l� by
<br /> Trust���r L�nder,it��ir����r����ha#Tr�s#�e�nd L�n��r,and��ch�f t�r��n,shall be�ntitl��fa�r�f�r��thi��e�d
<br />